
yù xiǎn xìn hào
  • Distress signal;distress call;SOS;GMDSS;emergency/distress signal
  1. 船长:货舱内货物移动。通过甚高频播发遇险信号。

    Master : Cargo shifting in the hold ! Broadcast a distress call on VHF .

  2. 目前还不清楚船下沉的原因,没有收到遇险信号,该中心表示。

    It was not known what caused the ship to sink and no distress call had been made , the center said .

  3. 这艘船点起了遇险信号以引起海岸警卫队的注意。

    The ship sent up distress flares to attract the attention of the coastguard .

  4. “菲蓝特”的船员接收到了“无畏者三号”游艇发出的遇险信号。

    The crew of Philante picked up a distress signal from the yacht Sans Peur III.

  5. 国际通用的莫尔斯电码遇险信号SOS。

    The international morse code distress signal , S.O.S.

  6. 例如∶TNT、炸药或鱼雷,遇险信号、保险丝发火器,信号弹、导火线、某些类型烟花等。

    TNT , Dynamite or Torpedoes , Distress signals , Fuse igniters , Ammunition for hand weapons , for signals , Safety Fuses , certain types of Fireworks , etc.

  7. Donetsk处理紧急事件的官员说,在飞机发出遇险信号两个小时之后,当地居民发现了飞机尾部及飞机其他部位的燃烧碎片。

    The plane 's tail section and other burning debris were found by local residents just over two hours after the plane sent the distress signal , a Donetsk emergency official said .

  8. 8月13日,卡塔尔航空一架班机播报出遇险信号“Mayday”,但该吉祥航空机长拒绝接受塔台指令、为前者腾出空位。

    On Aug.13 , the Juneyao Airline captain refused to take the orders from the tower to make way for a Qatar Airways jet that broadcasted a distress signal " Mayday " .

  9. 看到地平线上出现一只船,我们连忙升起遇险信号旗。

    Seeing a ship on the horizon , we ran up a flag of distress .

  10. 发遇险信号以便识别。

    Give distress signals for identification .

  11. 遇险信号和确定船位系统

    Distress alerting and locating system

  12. 船长发现船在迅速下沉时就命令船员发了遇险信号。

    When the captain found the ship was  sinking rapidly ,  he ordered  his men to send out a distress signal .

  13. 赫斯曼强调说,驾驶舱内的机组人员事发前没有发出遇险信号。机组成员原本应该能够依靠地面上和飞机上的着陆辅助系统建立一条降落通道,安全到达跑道的起点处。

    Ms. Hersman stressed that there was ' no prior distress call ' from the cockpit crew , which should have been able to rely on both ground-based and onboard landing aids to ' establish an approach path ' to safely reach the beginning of the runway .

  14. 我们一接到他们遇险的信号,我就带着我的营救队上去了。

    I took my rescue team up as soon as we received their distress signal .

  15. 降落伞遇险火箭信号

    Parachute distress rocket signal

  16. 麦格雷戈在接受采访时表示:事故发生后,格雷厄姆立刻发出遇险无线电求救信号,启动了应急无线电示位标,但他们立刻需要弃船逃生。

    As the incident happened Graham sent a radio distress call and activated the EPIRB ( a GPS beacon ) but they were immediately forced to abandon ship , McGregor said in an interview .