
wéi yuē
  • default;break a contract;back out;violate a treaty;break off an engagement;break one's promise
违约 [wéi yuē]
  • [default;break a contract;violate a treaty;break off an engagement;break one's promise] 不遵守条约、契约的规定

  • 违约行为要受处罚

违约[wéi yuē]
  1. 联保企业是否会选择违约,主要取决于社会对违约企业的惩罚力度。

    Whether a company will choose to break a contract depends largely on the degree of social penalties to the breach .

  2. 我国《合同法》有关风险负担问题的规定,大的方向来看分为两方面:一是当事人未违约时如何界定风险负担问题;

    The regulation of the risk-bearing in our country 's " contract law " is divided into two respects : First , how to define the risk-bearing when the party don 't break a contract ;

  3. 这家公司因违约已接到法院令状。

    The company has been served with a writ for breach of contract .

  4. 按揭借款违约在近一年里呈上升趋势。

    Mortgage defaults have risen in the last year .

  5. 他们被指控违约。

    They were sued for breach of contract .

  6. 如果这事发生,他们将会违约。

    When this happens , they will tear up the contract .

  7. 我从不违约。

    I never break my promise .

  8. 违约当然是一部分解决方案。

    Defaults are certainly part of the solution .

  9. 当事人可以在合同中约定,一方违反合同时,向另一方支付一定数额的违约金;

    The parties may specify in a contract that if one party breaches the contract it shall pay the other party a certain amount of breach of contract damages ;

  10. 企业短期贷款违约预测Bayes模型构建

    Bayes Prediction Model for Short-Term Loan Default

  11. 预期违约(Anticipatorybreachofcontract),又称为先期违约,源于英美法系。

    Anticipatory breach of contract , and also called to expect default first , derives from common law system .

  12. Copula方法与相依违约研究

    Copula Approach and Dependent Default Research

  13. 弹性细杆弯曲的Kirchhoff方程的违约校正求解

    Solution of the Kirchhoff equation for thin elastic rod under bending by constraint violation correction method

  14. 基于违约概率模型KMV的上市公司财务危机预警研究

    An Empirical Study on Financial Distress Prediction of Listed Companies on KMV Model

  15. 举例来说,经济架构较为健全的巴西,发生违约的几率显然低于意大利后者债务与国内生产总值(gdp)之间的比率超过了100%。

    Brazil , for example , with its sound economic framework , is arguably less likely to default than Italy , with its debt-to-GDP ratio of more than 100 per cent .

  16. LTV越大,主动违约的可能性越大。

    The higher the LTV , the greater the possibility of voluntary default .

  17. 拉加德称美国债务上限的不确定性非常令人担忧,她接受NBC电视台《MeetthePress》节目采访时表示,美国若发生债务违约,会给世界经济的复苏带来威胁。

    Lagarde calls uncertainty of the US debt celling very concerning , telling NBC 's Meet the Press , that the potential for a US default , push the world economic recovery at risk .

  18. 不过,违约模型下贷款损失的标准差要比CreditMetrics模型下的贷款价值偏离其均值的标准差要大些;

    However , under the default model the standard deviation of the loss of the loan is a bit more than the one which deviates from the average value of the loan under the Credit Metrics model ;

  19. 运用Logit模型计算贷款企业的违约概率,估计其违约的可能性;

    By using Logit model to account the probability of default for a loan enterprise , we can estimate the possibility of its default .

  20. 基于此,结合企业的财务数据,运用Logit回归模型,得到了客户的模型违约率。

    And then , combined with the financial indicator , this paper calculates the probability of default for the individual company by the Logit model .

  21. 研究结果表明:KMV模型对我国上市公司的预期违约频率(EDF)计算结果与企业实际经营情况基本相符。

    The result has been drawn in the thesis indicates that the EDF of the listed company is basically identical with its real conditions .

  22. 随后依据KMV模型建立了基于期权的资金信托违约风险模型,提出了计算理论违约概率的方法;

    In the paper , founded on the methodology of KMV model , the author constructs the option-based default risk model for money trusts .

  23. 最后在没有考虑信用风险的转债定价模型与风险债券定价模型基础上推导出具有信用风险(非恶意和恶意违约风险)的转债定价模型的PDE及其约束,边界条件。

    Finally , to develop PDE and constraints of convertible bond pricing model with credit risk on the basis of convertible bond pricing model without credit risk and a risk bond pricing model .

  24. 针对信用风险度量的方法包括基于财务比率的风险测量方法和基于波动性的风险测量方法,与之相关的风险度量概念有信用评级、Z分数、转换矩阵、违约频率。

    And in light of credit risk , there are accounting-based ratio measurement method and volatility - based measurement method , as well as the related concepts , such as Credit Rating , Z-score , Transition Matrix , Expected Default Frequency .

  25. 本文选取8833家中外合资企业和合作企业,运用OLS和二元Logistic回归对外商的投资违约行为进行实证研究。

    This paper uses OLS and Binary Logistic regression to carry out empirical study on foreign investment breaking contract in 8833 Sino-foreign equity joint ventures and Sino-foreign contractual joint ventures , and educes involved empirical conclusions .

  26. 中信表示:过去两年中,因Mineralogy发出违约及终止采矿权通知书一事,已经三度与法院交涉。

    Mineralogy has been restrained by the court or has undertaken to the court not to rely on several default and termination notices on three separate occasions over the past two years , said Citic .

  27. 参考了ISDA的主约文件,探讨了我国信用违约互换的合约设计,并对税收、会计、法律和监管方面的问题进行了初步研究。

    According to the master agreements of ISDA , study the contract design of credit default swap and investigate the tax , accounting , legal and regulation problems .

  28. 根据KMV模型理论,企业的违约率是由企业价值与违约点的距离决定的,其中违约点计算的经验公式由KMV公司给出。

    According to the theory of KMV , the default rate is determined by the value of enterprise and the default point distance , the empirical formula of default point calculated by KMV is .

  29. 尽管EBA没有正式承认有哪个国家可能违约,但考虑到希腊身陷危机、市场对其它欧盟国家(可能发生危机)感到担心,EBA现在急于对可能发生的主权债务违约做出应对。

    With Greece in crisis and the markets jittery about other EU nations , the EBA is keen to address the possibility of sovereign risk , though it does not officially acknowledge that a country could default .

  30. 违约损失率(LGD)是计算监管资本的重要参数,也是按新巴塞尔资本协议实施内部评级法(IRB)高级法的银行必须自行估计的参数。

    Loss Given Default ( LGD ) is an important parameter to calculate regulation capital , and also a parameter that need to be self-estimated by the bank who implements Advanced Approach of The Internal Rating-Based Approach according to the New Basel Capital Agreement .