
  • 网络Management Development;Development Administration
  1. 对于经济结构调整和社会变革而言,管理发展是一个不可或缺的工具。这两方面也是索罗斯基金会(SorosFoundation)关注的重点。

    Management development is an indispensable vehicle for economic restructuring and social change - both at the very focus of the Soros Foundation .

  2. HRM外包业务的出现和发展,是21世纪人力资源管理发展的主要发展趋势之一。

    The emergence and development of HRM outsourcing , is one of the main human resource management development trends in 21 centuries .

  3. 从企业管理发展趋势的需要,加入WTO后的迫切要求,增强企业竞争力重要手段等方面,阐述了在新世纪新形势下建立学习型企业的必要性。

    For the sake of enterprise management development trend after China entered the WTO , as well as to strengthen enterprise competitiveness , the paper demonstrated the necessity to establish emulating enterprises under the new situation in the new century .

  4. 在分析国际社会实施ITQs的状况的基础上,指出了运用已成为国际渔业管理发展的一大趋势;

    Based on analyzing the condition of practising the ITQs in the international fishery community , it points out it is an inevitable trend to adopt ITQs in the international fishery management in the future ;

  5. 吉林油田勘探工程技术监督管理发展方向

    Development Direction of Technical Supervision of Exploration Engineering in Jilin Oilfield

  6. 强化卫生行业管理发展国家卫生事业

    Strengthening Management in Health Field for the Development of State Health Cause

  7. 医院质量管理发展现状与趋势

    Status Quo and Trend of Quality Management in Hospital

  8. 外来手术器械的管理发展中的动能武器

    Management of enthetic surgical instruments The Developing Kinetic Weapons

  9. 美国电子邮件文件管理发展与现状

    The Development and Present Situation about the Document Management of the U.S. E-mail

  10. 我国高校学生社区管理发展进程的回顾和展望

    Review and Prospect on the Development of Students ' Community Management in Chinese Higher Schools

  11. 企业风险管理发展的新趋势

    The New Trend in Enterprise Risk Management

  12. 东非社区管理发展研究所

    East African Community Management Development Institute

  13. 国际金融业风险管理发展的新趋势:综合风险管理

    An New Trend to the Development of Crisis Control in International Finance Business : the Comprehensive Management

  14. 管理发展的存在主义观点

    Management development existential view

  15. 管理发展的工具主义观点

    Management development instrumental view

  16. 信息的安全传输和系统的可扩展性始终是供应链管理发展中的焦点问题之一。

    Secure transmission of information and extensibility of system are key problems in the development of supply chain management .

  17. 作为高校后勤的重要组成部分,物业管理发展快、改革力度大。

    The estate management is the important part of college logistics . It develops fast and reform greatly now .

  18. 因此,研究符合船舶管理发展方向的基于网络的船舶安全质量管理体系的信息化管理系统已经极为迫切。

    Therefore , it is extremely urgent to make more researches on web-based information system of the ship safety and quality management system .

  19. 随着现代物流管理发展,现代物流管理思想为企业所接受,越来越多的企业开始尝试其使用,也对物流自动化系统的开发提出了更高的要求。

    With the development of modern logistics management , more and more enterprises seize the opportunity to explore and use modern logistics management .

  20. 21世纪管理发展的主要趋势就是研究文化在企业发展中的作用。

    It is the function of culture in the enterprise development that formed the major trend of the development of the management in the 21st century .

  21. 现代项目管理发展成为一系列的工作价值观和一种独特的、与传统管理有显著区别的管理哲学。

    Modern Project Management has developed to a series of concept for working value and a unique philosophy of management which has outstanding discrimination to the traditional management .

  22. 巨灾期权是巨灾风险管理发展到一定阶段,保险和金融结合的产物。

    With the rapid development of financial and capital markets , catastrophe option has been created , and this product provides much wide space to diversify catastrophe risks .

  23. 结果:各级医疗机构医院感染管理发展不平衡,市级医院好于区县级,区县级医院好于民营。

    Results : the development of management between different level was uneven . City level hospital was better than district level hospital and district level hospital was better than private hospital .

  24. 企业战略管理发展到今天可以用繁荣来形容,这从大量研究企业战略的文献和战略理论的争鸣中可以看出。

    It can describe with prosperity if enterprise strategic management develops today , this is from the strategic document of plenty of research enterprises with strategic theory contend in can find out .

  25. 伦理经营是企业管理发展的新趋势,是未来企业经营的主要方式,但目前我国企业的反伦理经营行为却日益泛滥。

    Ethic management is the new trend of management in the last few years , it will be the main way of management in the future . But the enterprise non-ethic actions become the most serious problem .

  26. 21世纪管理发展趋势是创新管理的发展,危机管理的兴起,信息管理和知识管理的普及,可持续发展管理的出现。

    The developing trend of the management in the 21st century is the development of the innovative management , rising of the crisis management , popularization of information and knowledge and the appearance of the sustainable development management .

  27. 文章在当前供应链管理发展的基础上,介绍了供应链管理方法之一&快速反应,着重从供应链的角度分析供应链企业实施快速反应的主要策略。

    The paper introduces one of the supply chain management means-the Quick Response ( QR ) on the basis of the development of supply chain management . It emphatically analyzes main tactics of implementing the quick response from the viewpoint of supply chain .

  28. 阐述了PML服务器的运行原理,对其结构和功能进行了分析,设计并开发了PML服务器,大大增加了信息共享的内容,提高了实时性,促进供应链管理的发展。

    The paper describes the principle of a PML ( Physical Markup Language ) server , analyzes the structure and function of the system in detail and designs and develops a prototype PML server .

  29. 目前药品零售连锁企业已经认识到信息化建设对企业日常管理和发展的积极作用,对诸如ERP系统、CRM系统、OA系统等信息管理系统的关注程度日益提高。

    At Present pharmaceutical retail chain enterprises have realized that information technology has an active role on the daily management and development company , and to the information management system such as ERP system , CRM system , OA system , increasing the degree of concern .

  30. 我院药事管理的发展研究

    Study on the development of Pharmaceutical Affairs Management in our hospital