
  • 网络MPMG
  1. 二审期间,公诉机关对自己的指控和定罪进行了辩护。

    During the ap-peal , prosecutors stood by the charges and conviction .

  2. 公诉机关指控的犯罪事实清楚,证据充分,罪名成立。

    Prosecutor accused of criminal facts are clear and sufficient evidence , convicted .

  3. 公诉机关提供了两个证据予以证明。

    Prosecutor offers evidence to prove two .

  4. 公诉机关以龚德勇涉嫌故意杀人罪向合肥市中院提起公诉。

    Public prosecutor to Gong Deyong suspicion of manslaughter to the Hefei Intermediate People 's Court for prosecution .

  5. 其次,由公诉机关做专门的法律监督主体,是最具合理性和现实性的选择;

    Secondly , the legal supervision body consists of the public prosecution institution , which fits to the reality .

  6. 公诉机关既要对拟提起公诉的案件着重从证据标准上进行审查,还要将起诉纳入司法审查的范围。

    Prosecution organ should examine the cases to be prosecuted from standard of evidence emphatically and bring the prosecution into the scope of judicial review .

  7. 本文从现实追究律师刑事责任的非正常程序分析,继而探讨公诉机关对辩护律师滥用刑事追诉权的种种原因。

    This article analyzes the abnormal procedure related to prosecuting attorneys for criminal liability and explores reasons for prosecutors ' abuses in criminal prosecution of lawyers .

  8. 也希望通过研究一审刑事审判程序中的公诉机关量刑建议的规范问题,提出一些针对性措施,克其弊处,扬其优势。

    Also hope that by studying the normalization of sentencing recommendations in first instance of criminal proceedings to put forward some specific measures to make it perfection .

  9. 刑事诉讼的职能决定了人民法院可以采纳被害人、被告人或辩护人符合事实和法律的意见,从而改变公诉机关的起诉罪名。

    Verdict can change the charge of bill when the court accept the victim 's opinion , the defender 's idea , or the defense attorney 's view .

  10. 这使法院变更公诉机关指控的罪名的合法性和合理性产生了疑问,学术界也为此而论争不已。

    This makes us doubts about the legality and rationality of the court when it modify the offense of Public Prosecution mechanism , and endless debates also in academia for this .

  11. 作为公诉机关的检察机关拥有求刑权有助于公诉目的和任务的实现。

    As the prosecutor in criminal lawsuit , procuratorial organs can realize the aim and task of prosecution when the power of procuratorial organs to suggesting sentence is provided in interrelated laws .

  12. 从世界各国的司法实践看,量刑建议是指公诉机关在公诉活动中就被告人的具体刑罚的适用提出意见的诉讼活动。

    From the perspective of jurisdiction practice of the world , suggestion on weighing sentences refers to the specific suggestion proposed by the agency on how to weigh sentence to the defendant in lawsuit .

  13. 被指责滥用权力放弃对祖马诉讼的公诉机关连同向它报告的天蝎队都陷入了这困境。

    The prosecuting authority , already accused of abusing its power to settle scores against Mr Zuma , has itself been caught in the crossfire , as have the Scorpions , who report to it .

  14. “虹桥”案的审判表明,我国公诉机关对刑事公诉变更制度的掌握和运用还存在着不足。

    The Hong Bridge case discloses that much need to be done by procuratorates in the application of the system of changing of action , and moreover , the system itself still need to be improved .

  15. 大陆法系国家与英美法系国家的检察机关作为国家的公诉机关,均享有公诉职权,但二者拥有的职权范围和起诉裁量权不同。

    The procuratorial organs in both the continental legal system countries and British-and-American legal system countries share the prosecution rights as the national prosecution organs , but they differ in the duty range and prosecution discretion .

  16. 在犯罪客观方面主要表现在两个方面即犯罪行为,公诉机关认为李庄以告诉程琪案情的方式引诱程琪作伪证。

    In the objective aspect of crime is mainly manifested in two aspects that crime , the public prosecutor to tell the way that Li Zhuang Qi Qi Cheng lure the way the case of perjury .

  17. 目前刑事诉讼法的救济程序功能严重不足,使得国家公诉机关和被害人之间的矛盾显现出来,这时需要相应的救济程序加以协调。

    The function of the current relief procedure of criminal procedure law is so weak that the conflict between the state organ for legal supervision and the victim appears which need to be coordinated by relative relief procedure .

