
ɡuǎn dào fá mén
  • pipeline valve
  1. 介绍了A级管道和A级管道阀门的定义及A级管道阀门检验的规定。

    Introducing the definition of A-level pipeline and A-level pipeline valve as well as regulations of A-level pipeline valve examination .

  2. CFD技术在管道阀门水击计算中的应用

    Application of CFD Method in Calculation of Water Hammer for Pipe Valve

  3. 介绍了中国先进研究堆(CARR)氦气系统的方案调研、工艺流程设计、设备管道阀门布置设计和系统设计难点及特点。

    The scheme , flow design and arrangements of equipment , pipe , valve and the characteristic and technical difficulties of helium system of China advanced research reactor ( CARR ) are introduced in the paper .

  4. 俄罗斯天然气巨头Gazprom公司副主席AlexanderMedvedev说,只要重开管道阀门没有障碍,他们就会恢复向欧盟国家供应天然气。

    The Deputy Chairman of Russia 's Gazprom state gas monopoly , Alexander Medvedev , says delivery of gas to Europe will resume under the condition that no obstacles are created to prevent the reopening of pipeline valves .

  5. 以管道阀门为例,介绍基于CATIA的三维实体装配的基本方法,着重强调装配模型的干涉检验等全过程。

    Some steps and methods about assembling the three-dimensional solid based on CATIA are introduced by taking the case of valve for pipeline . After the virtual assembly , the whole process , such as the clash-check , will be emphasized for the assembling model .

  6. 火电厂管道阀门带压堵漏技术应用分析

    Application of Leak Stoppage Technology under Pressure in Thermal Power Plants

  7. 城镇高压管道阀门及执行机构的选择

    The select of valve enforce equipment for high pressure pipeline in town

  8. 长输管道阀门位置的优化

    Position Optimization of Valves in Long Distance Transmission Pipeline

  9. 灰水系统管道阀门损毁原因分析与对策

    Reasons for Damage of Pipings and Valves in Ash Water System and Adoption of Preventive Measures

  10. 高品质不锈钢的管道阀门,无缝焊接的连接口,以保证绝对的气体密闭性和管道系统的耐用性。

    High quality stainless pipe valve and seamless welded joint can ensure absolutely air conurbation and durability of pipe system .

  11. 展出产品包括:管道阀门、机械配件、汽车配件、五金及体育器材等。

    Exhibition products includes Pipe Valves , Machinery accessories , Automobile Motorcycle fittings , Hardware fittings and Sports equipments accessories etc.

  12. 对于通腐蚀性介质的大型管道阀门,在低压时采用线性蝶阀,高压下降时采用球阀。

    For valves on large lines with corrosive media , use lined butterfly valves for low pressure and ball valves on higher pressure drops .

  13. 利用单根管道阀门关闭的水击问题的仿真计算对改进模型的效果进行了验证。

    Corroboration of our model ′ s modified effectiveness is given by the simulated results of the water hammer of a single pipe after valve closure .

  14. 乌克兰说,他们被迫动用天然气储备来维持管道阀门被关闭前向欧洲的顾客运送天然气所必需的压力。

    Ukraine says it had been forced to use reserves to maintain the pressure needed to move gas to European consumers before the valves were closed .

  15. 经模型研究表明:渗滤液的自由排泄可使场内水头降低;若关闭下游渗滤液管道阀门,则在场内将造成较高的渗滤液水头。

    The simulation of the model suggests that the drainage of leachate at the downstream have strong effect on the leachate head inside the landfill site .

  16. 电动执行器在现代化工业生产过程中得到广泛应用,它是石油化工、电力系统领域管道阀门控制的重要装置。

    Electrical actuator plays an important role in modern industrial production process . It is an important equipment of driving and controlling valve in petrochemical industry , power system control area .

  17. 容器阀、选择阀、单向阀等管道阀门作为二氧化碳系统中的主要组成部分,它们的结构和性能对二氧化碳灭火系统的设计和正常运行起到重要的作用。

    Container valves , selector valves , check valves are the significant parts of carbon dioxide extinguishing system , their structure and function is important for designing and running carbon dioxide extinguishing system .

  18. 这个标准涵盖用于制造塑料管道、阀门和连接件的PVC和CPVC材质部件。

    This standard covers PVC and CPVC compounds used in the manufacture of plastic pipe , valves , and fittings .

  19. 正常生产PTA时,部分管道、阀门、机封、法兰发生泄漏,可以进行带压堵漏。

    Some part of pipeline , value , machine sealing and flange may happen to leak during the normal production of PTA plant , so the leaking stoppage with pressure technique can be used .

  20. FDP3型三相恒功率电热带与FDP2型单相恒功率电热带一样,能用于解决管道和阀门等的防冻和保温。

    FDP3 three-phase constant watt heating cable provides frozen-prevention and temperature-maintenance of pipelines and valves which is same for FDP2 single-phase constant watt heating cable .

  21. 铸石材料在管道和阀门中的应用

    Application of cast stone material in the piper line and valve

  22. 特种设备压力管道元件阀门制造许可新规定

    New license for manufacturing valves for pressure piping elements made by special equipments

  23. 酶制剂工厂中管道和阀门的设计

    Design of Pipe and Valve in Zymin Plant

  24. 石化管道场站阀门泄漏原因分析与对策

    Cause Analysis of Leakage Occurred in Valves Used in Gas Station and Protection Measures

  25. 解决了管道、阀门等内部空间隔离的问题。

    The inflatable closure plug solves inner air isolation problems of pipelines and valves .

  26. 热电厂蒸汽区域冷水管道和阀门防腐蚀问题探讨

    Discussion on Anticorrosion Problems of Cold Water Pipes and Valves in Steam Zone of Heat Power Plant

  27. 关于城市地下天然气管道、阀门井泄漏原因及对策

    Discussion on the Reason of Leakage and Its Countermeasures in the Underground Natural Gas Conduit and Valve-well

  28. 介绍了陶瓷作为原材料用于制作管道、阀门的不可替代的优点;

    The advantage and recommendation of ceramics for making pipe and cock as raw materials are introduced .

  29. 应绘制燃烧器管道和阀门单线图或模型,并由公司批准。

    Burner piping and valve isometric or model shall be developed and shall be subject to company approval .

  30. 在硅烷设施中,所有的气体管道,阀门和功能性组件都要贴上标签,说明它们的用途。

    All gas lines , valves and functional components should be labeled to indicate their use in silane service .