
  • 网络delirium state;delilium
  1. 结果:本组36例CPB术后精神障碍表现为抑郁状态16的,谵妄状态8例、精神分裂样状态2例、神经衰弱综合征10例。

    Results : There were 16 patients with depression state , 8 patients with delirium state , 2 patients with schizotypal state and 10 patients with neurasthenia 's syndrome in 36 patients .

  2. 结果本组CPB术后精神障碍的发生率为3.17%(38/1200),38例精神障碍表现为抑郁状态16例,谵妄状态10例,神经衰弱综合征9例,精神分裂样状态3例。

    Results After operation , the occurrence of mental disorder was 3.17 % ( 38 / 1200 ) . There were 16 patients with depressed state , 10 patients with delirium state , 9 patients with neurasthenia 's syndrome and 3 patients with schizotypal state .

  3. 结论提示癌症伴发精神障碍最常见的诊断类型是适应性障碍、疑病症、人格改变和谵妄状态,并影响其预后。

    Conclusion These finding indicate that adjustment disorder , hypochondria , personality , disorder and organic psychosis ( delirium ) were most common types of psychiatric disorder in cancer patients , and influenced the prognosis .
