
  • Luzhou Laojiao;luzhoulaojiao
  1. 系统地研究了泸州老窖不同窖龄、不同层次的窖泥在N,P,K,有机质、水分含量及pH值等方面的差异及规律性。

    The discrepancy and change rules of N , P , K , organic substance , water content and pH values in pit mud of different pit ages and in different layer were studied systematically .

  2. 泸州老窖拥有我国“老窖”最多,“窖龄”最老的老窖池群。

    Luzhou Laojiao Group possessed most of the aged pits in China .

  3. 研究了泸州老窖老窖池的窖泥特性。

    The characteristics of aged cellar mud was studied .

  4. 中国十大文化名酒企业茅台、泸州老窖、剑南春等因正确实施人才战略而得以蓬勃发展。

    The top ten famous liquors enterprises with cultural backgrounds in China such as Maotai Group .

  5. 泸州老窖“与环境相依,与社会同行,与人类共存”的“共生”理念;

    Luzhou Laojiao Group advocates " Intergrowth Theory " & " Development with Environment , Society and Human Beings ";

  6. 2003年,泸州老窖股份公司收购武陵酒业有限公司60%的股权,2007年,泸州老窖增持武陵酒股权,持有其80%的股权。

    Luzhou Laojiao Company bought a60 percent stake in the company in2003 and increased its stake to80 percent in2007 .

  7. 论酒的文化含量与生命力&以泸州老窖国窖·1573为例

    Discussion on the Content and Viability of Liquor Culture & Taking " National Pits · 1573 " as an Example

  8. 泸州老窖在继承传统技艺的基础上,结合现代科技不断创新和发展。

    Luzhou Laojiao had realized sustained development and improvement on the basis of inheritance of traditional techniques and integration of modern techniques .

  9. 泸州老窖是用黄泥建造的,称为酒窖。

    Luzhou aged fermentation pit , built by yellow mud , is called " Jiujiao "( the pit for fermenting grains ) .

  10. 以泸州老窖架式大曲发酵房为对象,利用多元方差分析法探讨了发酵房上中下层空气微生物及曲药质量的差异。

    The difference of air microbe and Daqu quality between the upper , middle and lower layer of Fermentation room was studied with Multiple Variance Analysis .

  11. 即茅台、汾酒、西凤、泸州老窖、绍兴加饭酒、红玫瑰葡萄酒、味美思酒、金奖白兰地;

    They were Guizhou Maotai , Shanxi Fenjiu , Shanxi Xifeng , Luzhou Laojiao , Shaoxing Jiafan , Red Rose Grape Wine , Wei-meisi and Special Fine Brandy .

  12. 相信本文的研究能够对泸州老窖股份有限公司更合理地分配自身资源,制定正确的发展战略提供一些有益的帮助,同时对其他公司实施增长管理也会有一定的借鉴意义。

    I believe these suggestions can help Luzhoulaojiao Corporation use their resource more rational and make more accurate decisions . This paper can also be used for reference by other companies .

  13. 用52%食用酒精(中国泸州老窖股份有限公司提供),每日上午9:00给酒精组大鼠灌胃(10ml/kg)一次,连续灌胃4周。

    By 52 % ethanol ( China Luzhou Co. , Ltd. to provide ), daily from 9:00 am to alcohol fed rats ( 10ml / kg ) a consecutive 4 weeks .

  14. 该方案已应用在泸州老窖白酒微机勾兑调味辅助系统中,应用实践表明该方案是有效的,并适用于大多数白酒类企业的生产。

    Based on a great lot of researches and analyses for distilled spirits process in some enterprise , a computer system for compounding and seasoning distilled spirits process is put forward .

  15. 以泸州老窖曲药生产车间为研究对象,分析了各个季节空气微生物的区系变化、形成原因及采取措施等。

    The domain group of the microbe in air which changed in different seasons , forming causes and adopting measures had been analysed by studying the works of producing Daqu for Luzhou Laojao Liquor .

  16. 为了提高中国白酒质量,泸州老窖人将其研究所得科技成果向全国传播、推广,培训酿酒技术人才,为中国白酒香型的发展和质量的提高作出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    In order to improve the liquor quality in China , the Group had spread its scientific achievements and trained numerous liquor-making technicians . The Group had made unparalleled accomplishments in the improvement of liquor qual-ity and in the development of liquors in China .

  17. 在1952年第一届国家评酒会上,八个中国酒品牌获奖:贵州茅台,山西汾酒,陕西西凤酒,泸州老窖,绍兴加饭酒,红玫瑰葡萄酒,味美思和张裕金奖白兰地。

    On the 1 st National Wine Appraisal Conference of 1952 , eight brands of famous Chinese wine were awarded a prize : Guizhou Maotai , Shanxi Fenjiu , Shaanxi Xifeng , Luzhou Laojiao , Shaoxing Jiafan , Red Rose Grape Wine , Weimeisi and Special Fine Brandy .