
zào kuáng
  • mania;maniac
躁狂 [zào kuáng]
  • [maniac] 浮躁轻狂

躁狂[zào kuáng]
  1. 结论CNV和指令信号后负变化等指标有助于鉴别躁狂相与抑郁相。

    Conclusions CNV has some value in differentiating mania and depression .

  2. 开药方来控制病人的躁狂的阶段。

    Prescribed drugs to control the patient 's periods of mania .

  3. 而抑郁相组中有12.7%患者出现低波幅脑电图,而躁狂相组则无,均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    However , there was a low amplitude EEG in 12.7 % of depressive phase patient , whereas no one was observed in manic phase patient , and there was a significant difference between the two group ( p < 0.05 ) .

  4. 目的探讨躁狂抑郁症患者闭眼眼球活动(CEM)的特征。

    Objective The purpose of this study was to search the feature of closed eye movements ( CEM ) in manic depressive patients ( MD ) .

  5. 卡马西平(Carbamazepine,CBZ)是杂环类(亚氨基二苯乙烯)广谱抗癫痫药,具有抗外周神经痛、抗躁狂抑郁、抗利尿及抗心律失常等作用。

    Carbamazepine is a heterocyclic ( iminodiacetic styrene ) broad-spectrum antiepileptic drug , and has the role of anti-peripheral nerve pain , anti-manic-depressive , anti-diuretic and antiarrhythmic .

  6. 方法:使用90项症状清单(SCL-90)和明尼苏达多相个性调查问卷(MMPI)评定有精神病性症状躁狂发作患者的父母46例,并将评定结果与中国常模比较。

    Methods : The psychiatric symptoms and personality features of the parents of patients with psychotic mania were evaluated with the Symptom Checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ) and the Minnesota Multiple Personality Inventory ( MMPI ) .

  7. 目的:分析长期服用锂盐对中枢神经系统ERK1/2信号传导通道活性以及Bcl2家族蛋白表达的影响,探讨锂盐治疗躁狂抑郁症作用的可能分子机制。

    Objective To investigate the effects of chronic in vivo lithium administration on ERK-1 / 2 signal pathway and the expression of Bcl-2 family proteins , and to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effects of lithium on the manic depression .

  8. 结论:长期服用锂盐激活中枢神经系统ERK1/2信号传导通道,调节中枢神经系统Bcl2家族蛋白表达,这些作用可能与锂盐抗躁狂抑郁症的作用有关。

    Conclusion Chronic in vivo lithium administration activates ERK-1 / 2 signal pathway and regulates the expression of Bcl-2 family proteins in the central nervous system , which may associate with the therapeutic effects of lithium in the treatment of manic depression .

  9. 方法:60例躁狂发作病人分为2组,托吡酯组30例给予托吡酯,开始剂量25mg·d-1,2wk内逐渐增加至100~400mg·d-1;

    METHODS : Sixty inpatients with manic episode were divided into topiramate or carbamazepine group . Thirty patients of topiramate group were treated with topiramate 25 mg · d - 1 at first , then increased gradually to 100 ~ 400 mg · d - 1 for 6 wk .

  10. 鲍德温的老朋友们都知道他和心理疾病作战的惨痛经历:住院治疗;躁狂发作;抑郁;以及极具破坏力的焦虑&两年前,他甚至在好市多(Costco)的停车场里无法下车。

    Mr. Baldwin 's longtime friends know about his harrowing battles with mental illness : The hospitalizations . The manic episodes . The depression . The anxiety so crippling that two years ago , at a Costco parking lot , he couldn 't get out of the car .

  11. 方法将符合CCMD-3躁狂发作或分裂情感障碍诊断标准的68例研究对象随机分成两组,研究组应用奎硫平合并碳酸锂或丙戊酸钠,对照组单一使用碳酸锂或丙戊酸钠,治疗观察6周。

    Methods : The 68 patients meeting criteria of manic episode or schizoaffective disorder in CCMD-3 were randomly divided into studying group ( combination of quetiapine and lithium or valproate ) and control group ( single using of lithium or valproate ) and observed for 6 weeks .

  12. 双情感稳定剂快速缓解躁狂症状的对照研究

    A comparative study of double mood stabilizers in treating manic symptoms

  13. 躁狂抑郁症患者安静状态下的闭眼眼球活动

    Closed eye movements in a calm state in manic depressive patients

  14. 轻度躁狂和躁狂患者的人际及职场关系,通常一团糟。

    Hypomanics and manics generally have chaotic personal and professional relationships .

  15. 认为卡马西平是一种安全、可靠的抗躁狂药物。

    Accordingly , carbamazepine is considered as a reliable antimanic measure .

  16. 约翰·加特纳写过这本名叫“轻度躁狂边缘”的书

    John Gartner wrote this book called " The Hypomanic Edge "

  17. 目的调查住院躁狂和抑郁症的症状分布和频度。

    To investigate the distribution and frequency of symptoms in manic-depressive disorder .

  18. 论先天禀赋性体质与躁狂抑郁性精神病

    Discussion on Physique with Congenital Natural Endowment and Maniacal Despondent Mental Diseases

  19. 奥氮平合并碳酸锂治疗躁狂发作临床对照研究

    Comparative Study of Olanzapine Combined with Haloperidol for Manic Episode

  20. 在银幕外,费雪坦承自己患有躁狂抑郁性精神病。

    Offscreen , Fisher was open about her diagnosis of bipolar disorder .

  21. 告诉他们你父亲患有躁狂郁郁症或者是抑郁症

    Tell them your father 's manic depressive or bipolar !

  22. 现在如果你不知道什么是轻度躁狂,

    Now if you don 't know what hypomania is ,

  23. 一例老年躁狂患者治疗的循证医学过程

    Evidence-based Medicine Process of An Old Patient with Manic

  24. 结果:治疗强迫症引起躁狂的发生率为1928%,各种抗抑郁药均可引起。

    Results : The incidence of antidepressant-induced mania in OCD was 19.28 % .

  25. 躁狂抑郁症可以成为犯罪的借口么?

    Should bi-polar disorder be an excuse for crime ?

  26. 在这12个月的时间框架中所唯一的例外是躁狂发作和精神分裂症谱系疾病。

    Exceptions to the12-month time frame were manic episode and schizophrenia spectrum disorder .

  27. 我爸爸于1967年被诊断出患有躁狂抑郁症

    My father was diagnosed manic depressive in 1967 .

  28. 100例躁狂抑郁症患者的皮纹学研究

    Dermatoglyphics research in 100 manic & depressive psychosis patients

  29. 目的研究抑郁转向躁狂的相关因素及其危险程度,建立以抑郁为首发症状的双相障碍患者(软双相)的特征因素。

    Objective To study the risk and OR of depression shifting to mania .

  30. 至少在它的轻度躁狂的边缘方面。

    at least the hypomanic edge part of it .