
  • 网络Management regulations;management protocol
  1. 制定和修改建筑物及其附属设施的管理规约;

    To formulate and revise the stipulations on managing the building and affiliated facilities thereof ;

  2. 管理规约的效力不仅应及于业主及特定继受人,同时亦应对物业使用人具有拘束力。

    Management stipulation effect should not only include owners and particular successor , but also include who use the realty .

  3. 后半部分集中论述了自治管理规约对住宅商用的规制。

    In the second part of this chapter , the thesis will mainly discuss the rule of self-rule stipulations on the commercial use of dwelling house .

  4. 承租人保证遵守国家、北京市的法律法规规定以及房屋所在小区的物业管理规约。

    Part B shall act in accordance with all the laws , policies , regulations , and the Deed of Mutual Covenants of Beijing Yintai Centre .

  5. 管理规约为业主自治的自治规则,我国管理规约的制定、变更及废止,应由目前的普通多数决改为特别多数决。

    Management stipulation is the owners ' autonomous rule , its formulate , change and cancellation , shall be borne by the ordinary majority to special majority .

  6. 乙方在签署本合同后,必须遵守《临时管理规约》、物业管理公司对所有业主和租户的有关管理规定。

    After the execution of this Contract , Party B shall comply with The Provisional Management Regulations and other regulations applied to all owners and lessees by the property management company .

  7. 对以管理规约为依据形成的物业管理内部法律关系和以物业服务合同为基础形成的外部法律关系逐个详细分析。

    To manage the statute as the basis for the formation of the internal legal relations and property management service contract with the property formed the basis of detailed analysis of the external legal relations one by one .

  8. 为了兼顾公平与效率,笔者将管理规约分为由建设单位制订的临时公约和业主大会制订的管理规约两种形式。

    In order to give dual attention fairly with the efficiency , the DMC two forms which author divides into the owner joint pledge draws up by the Development organization the temporary joint pledge which and the House-owner convention draws up .

  9. 管理规约是全体区分所有权人,就建筑物及其附属设施的管理、使用与所有关系,在不违反法律禁止性规定的前提下,基于私法自治原则以书面形式制定的自治规范。

    The management terms are all differentiate the owner , on building and ancillary facilities management , use and all relations , in does not violate the law forbid stipulation under the premise , based on civil law autonomous principle by written form formulation autonomous standard .

  10. 文章的作者见到很多把应用系统迁移到云上的挑战,从“安全,到SLA管理,到规约,到担心厂商锁定,到缺乏标准。”

    The authors of the article see many challenges migrating applications to the cloud , from " security , to SLA management , to regulations , to fear of vendor lock-in , to lack of any standards . "

  11. 电力负荷管理终端及通信规约的实现

    The Realization of Power Load Management Terminal and Communication Protocol

  12. 系统达到了设计的运行要求,符合国家电网公司企业标准《电力负荷管理系统数据传输规约》,系统已在某电力公司中得到了良好的应用。

    The system designed accords with the actual requirements and State Grid Corporation standards " Power load management system data transmission protocol " well . It has a favorable application in the actual power companies .

  13. 同时,提出了很多完善建议:从各个方面充分保障成员权人的自治权;健全自治管理机构;强化管理规约的效力等。

    First of all , it is ensure membership right autonomy of person fully from all respects to want , perfect the autonomy management organization at the same time , and strengthen the effect of the management convention .