
  • 网络senior manager;top management;EMBA;EDP
  1. 我们需要让更多的女性进入高层管理。

    We need to get more women into top management

  2. 但与此同时,年轻的女性工作者比男性更少觊觎高层管理工作;34%女性说她们不想当老板或者高管。

    At the same time , however , young working women are less likely than men to aim at top management jobs : 34 % say they 're not interested in becoming a boss or top manager .

  3. 这类决定一般属于高层管理的职责范围。

    Such decisions are normally the province of higher management .

  4. 高层管理部门已经正式批准这些计划。

    Senior management have given their seal of approval to the plans .

  5. 该公司的高层管理人员共用一间开敞式办公室。

    The firm 's top managers share the same open-plan office .

  6. 公司的高层管理人员拒绝理智行事。

    The company 's top executives had refused to listen to reason .

  7. 龙头公司会在磨砺高层管理人员的技能上付出时间和金钱。

    Leading companies spend time and money on honing the skills of senior managers

  8. 尽管53%的人认为,未来男性将继续担任更多的高层管理职位,仍有44%的人表示,女性担任高层管理职位的人数与男性一样多只是时间问题。

    While 53 % believe men will continue to hold more top executive positions in business in the future , 44 % say it 's only a matter of time before as many women are in top executive positions as men .

  9. 本文概述了高层管理信息系统(ExecutiveInformationSystem,EIS)的基本概念、功能以及一般结构模式。

    The fundamental concept function and generic model of Executive Information System ( EIS ) is outlined in this paper .

  10. 基于MAS的高层管理团队决策过程分析

    The research of TMT decision making process based on multi-agent system

  11. 中国东方航空公司(chinaeasternairlines)董事罗祝平表示,东航中高层管理人员的薪水将削减10-30%。

    Luo Zhuping , a director of China Eastern Airlines , said salaries for middle and high-level executives would be cut by 10-30 per cent .

  12. 高层管理信息系统(EIS)及其开发策略的研究

    A Study on Executive Information Systems ( EIS ) and Its Development Strategies

  13. CEO是现代企业运营的首席执行官、高层管理者,是主宰企业命运的核心群落。

    A CEO is the Chief Executive officer , the highest manager , the core of a modem enterprise .

  14. 本文以陷入财务困境的ST公司为样本,检验当公司陷入财务困境的情况下,负债控制机制是否对公司高层管理人员起到监督作用。

    This paper takes as example some indebted ST companies to see whether this situation has some constraining power over their senior management .

  15. 第二,为什么WilliamChan内部晋升与外部聘用的经典模型并不能很好地解释经济发展过程中的企业高层管理人员调整的内在机制?

    Why the classical model by William Chan can not explain external recruitment of managers as a phenomenon during economic development ?

  16. 从EMBA教育看国内外企业高层管理者培养

    Study on Cultivating Top Manager in Worldwide Firms from the Angle of EMBA Education

  17. 我们调查了社会网络遭到的非爱即恨的待遇,并看到下一代的高层管理人员如何使用Facebook建立联系。

    We investigated the love-it-or-hate-it world of social networking and looked at how the next generation of top executives are using Facebook to create connections today .

  18. 自此,中国有了面向高层管理人员的EMBA专业学位教育项目。

    Since then , we had the EMBA degree education projects for senior management in China .

  19. 《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)报道援引知情人士的说法,给出了一个可能发生的变革方案,这家电子产品巨头或许将对与众不同的高层管理结构做出调整。

    The Wall Street Journal laid out a scenario of change that could occur , citing people familiar with the matter , which could result in some changes to the electronics giant 's unusual executive management structure .

  20. 借助于EIS,高层管理者可以及时获取组织内外与经营、管理、决策最为相关的重要信息。

    By EIS , the top manager can timely obtain the important information concerning management , execution and decision in or out of the organization .

  21. THB公司高层管理人员绩效考核的体系设计

    A Design of Performance Appraisal of the Managers from THB Company

  22. 此前,默多克的最高层管理人员,新闻国际首席执行官丽贝卡•布鲁克斯(RebekahBrooks)宣布辞职。

    Earlier , one of his most senior executives , Rebekah Brooks , resigned as chief executive of News International .

  23. 此外,本文还对不同学历和不同任职年限的企业RD投入强度与策略变量之间的关系进行了研究,发现企业的RD投入强度在不同高层管理者的影响下也呈现不同的变化。

    In addition , the relationship between R & D intensity and strategies is also analyzed in the enterprises guided by top manager with different academic degree and different position time . We find that different connections appear in these enterprises .

  24. 在传统的高层管理信息系统(EIS)的设计中,其信息的组织、存储、检索均采用结构化的方式,这与高层管理者的非结构化的工作、决策方式是不一致的。

    EIS information was structured , storaged , and retrieved with structured way in traditional executive information system . This can ′ t meet executive ′ s need of unstructured decision way .

  25. 同时,本文首次尝试运用BP神经网络构建电子制造业高管素质测评模型,并通过对某集团的高层管理人员的测评实例来对本文所建立的模型进行分析验证。

    Meanwhile , this article first attempts to use the BP neural network to build the electronics manufacturing industry executives Quality Testing Model , and to verify the model analysis and validation by the evaluation of the senior management of a group instance .

  26. EPC项目高层管理团队运作效能管理研究,属于高层管理团队(Topmanagementteam,TMT)研究的前沿问题,目前,不论在理论上和实践上都处于不成熟阶段。

    The research about the operation potency of top management team in EPC project belongs to the front question of the top management team ( Top management team , TMT ) studies , which is at the mature stage in theory or practice .

  27. 公司治理系列评价的最终受体为处于公司治理体系内核位置的高层管理团队(TMT)。

    Top management team ( TMT ) is at the core of corporate governance system , TMT evaluation is the final receptor of the corporate governance evaluation series .

  28. 涵盖了核能业的行业技能协会Cogent表示,到2025年,英国核能产业约有三分之二的高层管理人员将要退休。

    About two-thirds of top British nuclear managers could retire by 2025 , according to Cogent , the skills council that covers the nuclear industry .

  29. 认知冲突与高层管理团队(TMT)的决策质量、理解程度和接受程度成正相关,情绪冲突则削弱TMT决策质量。

    Cognitive conflicts have positive relationship with Top Management Team 's ( TMT ) quality of decision , understanding and reception , while , emotional conflicts weaken TMT ' decision quality .

  30. 大量的研究探讨了高层管理团队(TMT)对团队和组织的影响,其中大部分聚焦于TMT的人口统计特征或构成。

    A lot of researches have demonstrated the influence of Top Management Team ( TMT ) on team and organizational outcomes , with the majority of which focusing on demographic features or compositions of TMT .