
  • 网络Manic episode;mania episode
  1. 方法:60例躁狂发作病人分为2组,托吡酯组30例给予托吡酯,开始剂量25mg·d-1,2wk内逐渐增加至100~400mg·d-1;

    METHODS : Sixty inpatients with manic episode were divided into topiramate or carbamazepine group . Thirty patients of topiramate group were treated with topiramate 25 mg · d - 1 at first , then increased gradually to 100 ~ 400 mg · d - 1 for 6 wk .

  2. 方法将符合CCMD-3躁狂发作或分裂情感障碍诊断标准的68例研究对象随机分成两组,研究组应用奎硫平合并碳酸锂或丙戊酸钠,对照组单一使用碳酸锂或丙戊酸钠,治疗观察6周。

    Methods : The 68 patients meeting criteria of manic episode or schizoaffective disorder in CCMD-3 were randomly divided into studying group ( combination of quetiapine and lithium or valproate ) and control group ( single using of lithium or valproate ) and observed for 6 weeks .

  3. 方法:使用90项症状清单(SCL-90)和明尼苏达多相个性调查问卷(MMPI)评定有精神病性症状躁狂发作患者的父母46例,并将评定结果与中国常模比较。

    Methods : The psychiatric symptoms and personality features of the parents of patients with psychotic mania were evaluated with the Symptom Checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ) and the Minnesota Multiple Personality Inventory ( MMPI ) .

  4. 鲍德温的老朋友们都知道他和心理疾病作战的惨痛经历:住院治疗;躁狂发作;抑郁;以及极具破坏力的焦虑&两年前,他甚至在好市多(Costco)的停车场里无法下车。

    Mr. Baldwin 's longtime friends know about his harrowing battles with mental illness : The hospitalizations . The manic episodes . The depression . The anxiety so crippling that two years ago , at a Costco parking lot , he couldn 't get out of the car .

  5. 奥氮平合并碳酸锂治疗躁狂发作临床对照研究

    Comparative Study of Olanzapine Combined with Haloperidol for Manic Episode

  6. 在这12个月的时间框架中所唯一的例外是躁狂发作和精神分裂症谱系疾病。

    Exceptions to the12-month time frame were manic episode and schizophrenia spectrum disorder .

  7. 碳酸锂合并奋乃静治疗有精神病性症状躁狂发作的疗效

    A randomly open-labeled trial of treating psychotic mania with lithium salt combined with perphenazine

  8. 卡马西平治疗躁狂发作的临床实用性观察与评价

    A study on clinical practicality observation and evaluation in carbamazepine treatment of manic episode

  9. 双相Ⅰ型障碍躁狂发作患者血浆孤啡肽水平的初步测定

    A Preliminary Study of Orphanin FQ in Bipolar ⅰ Disorder Patients with Manic Episode

  10. 躁狂发作患者父母心理健康状况与人格特征的调查

    An Investigation on Mental Status and Personality Traits of the Parents with Psychotic Mania

  11. 托吡酯与卡马西平治疗躁狂发作的疗效比较

    Topiramate vs carbamazepine in treatment of manic episode

  12. 丙戊酸钠与卡马西平治疗躁狂发作临床观察

    A control study of sodium valproate and carbamazepine in the treatment of manic episodes

  13. 高中的第一半学期是躁狂发作的艰难时期,

    The first half of high school was the struggle of the manic episode ,

  14. 住院躁狂发作患者攻击行为的危险因素的研究

    A Study on Risk Factors of Aggressive Behaviour in the Inpatients with Manic Episode

  15. 丙戊酸镁缓释片与碳酸锂治疗躁狂发作的对照研究

    Comparision of magnesium valproate sustained release tablets and lithium carbonas in treatment of manic episode

  16. 奎硫平治疗躁狂发作以及分裂情感障碍的临床对照研究

    Clinical Comparing Study of Quetiapine in The Treatment of Patients With Manic Episode or Schizoaffective Disorders

  17. 目的:探讨有精神病性症状的躁狂发作患者父母的心理健康状况及人格特征。

    Objective : To explore mental status and personality traits of the parents of patients with psychotic mania .

  18. 结论碳酸锂合并利培酮口服液是治疗躁狂发作安全有效的药物。

    Conclusion Lithium combined with risperidone oral solution is safe and effective in the treatment of mania episode .

  19. 目的比较丙戊酸钠联合奎硫平与联合氟哌啶醇治疗急性躁狂发作的疗效及安全性。

    Objective : To explore the efficacy and side effects of lithium carbonate with sodium valproate in the treatment of acute manic episode .

  20. 目的:评价氯硝西泮与卡马西平对锂盐治疗无效的躁狂发作的疗效和副反应。

    Objective : To evaluate the efficacy and side effects of clonazepam and carbamazepine in the treatment of manic episodes refractory to lithium carbonate .

  21. 结论奎硫平联合碳酸锂治疗急性躁狂发作疗效肯定、安全性高、依从性好,是治疗急性躁狂发作较好的选择方案。

    Conclusion Quetiapine plus lithium has better curative effect , higher safety and well compliance and is a better selection in the treatment of acute mania .

  22. 结论碳酸锂合并小剂量奋乃静治疗有精神病性症状的躁狂发作临床疗效优于单一大剂量奋乃静治疗且副反应相对少见。

    Conclusion : Mood stabilizer lithium salt combined with low dosage of typical antipsychotics perphenazine showed a better efficacy and tolerability than high dosage of perphenazine alone in treating patients with psychotic manic episode .

  23. 结论奥氮平快速镇静疗法和氟哌啶醇肌注治疗对急性躁狂发作患者的兴奋激越症状均有很好疗效,两组疗效大致相当,但前者在安全性方面更有优势。

    Conclusion It is suggested that the rapid tranquilization strategy of olanzapine and haloperidol injection have both good efficacy in the treatment of acute manic episode , and the strategy of olanzapine has better safety .

  24. 他被安置在一个精神病院,在这里他经历过躁狂期发作、幻想、妄想。

    He was placed in an asylum where he experienced manic episodes , visions , and paranoia .

  25. 心、肝之气易虚易实则引致郁与躁狂交替发作。

    The easy deficiency , suficiency of vital energy is heart and liver causes attack of despondent and maniacal symptoms .

  26. 刺五加对青少年双相障碍抑郁发作的随机双盲对照研究躁狂抑郁症患者抑郁与躁狂交替发作。

    A Double-blind Randomized Clinical Study of Acanthopanax in the Treatment of Adolescent Patients with Bipolar Depression ;

  27. 方法:对59例躁狂、轻躁狂和混合躁狂发作的患者单用或合用托吡酯治疗6周,评价疗效及副作用。

    Method : 59 patients with mania , hypomania and mixed episode were treated openly with TPM for 6 weeks .

  28. 躁狂抑郁性精神病最常见的临床表现,是抑郁状态与躁狂状态之交替发作;

    The common clinical manifestation of maniacal despondent mental diseases is attack of despondent and maniacal condition in turn .