
  • 网络Medical humanities
  1. 加强我国医学人文素质教育的途径和方法

    Routes and methods of strengthening the medical humanities education in China

  2. 第二部分论述医学人文教育制度的相关概念、意义和作用。

    The second part discusses the medical humanities education system concept .

  3. 基于动物实验3R理论培养医学人文观

    On Cultivating Humanistic Value of Medicine on the Basis of 3R Theory of Animal Experiments

  4. 迎接医学人文学科发展的春天

    MEDICAL SCIENCE Meeting Spring of the Development of Chinese Medical Humanities

  5. 在解剖学教学中开展医学人文素质教育

    Introduction of culture of humanism in medical education into anatomy teaching

  6. 关于医学人文社会科学期刊功能与责任的反思

    Reflection on the Duty and Function of the Humanistic Social Science Magazine

  7. 医学人文素质教育模式的研究和实践

    Study and Practice of Education Model of Humanistic Quality for Medical Students

  8. 解剖教学融入医学人文教育的思考

    Views on the introduction of medicinal humanism into anatomy teaching

  9. 医学人文教育融入护理教学中的思考

    Views on introduction of medical humanism education in nursing teaching

  10. 论新形势下的医学人文素质教育

    Humanistic Quality-oriented Education for Medical Students Under the New Situation

  11. 国外医学人文教育课程计划的特点及启示

    The Characteristic of Curriculum Plan Foreign Medical Humanity Education and Its Enlightenments

  12. 从患者需求分析谈医学人文教育

    Analysis of medical humanism education based on patients ' demand

  13. 中国医学人文、医学职业精神的主要研究议题与制度化决定因素

    The main issues and deciding factors of medical humanism and professional spirits

  14. 医学人文教育:问题、挑战与对策

    Medical Humanistic Education : problems , challenge and countermeasure

  15. 弘扬孙思邈医德思想重振医学人文精神

    Advocating thoughts of SUN Si-miao 's medical morality and improving medical humanistic spirit

  16. 文化自觉:医学人文素质教育发展的价值资源

    Culture Awareness : The Valuable Resource of Humanistic Quality Education Development in Medicine

  17. 从医学人文服务的视角分析医疗投诉

    The Analysis of Medical Complaints from the point of Medical Humanistic Service Status

  18. 试论医德情感在医学人文精神提升中的作用

    The Effect of Moral Emotion of Medical Staff in Promoting Medical Humanism spirit

  19. 把医学人文精神融入临床医学教育

    To Interject Medical Humanistic Spirit into Clinic Medical Education

  20. 关于医学人文精神的追问

    The Examination Minutely about the Humanistic Spirit of Medicine

  21. 当代医学人文精神建构的思考

    Thought about Constituting the Humanism Sprit of Present Medicine

  22. 医学人文精神和医学科学精神的融通

    Combination of Humane Spirit and Scientific Spirit of Medicine

  23. 关于加强医学人文社会科学课程建设的探讨

    On the Enhancing Medical Humanities Social Science Course Constructions

  24. 医科院校合并后的医学人文学科建设

    The Construction of Medical Humanities after the Merger of Medical Colleges into Universities

  25. 放弃独白,构造对话&整体论的医学人文素质教育途径

    Abandon Monologue , Construct Dialogue : the Way of Integrated Medical Humanity Education

  26. 建立基于患者需求分析的医学人文服务

    Provide patient demand - based medical humanistic service

  27. 论医学人文精神的历史走向

    On the Development Tendency of Medicine Humane Spirit

  28. 第二部分介绍医学人文精神的基本原则;

    The second part introduces its basic principle ;

  29. 医学人文精神与整体护理的人文关怀

    Medical Humanism and Humanistic Care of Holistic Nursing

  30. 医学人文关怀在儿科临床实践中的应用

    The Experiences of Medical Humanistic Care in Pediatrics