  18. 本文立足于国际通行做法和国内实践需要,倾向于赋予国家公诉机关检察机关以提起环境民事公益诉讼的权利(力),即建立环境民事公诉制度。

    Therefore , the system of environmental civil public prosecution should be established as soon as possible in our country , which endows the prosecutor with rights ( or powers ) of bringing civil actions in a certain scope .

  19. 法官可以在不妨碍辩护权行使和在指控罪名的框架内,根据事实和法律直接变更指控罪名,其他情形下应商请公诉机关变更诉讼。

    Within the framework of accusation and without violating the defending rights , the judge may alter accusation according to the facts and law . Under other circumstances , the courts should consult with public prosecution organ to alter litigation .

  20. 主体的诉讼资源和出证能力的严重失衡,要限制公诉机关的追诉权力,保护当事人诉讼权利。

    The subject serious imbalances in suit resources and the ability of the issuance of certificates , we should restrict the right of the Public Prosecution investigation and further improve of the power of investigation on the new Criminal Procedural Law .

  21. 行政法应该更加完善行政程序制度,加强对行政行为的监督,将抽象行政行为纳入诉讼范围并建立以反垄断法执法机构为公诉机关的对行政垄断的公诉制度。

    Administrative law needs to perfect administrative procedures to enhance the supervision of the administrative , include abstract administrative monopoly to the scope of administrative litigation , and establish the public prosecution procedure , whose prosecutor is executive institution of Anti-monopoly law .

  22. 在德国、法国为代表的大陆法国家公诉机关提起公诉后,若要变更起诉,须经过法官的批准,并且法官还享有强制变更控诉的权利。

    In Germany , France as a representative of the civil law countries after the prosecution prosecuting authority says , if want to change the prosecution shall be approved by the judge , and the judge also enjoy the compulsory change indictment power .

  23. 一审宣判后,公诉机关认为对被告人受贿罪无罪部分的判决错误,按第二审程序向上级法院提出抗诉。

    After the first verdict was declared , the prosecution organ thought the part of the judgment which ascertained the accused innocent on the crime of bribery was wrong , they protested to the superior court in the procedure of the second instant .

  24. 公诉机关认为应以侵犯著作权罪来追究行为人的法律责任,而审判机关经分析后认定行为人构成非法经营罪,最终以非法经营罪定案。

    Public Prosecution Service should consider the crime of copyright infringement to pursue the legal responsibility for acts , and judicial acts by the analysis of people that constitute the crime of illegal business , and ultimately to the crime of illegal business decision .

  25. 从俄罗斯宪法规定和现实状况分析,俄罗斯检察机关已不再具有法律监督职能,其管辖范围较之苏联时期有所缩小,主要履行国家公诉机关的职能。

    From the analysis of Russian constitution stipulation and realistic situation , Russian procuratorial organ no longer has the function of legal supervision , its jurisdiction scope is reduced a little comparing with that in Soviet Union period , mainly carrying out the function of state public prosecution organ .

  26. 应该按照检察机关就是公诉机关的思路去改革司法制度,建立以公诉机关为核心、主导的审判前程序,同时改革现行的逮捕和其他侦查措施的审查批准制度。

    China should reform its judicial system according to the idea that prosecutorial organs are public prosecution organs , establish a pretrial procedure with public prosecution organs as its core and leading factor , and reform the current system of examination and approval of arrest and other investigation measures .

  27. 另外,由于提高诉讼效率的需要,加强公诉机关的自由裁量权也是刑事诉讼立法和司法实践的一种趋势,但自由裁量权也需要监督和规制,否则便会导致权力的滥用。

    Besides , in order to advance the efficiency of litigation , to strengthen the discretion of the public prosecuting organ is also a trend in the legislation and judicial practice of criminal procedure . But the discretion also needs supervision and restriction in case of the abuse of power .

  28. 撤回公诉是检察机关对国家赋予其刑事追诉权的反向变更。

    To withdraw the public prosecution is a reverse change of the criminal prosecution power of the people 's prosecutorial organizations vested by the state .

  29. 行政公诉人应由检察机关担任。

    The administrative public prosecutor should be procuratorial organ .

  30. 公诉变更是检察机关在提起公诉法院启动审判权之后,将公诉予以变更的诉讼行为。公诉变更是公诉权的一项重要权能。

    The alteration of public prosecution is a lawsuit behavior that the prosecutor alters the prosecution after the public prosecution institution prosecutes the defendant and the judge starts the judicial authority .