
  • 网络dividend policy
  1. 自从股份公司诞生以来,作为现代公司理财活动的三大核心内容之一的股利分配政策一直困扰着众多学者、投资者、公司高层管理者和公司理财师。

    Since the birth of stock company , modern corporate finance activities as one of the three core content of dividend policy has been plagued by a number of academics , investors , senior managers of the company and corporate finance divisions .

  2. 股利分配政策影响因素的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Factors That Influence the Dividend Policy

  3. 债权让与制度研究上市公司股利分配政策研究

    Research on the Assignment of Credit Study on the Dividend Policy

  4. 本文着重分析了影响我国上市公司股利分配政策的内部因素。

    The internal influencing factors are the emphasis of this dissertation .

  5. 现金股利分配政策是评价投资的基本标准

    Cash Dividend Distribution Policy is the Basic Standard of Evaluating Investment

  6. 不同的股利分配政策可能会给股份公司带来不同的影响。

    Different dividend distribution policies may influence stock companies in different ways .

  7. 控股股东利益最大化与上市公司股利分配政策

    Maximizing Interests of Holding Shareholders and Making Dividend Distribution Policies of Listed Companies

  8. 因此,制定一个合理的股利分配政策是非常重要的。

    Therefore , the development of a reasonable dividend distribution policy is very important .

  9. 谈公司股利分配政策的选择

    On the Dividend Distributing Policies of Listed Companies

  10. 制定一个正确、稳定的股利分配政策具有非常重要的意义。

    Establishing a right and stably dividend allocation policy will have an important significance .

  11. 中美上市公司股利分配政策的比较研究

    Comparison and Research of the Dividend Distribution of the Listed Companies in China and US

  12. 股利分配政策是公司财务管理的核心内容之一。

    Dividend policy is the one of the key point of company 's financial management .

  13. 股利分配政策研究在公司理财中占有及其重要的位置。

    An Empirical Analysis on Influential Factors of Listed Companies Cash Dividend Policy in China ;

  14. 第二部分为文献综述,主要介绍国内外有关公司股利分配政策与财务可持续发展的文献回顾及基本理论。

    The second part is mainly about the literature review and basic theory of the writings .

  15. 财务政策包括投资政策、融资政策及股利分配政策。

    The financial policies include the policy of invest , the financing policy and the dividend policy .

  16. 股利分配政策相关因素与市场反应研究

    Dividend Policies & Market Response

  17. 完善公司治理结构,促进股利分配政策的理性决策;

    To perfect company 's governance structure is to prompt to make rationally decision of dividend distribution policy .

  18. 此种不完善的公司治理结构导致了一系列不成熟的股利分配政策。

    This kind of imperfect corporate governance structure has caused a series of not mature dividend assignment policy .

  19. 公司股利分配政策反映了公司、股东、债权人、公司管理者等各利益相关主体之间的利益分配关系。

    Dividend Policy reflect interests relationship among the company , shareholders , creditors , senior managers , employee , etc.

  20. 这些理论对我国上市公司股利分配政策的制定和分析具有一定的现实意义。

    These theories have some meanings in practice when company draws up and analyzes its policy of distributing dividend .

  21. 股利分配政策是公司各利益相关者权衡收益再投资和回报投资者的一个主要财务战略。

    Companies ' dividend policy is a financial strategy which stakeholders weigh the reinvestment of profits and reasonable return to investors .

  22. 上市公司的股利分配政策被称为公司财务的十大难题之一。

    The dividend distribution policy of the listed companies is known as one of the ten complex problems of company finance .

  23. 本文通过对1992年度至2004年度我国上市公司的相关统计数据分析,总结出我国上市公司普遍存在不分配的现象、股利分配政策也缺乏连续性和稳定性、分配方案存在随意性等特点;

    Through the analysis of statistical data from 1992 to 2004 , summed up China 's listed companies are not widespread allocation phenomenons .

  24. 股利分配政策也存在着一些不规范之处,如股利分配形式多种多样、不分配现象普遍存在等。因此,我们不能直接套用西方国家的代理成本理论来解释我国上市公司的股利分配政策。

    Dividend distribution policy of Chinese listed company presents some anomaly aspects such as various forms of dividend distribution and none dividend distribution .

  25. 在新股首次公开发行中继续引入超额配售选择权等。我国上市公司的股利分配政策与效率研究

    Introduce over allotment option in the IPO of new shares A Study of Shares - interest Allotment Policy and Efficiency of Listed-companies in China

  26. 本文从控股股东的角度深入研究上市公司现金股利分配政策的影响因素,将会有一定的现实意义。

    This paper has a in-depth study in the influencing factors of listed companies ' cash dividend distribution policy from the perspective of controlling shareholders .

  27. 我国上市公司非理性的股利分配政策,已成为影响我国资本市场发展的严重障碍。

    The listed-company allotment policy of interest on shares in our country has become the serious obstacles that affect the capital-market development of our country .

  28. 股利分配政策作为公司三大财务决策之一,在上市公司的经营与发展当中起着极为重要的作用。

    As one of the three important policies of financial management of listed companies , dividend policy plays a crucial role in operating and development .

  29. 股利分配政策是股份公司财务决策的重要组成部分,它与公司的投资决策、融资决策密切相关。

    Dividend distribution policies are important to make financial decisions for stock companies . They have a close relation to investment decisions and financial decisions .

  30. 我国随着股票市场的发展,上市公司越来越多,其股利分配政策各有差异。

    With the development of stock market , more and more listed companies come forth and their dividend policies are quite different from each other .