
  • 网络Public shares
  1. 其次,引入公众股,改善股权结构,最大限度发挥公众股对公司绩效的优化作用。

    Secondly , introduce public shares to improve the ownership structure and maximize the public shares on corporate performance optimization .

  2. 研究表明:(1)医药制造行业的国有股和法人股正在逐渐退出市场,进入流通领域,公众股比例逐渐攀升,股票基本实现全流通,股权分置改革初显成效。

    And the results show that : ( 1 ) The state owned shares and legal person shares of the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry are gradually withdrawn from the market , flowing into circulation area . The public shares proportion is gradually increased , the shares are basically on circulation .

  3. 社会公众股类别表决的法理基础&用比较的方法分析

    The Jurisprudence Basis for Class Voting of the General Public Shares-By Comparative Analysis

  4. 公众股和外资股可以上市流通,称为流通股。

    Public stocks and foreign capital stocks are marketable , and called the tradable stocks .

  5. 一些上市公司回购社会公众股,向市场传递该公司股价被低估的信号,以期抬升股价;

    Some listed companies repurchase their tradable shares in aim of delivering positive signals to the stock market to raise their share 's price ;

  6. 股权结构呈现多元化,形成了国有股、法人股和公众股,其中国有股处于绝对控股的地位。

    Ownership structure appears diversification , and formed state-owned share , enterprise share and the public share , which state-owned shares is in a holding position .

  7. 其中一个方法来衡量创业的价值在于看看风险资本支持的公司在过所有公众股市场中的影响。

    One way to measure the value of entrepreneurship is to look at the impact of venture-backed companies in the context of the over-all public stock market .

  8. 主要有完善少数股东向法院申请召集临时股东大会制度、累积投票制、表决权排除制度、社会公众股股东表决机制等。

    Third , we can improve the system of asking for judge to convene the meeting , accumulative voting and exclusion of voting right to protect the minority shareholders ' right .

  9. 股权结构可以分成两层含义:一是股权集中度;二是不同所有制股权的构成,即国家股股东、法人股股东及社会公众股股东等的持股比例。

    Ownership structure can be divided into two meanings : Firstly , stock concentration ; secondly , the composition of different ownership , such as the State shareholders , corporate shareholders and the public shareholders and other stake .

  10. 为了保护所有者(包括国有股所有者和社会公众股所有者)的利益,必须完善独立董事制度,优化国有上市公司的股权结构,健全公司治理机制。

    In order to protect the shareholders ' interest ( including the state owner and the public shareholders ), it is necessary to perfect the institution of the independent trustees , to reduce the holding of the state-owned stocks and to strengthen the corporate-governing mechanism .