
chù jiāo
  • aground;split on;run (up) on rocks;run on rocks;strike a reef;pile up
触礁 [chù jiāo]
  • (1) [pile up]∶船只在航行中碰上暗礁

  • (2) [run (up) on rocks]∶比喻陷入危险的境地

触礁[chù jiāo]
  1. 我不会袖手旁观,眼看公司因为一个女人的一意孤行而触礁

    I refuse to stand by and see the company allowed to run aground because of one woman 's wilfulness .

  2. 海上消失(抑或重现)SS贾西姆号,一艘玻利维亚的货运渡船,在苏丹海岸外的温盖特暗礁处触礁沉没。

    Lost ( and Found ) at Sea The SS Jassim , a Bolivian cargo ferry , ran aground and sunk on the Wingate Reef off the coast of Sudan in 2003 .

  3. 船触礁把船舷撞扁了。

    The side of the boat was staved in when it hit the rocks .

  4. 那条船触礁了。

    The boat was thrown onto the rocks .

  5. 我们的船触礁沉没。

    Our boat foundered on a reef .

  6. 总理选择了苦苦执行可能使他的联合政府触礁的政策。

    The Chancellor has opted to plough on with policies that could run his coalition on to the rocks .

  7. 轮船触礁沉没。

    The ship struck against the rocks and sank .

  8. 那艘船在进港时触礁了。

    The ship struck a rock at the entrance .

  9. 船触礁了。

    The ship struck a rock .

  10. 两人的婚姻触礁了。

    The couple 's marriage ran into trouble .

  11. 然而几个月前,我和Facebook的关系触礁了。

    Then a few months ago , my relationship with Facebook hit bottom .

  12. FTA在船舶触礁事故中的应用

    Appliance of FTA to Strike on a Rock Accident of Ship

  13. 雷曼触礁的这个月,多数全日制MBA和法律课程已经开课。

    Lehman has hit the buffers in the very month that most full time MBAs and law courses are starting .

  14. 歌诗达协和号由嘉年华公司(CarnivalCorporation)的子公司负责运营,在托斯卡纳的吉利奥岛附近触礁时船上载有3200名乘客和1000名船员。

    The Concordia , operated by a subsidiary of Carnival Corporation , was carrying 3,200 passengers and 1,000 crew when it struck rocks off the Tuscan island of Giglio .

  15. Sirens(塞壬),人面鸟身的海妖,会用她们天籁般的歌喉诱惑过路的航海者而使航船触礁沉没。

    Sirens were bird-women who lived by the sea and would use their magical voices to lure sailors to their deaths .

  16. 那条船及船员都触礁遇难了。

    The ship and its crew were lost on the reef .

  17. 船只触礁,不一会便沉没了。

    The ship struck upon a rock and soon went under .

  18. 各种计算方法用于船舶搁浅(触礁)计算的准确性。

    The accuracy of various methods to study ship grounding .

  19. 她把婚姻的触礁归咎于他。

    She blamed the failure of their marriage on him .

  20. 我早就担心你们俩会感情触礁了。

    Oh , I was worried you two wouldn 't make it .

  21. 但她与小希尔顿的婚姻不久触礁。

    But the marriage to Conrad hiiton quickiy went sour .

  22. 大家知道他的婚姻已触礁了。

    His marriage was known to be on the rocks .

  23. 此后不久,金融机构接二连三地出现触礁。

    Shortly thereafter , financial institutions hit the skids in rapid succession .

  24. 在你出现之前我的家庭就触礁了。

    My home was wrecked well before you came into the picture .

  25. 许多艘船只都触礁毁坏了。

    Many a ship has been wrecked on those rucks .

  26. 许多触礁的恋爱关系都以分手告终。

    Many relationships that are on the rocks end in a break-up .

  27. 砂质内碎屑微晶灰岩船触礁撞得支离破碎。

    The boat was torn asunder on the rocks .

  28. 他们坚信我是因为异性婚姻触礁,所以才堕落到去选择一段同性恋情。

    They believe I 've'degenerated'into same-sex love because of troubles in the marriage .

  29. 比伯&赛琳娜爱情触礁?

    Love On The Rocks For Justin And Selena ?

  30. 那条船连同全体船员都触礁遇难了。

    That ship and all hands on board were lost on the reef .