
jìn yīn
  • proximate cause;recency;immediate cause
近因 [jìn yīn]
  • [proximate cause] 直接起作用的原因

近因[jìn yīn]
  1. 论近因效应与品牌危机的应对

    On the Immediate Cause Effect and Brand Crisis

  2. 而近因原则是指危险事故的发生与损失结果的形成,须有直接的后果关系,保险人才对发生的损失补偿责任。

    And the formation that immediate cause principle is the happening that points to dangerous accident and loss result , must have immediate sequential concern , insurance talented person compensates responsibility to the loss that produce .

  3. 近因主要包括病毒感染、免疫紊乱和神经、内分泌变化。远因因素的综合作用诱发了近因的产生,神经内分泌免疫网络紊乱,是导致CFS发生的主要模式。

    Direct factors mainly contain virus infection , immune function disorder and neuro-endocrine disturbance .

  4. 为了理解这个问题的重要性,需要考虑社会科学中有关“近因偏差”(recencybias,又称近因效应)的研究发现。近因偏差是指:人们在判断事物发展趋势时,会认为未来事件将会和近期体验高度类似。

    To understand why this matters , consider the findings from social science about ' recency bias , " which describes the tendency to assume that future events will closely resemble recent experience .

  5. 结果与CFS发生呈显著正相联系的远因因素有8项,近因因素有5项,而且近因因素对CFS的发生作用更大。其中外界因素的影响最为重要。

    Result It was found that there were 8 indirect factors and 5 direct factors related with the onset of CFS , and the direct factors played a more important role in the development of CFS , as compared with the indirect factors .

  6. 他们对前摄抑制、后摄抑制、近因效应等进行了探索和解释。

    They researched retroactive inhibition , proactive inhibition and primacy effect ;

  7. 首因效应向近因效应转换的实验研究

    A research on the shift from primacy effect to recency effect

  8. 海上保险近因原则下的举证问题;五、近因原则对我国海上保险的意义。

    Identification of principle of Proximate Cause in marine insurance ;

  9. 论海上保险的近因原则

    On the Principle of Proximate Cause for Marine Insurance

  10. 本次复苏的“近因”是传统性的。

    The proximate causes of this recovery are traditional .

  11. 词频、易接近性和词表序列成分对近因效应影响的实验研究

    The Influence of Word Frequency , Accessibility and List Composition on Recency Effects

  12. 论保险法的近因原则

    On the Principle of Proximate Cause in Insurance Law

  13. 海上保险近因原则研究

    On the Principle of Proximate Causation in Marine Insurance

  14. 近因竟然是瘾君子为了提高快感吗?

    That-that all this is about getting higher ?

  15. 线索回忆分测验也表现出明显的系列位置效应,但最后的总测验没有出现负近因现象。

    But negative recency effects were absent in the final overall cued & recall tests .

  16. 检察官必须证明被告的行为是造成伤害的近因。

    The public prosecutor must prove the defendant 's act was the proximate cause of the injury .

  17. 在很多法律规定下,该重罪必须是导致死亡的近因。

    Under a number of statutes , the felony must be a proximate cause of the death .

  18. 论近因理论在我国船舶碰撞法律原因分析中的应用

    Study on Proximate Cause Theory and Its Application on Analysis of Legal Cause about Collision of Ships in China

  19. 近因原则是在海上保险中索赔理赔阶段应当遵循的基本原则。

    Principle of proximate cause is the fundamental in the phase of claiming damages and claiming setting for marine insurance .

  20. 这一现象被认为是近因效应(或近期偏差),即一种受近期数据模式过度影响的趋势。

    This phenomenon is known as recency bias , the tendency to be excessively affected by the pattern of recent data .

  21. 近因应当是效果上近接,并独立发挥决定性、支配性作用的原因。我国立法上没有近因原则的表述,这不能不说是一大缺憾。

    Proximate cause ought to be the cause that is approximate to the effect and exerts a decisive and dominative function independently .

  22. 而造成此种情况的既有英国殖民统治所留遗产的远因,又有独立后政府政策偏差的近因,还有印度干预的国际原因。

    This is due to the heritage left over by British colonists , the deviation of governmental policies , and India 's intervention .

  23. 其中包括首因效应、近因效应、晕轮效应、信念固着偏见、刻板印象和虚假一致偏差等几种主要的社会认知偏差现象。

    The social cognition biases mainly include : primary effect , halo effect , belief perseverance prejudice , stereotype and false consensus bias .

  24. 作为判定损失原因的重要原则,近因原则对于确定保险人的赔偿责任、保护保险人和被保险人的合理权益无疑具有极其重要的意义。

    The principle of proximate cause is important to determine the cause of a loss , protecting both the insurers and the insured .

  25. 近因原则是国际保险公认的一项法律原则,但各国理论界对此认识不一。

    The proximate cause is a generally recognized principle of international law , but as to the principle , different countries have different understandings .

  26. 系列位置曲线中首因效应和近因效应性质的分化,取决于项目呈现时间、项目间隔时间和系列包含的项目数。

    The nature of primacy and recency effect depended on the item presentation bine , the interval bine and the item number of the serial .

  27. 因此,在分析了保险法上各种因果关系的判断标准后,建议建立我国保险法上的近因原则,并提出其相应的应用规则以实现其可操作性。

    This paper concentrates on the establishment of the principle of proximate cause and its applying rules in Chinese insurance law after analyzing respective criteria .

  28. 近因原则,作为海上保险法中的一项重要原则,其在保险赔付中的作用不言而喻。

    Principle of Proximate Cause , as an important principle of the marine insurance , it plays a very important role in the indemnity of insurance .

  29. 自传记忆的形成和发展可分为三个阶段:即童年期遗忘、回忆高峰、自传记忆近因期。

    There are 3 stages in the origin and development of autobiographical memory , which are childhood amnesia , the reminiscence bump and recency in autobiographical memory .

  30. 对于遗忘,认知心理学家探讨了短时记忆的遗忘、前摄抑制、后摄抑制、近因效应、首因效应等,这些方面在格式塔心理学中也有充分的体现;

    They discussed forgetting in short-term memory , retroactive inhibition , proactive inhibition , primacy effect and recency effect , which incarnated the research of Gestalt psychology ;