
  • 网络Shareholder Qualification
  1. 第四章,完善股东资格认定的立法建议。

    Chapter IV , the legislative proposals to improve shareholder qualification .

  2. 只有拥有了股东资格才能够谈论享有股东权利以及承担股东义务。

    Only has the shareholder qualification to talk about shareholder rights and obligation of shareholders .

  3. 第一部分介绍了出资制度和股东资格。

    The first part describes the contribution system and shareholder status .

  4. 公司股东资格之法律确认

    Law and Interests The affirmation of status of the shareholders

  5. 其次介绍了股东资格的历史演进和发展。

    Second , eligible shareholders are introduced and the evolution of development .

  6. 新公司法对股东资格缺乏明确规定。

    The new company law shareholders eligible to lack of clear regulations .

  7. 这在有限责任公司股东资格的认定中尤为突出。

    This is a limited liability company qualification as shareholders are particularly prominent .

  8. 本文重点研究股东资格认定应当遵循的基本原则及基本规定。

    The author discusses the basic rules and stipulations its cognizance should obey .

  9. 第五部分则分析了认定股东资格应当遵循的原则和思路;

    The fifth part describes the principles and thoughts of cognizance of stockholder-qualification .

  10. 第三部分分析了认定股东资格的法律依据与事实依据;

    The third part analyses law and fact evidence of cognizance of stockholder-qualification .

  11. 有限责任公司的股东资格确认问题便是这种情况。

    These problems are exactly what caused problems of confirmation of Shareholder qualifications .

  12. 第二章,股东资格的认定标准。

    Chapter II , the shareholders that qualification standards .

  13. 第四部分针对涉及到第三人的股东资格善意取得问题进行了论述。

    The fourth part talks about shareholder qualifications ' acquisition in good faith .

  14. 先介绍了国外的法律实践和他们确定的股东资格认定的实质要件。

    First introduced the foreign legal practice and they sure shareholders qualified substantial requirements .

  15. 取得公司股东资格的具体条件;

    The concrete conditions for acquiring the qualification of the shareholder of the company ;

  16. 隐名投资下的股东资格认定及其法律关系

    Shareholder Eligibility and Legal Relationship in Hidden Investment

  17. 坐标体系的原点为股东资格。

    Coordinate system origin eligible for shareholders .

  18. 而这些争议的解决又必须涉及到如何认定公司股东资格的问题。

    Such controversy and its solving all connect with issue that how to cognize stockholder-qualification .

  19. 第三章,股东资格认定存在的问题。

    Chapter III , shareholders qualification problems .

  20. 股东资格的认定是一个理论上缺乏关注而司法审判实践中又经常需要做出裁决的公司法实务问题。

    Shareholder qualification is a problem that lacks attention in theory but usually faces in reality .

  21. 在公司实践中,股东资格取得方式有很多种。

    In the practices of company , there are many ways to obtain the shareholder qualifications .

  22. 因股东资格发生的纠纷有些属于公司内部关系,如股东与股东之间、股东与公司之间发生的纠纷;

    Some disputations happen among inner company , like shareholder and shareholder , shareholder and company ;

  23. 本文结合理论和实践去探讨如何认定公司股东资格。

    This article will try to discuss how to cognize stockholder-qualification both from practice and theory .

  24. 第六部分探讨了司法实践中,在几种特殊情形下的股东资格的认定问题。

    The sixth part discusses several special situations about how to cognize stockholder-qualification under in judicial practice .

  25. 花钱买个股东资格是将来在公司里取得选票的唯一途径。

    Buying yourself in is the only way to get a vote in the company 's future .

  26. 首先是提出了隐名股东资格认定所需遵循法律原则。

    Firstly , it put forward the required principles of law for the qualification of dormant shareholder .

  27. 有限责任公司增资扩股中股东资格取得问题研究

    On Gain of Shareholder Qualification

  28. 只要存在有限责任公司,就必然存在股东资格认定问题。

    Identifying the qualification of shareholder is always a problem as long as there are limited liability companys .

  29. 论公司股东资格的认定

    Stockholder - qualification Cognizance

  30. 法院因此必须决定失去股东资格是否是确定事件&或至少是可预见事件。

    The court thus had to consider whether loss of shareholder status is a certain-or at least foreseeable-event .