
wéi ào
  • defy;disobey
违拗 [wéi ào]
  • [disobey;defy] 违反;有意不依从长辈、上级的主意

  • 违拗老人心意

违拗[wéi ào]
  1. 她违拗父亲的意愿而嫁给那个男人。

    She disobeyed her father and married that man .

  2. 维克多?亨利以前从未违拗过霍普金斯的意愿。

    Victor Henry had never before had a clash of wills with Hopkins .

  3. 这个学生违拗父母的愿望,出国一年后才返回学校。

    Flinging aside the wishes of his parents , the student went abroad for a year before returning to his university .

  4. 表情淡漠、呆板,情感活动与内心体验以及周围环境不配合,曾有违拗的现象。

    Expression is dim , inflexible , affection activity and inner experience and surroundings do not deserve to close , ever had the appearance of defy .