
yì wài shì gù
  • an accident;contingency;a fortuitous accident;unforeseen event or circumstance
意外事故[yì wài shì gù]
  1. 我的朋友在骑马时遭遇意外事故。

    My friend met with an accident while horse riding .

  2. 他在一次意外事故中受了内伤。

    He suffered internal injuries in an accident .

  3. 意外事故发生之前,他已为妻子、儿女做好了经济安排。

    He had already made provisions for his wife and children before the accident .

  4. 每年有5,000人死于家中的意外事故。

    5,000 people die every year because of accidents in the home

  5. 在为意外事故、疾病与失业投保之前一定要考虑清楚。

    Think carefully before you insure against accident , sickness and redundancy

  6. 不管什么年龄都有可能遭遇意外事故和突发疾病。

    Accidents and sudden illnesses are no respecters of age .

  7. 世上没有哪种电子器材能完全避免意外事故的发生。

    All the electronics in the world cannot insure against accidents , though .

  8. 一场骑马意外事故导致他瘫痪。

    A riding accident left him immobile .

  9. 为了避免意外事故,必须经常保持警惕。

    Constant vigilance is necessary in order to avoid accidents .

  10. 这件意外事故使他丧失了生命。

    The accident deprived him of his life .

  11. 他亲眼看见这意外事故。

    He witnessed the accident .

  12. 司机超车抢行常常造成意外事故。

    Accidents are often caused by drivers who try to cut in .

  13. 那次意外事故使我们耽搁了一小时。

    The accident detained us for an hour .

  14. 伤亡名单在火车意外事故的第二天就公布了。

    Casualty lists were published the day after the train accident .

  15. 开车时出现微睡眠状况很可能会导致意外事故的发生。

    The sleeping driver is at very high risk for having an accident during a microsleep .

  16. 发生了一起可怕的意外事故。

    An awful accident has happened .

  17. talkabout:谈论他接着谈到了他的意外事故。

    He went on to talk about his accident .

  18. V形折板屋盖的意外事故分析及其加固工程

    The analysis for accident hazard of V folded plate roof and its reinforced engineering

  19. 目的:通过使用三维定位MRI测量哑门穴进针的安全深度、角度,为临床提供安全针刺深度和角度的参考数据防止意外事故发生。

    Objective : Measuring the secure depths and angles of Yamen acupoint with three-dimensional positioning MRI to provide the reference datas of secure depths and angles for clinic .

  20. 这使AIG成为美国最大的人身保险公司;第二大财产和意外事故保险公司。

    That makes AIG America 's largest life and health insurer ; second largest in property and casualty .

  21. 《一个医生的两难选择》中的医生JamesDillard,在有重要预约的情况下治疗了一个意外事故受害者。

    James Dillard , the physician in " A Doctor 's Dilemma ," helps an accident victim despite serious reservations .

  22. Meckel腔:头颅断层标本与MRI对照研究头颅、胸腔和腹腔除意外事故外,仍属不能切开的禁区。

    Meckel Cave : Comparative Study Between Cadaver Sections and MR Images The head , chest , and abdomen were still sanctuaries not to be opened , unless by accident .

  23. 他在意外事故中虽然幸存下来,但却残疾了。

    He survived the accident , but has a handicap now .

  24. 其他方面因素:体育教学中难以控制的意外事故。

    Other factors : physical education is difficult to control accidents .

  25. 前轴托架降得越低,发生意外事故的危险越大。

    Increased risk of accidents when lowering in the front-axle carrier .

  26. 这个城市的家庭意外事故今年稍有上升。

    Home accidents in the city have increased slightly this year .

  27. 他们是由街上的一件意外事故而互相认识的。

    They were brought together by an accident in the street .

  28. 突然起雾等意外事故,他们决不会迟到。

    Sudden descent of fog , they will be on time .

  29. 我们把意外事故的遇难者送去医院。

    We carried the victims of the accident to the hospital .

  30. 街上发生意外事故时,人们很快就围起来。

    People quickly crowd around when there is a street accident .