- default;break a contract;back out;violate a treaty;break off an engagement;break one's promise

[default;break a contract;violate a treaty;break off an engagement;break one's promise] 不遵守条约、契约的规定
Whether a company will choose to break a contract depends largely on the degree of social penalties to the breach .
The regulation of the risk-bearing in our country 's " contract law " is divided into two respects : First , how to define the risk-bearing when the party don 't break a contract ;
The company has been served with a writ for breach of contract .
Mortgage defaults have risen in the last year .
They were sued for breach of contract .
When this happens , they will tear up the contract .
I never break my promise .
Defaults are certainly part of the solution .
The parties may specify in a contract that if one party breaches the contract it shall pay the other party a certain amount of breach of contract damages ;
Bayes Prediction Model for Short-Term Loan Default
Anticipatory breach of contract , and also called to expect default first , derives from common law system .
Copula Approach and Dependent Default Research
Solution of the Kirchhoff equation for thin elastic rod under bending by constraint violation correction method
An Empirical Study on Financial Distress Prediction of Listed Companies on KMV Model
Brazil , for example , with its sound economic framework , is arguably less likely to default than Italy , with its debt-to-GDP ratio of more than 100 per cent .
The higher the LTV , the greater the possibility of voluntary default .
Lagarde calls uncertainty of the US debt celling very concerning , telling NBC 's Meet the Press , that the potential for a US default , push the world economic recovery at risk .
However , under the default model the standard deviation of the loss of the loan is a bit more than the one which deviates from the average value of the loan under the Credit Metrics model ;
By using Logit model to account the probability of default for a loan enterprise , we can estimate the possibility of its default .
And then , combined with the financial indicator , this paper calculates the probability of default for the individual company by the Logit model .
The result has been drawn in the thesis indicates that the EDF of the listed company is basically identical with its real conditions .
In the paper , founded on the methodology of KMV model , the author constructs the option-based default risk model for money trusts .
Finally , to develop PDE and constraints of convertible bond pricing model with credit risk on the basis of convertible bond pricing model without credit risk and a risk bond pricing model .
And in light of credit risk , there are accounting-based ratio measurement method and volatility - based measurement method , as well as the related concepts , such as Credit Rating , Z-score , Transition Matrix , Expected Default Frequency .
This paper uses OLS and Binary Logistic regression to carry out empirical study on foreign investment breaking contract in 8833 Sino-foreign equity joint ventures and Sino-foreign contractual joint ventures , and educes involved empirical conclusions .
Mineralogy has been restrained by the court or has undertaken to the court not to rely on several default and termination notices on three separate occasions over the past two years , said Citic .
According to the master agreements of ISDA , study the contract design of credit default swap and investigate the tax , accounting , legal and regulation problems .
According to the theory of KMV , the default rate is determined by the value of enterprise and the default point distance , the empirical formula of default point calculated by KMV is .
With Greece in crisis and the markets jittery about other EU nations , the EBA is keen to address the possibility of sovereign risk , though it does not officially acknowledge that a country could default .
Loss Given Default ( LGD ) is an important parameter to calculate regulation capital , and also a parameter that need to be self-estimated by the bank who implements Advanced Approach of The Internal Rating-Based Approach according to the New Basel Capital Agreement .