
  • 网络Volitional activity;Willensakt;volitional action
  1. 如果没有这种创造性的意志活动。

    If they do not have the will of creative activities .

  2. 同样,尽管意志活动在心灵内被认为是无法解释的冲动,但从显现的公共领域来说,它却表达了人最根本的自由。

    Similarly , though willing was considered as the dim impulsion in human mind , it expresses the fundamental freedom seen from the public space .

  3. 抑郁症主要表现为特征性的情绪低落、思维迟缓、意志活动减退及一些躯体症状,它是人类心理失调最主要和最经常出现的问题之一。

    Depression mainly characterized by in low spirits , thinking slow , activity decline and some somatic symptoms , and it is one of the most important factors and frequent problems of human psychiatric disorders .

  4. 三是它反映着家庭或家族成员私人的意志和活动;

    They reflect the will and activities of some private group .

  5. 但是,如果世界已是它应该那样,则意志的活动将会停止。

    If the world then were as it ought to be , the action of Will would be at an end .

  6. 避险行为作为一种有社会意义的行为,当然应该是人的有意识和意志的活动。

    Acts as a social significance of the act , of course , people should be conscious of the activities and the will .

  7. 自强不息精神应该被视为自幼教育的民族精神,在平日的学习和工作中组织各种磨砺意志的活动,以强化自强不息精神。

    Self-reliance spirit should be considered as the national spirit cultivated from his youth , and through daily study and works Lee improved his will to improve his self-reliance spirit .

  8. 认为“人的需要、利益、情感意志和活动的变化会造成社会规律的变化”的观点否定了马克思主义关于人类社会发展规律客观性的思想;

    The viewpoint on " the changes of human need , interests , emotional consciousness and activities cause the changes of the social rules ", which denies the Marxist thought on objectivity of the rule of social development ;

  9. 心理教育是利用教育的各种途径和方法,提高和塑造学生的各类认知、情感、意志品质的活动过程。

    Psychological education is a kind of activities that use all kinds of methods to improve students ' cognition 、 emotion and will .

  10. 众所周知,合唱是众人共同参与的一项群体艺术,也是一项培养思想和意志统一的活动。

    As we all know , chorus is a group everyone to participate in art , thought and culture is a unified will of the activities .

  11. 那种理论好像是驳不倒的,因为人民意志移交的活动是无法检验的。

    This theory appears irrefutable , just because the act of delegating the will of the people can never be verified , since it has never existed .

  12. 三选型教学模式在体育认识、体育价值观、情感体验、体育意志、体育活动频率、参与体育观赏、体育消费等方面均有利于学生的培养和发展。

    " Three selection sports teaching mode " was more profitable to students ' training and development in aspects of sports consciousness , sports value ,( emotion ) experience , sports will , frequency of sports activity , sports participation and sports ( consumption . )

  13. 在反劫持谈判中,谈判人员须运用正确的心理策略,动之以情、晓之以理、导之以行,以调节劫持者的情感、认知和意志等心理活动,并进而控制其行为,保证谈判活动顺利进行。

    In anti-hijacking negotiations , negotiators must use psychological tactics , appealing to reason , compassion as well as guidance . By adjusting hijackers ' psychological activities such as their emotion , cognition and volition , negotiators can control hijackers ' behavior and secure the smooth going of the negotiation .

  14. 但这又未免有些武断,何以我们单将思维列为一种特殊科学的对象,而不另外成立一些专门科学来研究意志、想象等活动呢?

    It might in that case seem arbitrary to devote a special science to thought , while will , imagination , and the rest were denied the same privilege .