
ɡōnɡ zhènɡ yuán
  • notary;greffier
  1. 公证员发布的文件宣称,杜兰是“太阳的主人。该恒星的光谱类型为G2,位于太阳系中心,与地球的平均距离为1.496亿公里。”

    The document issued by the notary public declares Duran to be the " owner of the Sun , a star of spectral typeG2 , located in the centre of the solar system , located at an average distance from Earth of about 149600000 kilometres . "

  2. 论公证员须承担公证专家民事责任

    On the View that Notary Should Bear Professional Civil Liability

  3. 对中国公证员队伍职业化建设的思考

    Reflection on the Professional Construction of Public Notaries in China

  4. 被吊销公证员执业证书的。

    His practicing certificate of a notary has been revoked .

  5. 公证员法律职业化建设问题的研究

    Studies on the Legal Professional Construction of Public Notaries

  6. 主任、副主任由公证员担任。主任将于下月上任。

    The positions of director and deputy director shall be assumed by notaries .

  7. 论我国公证员助理制度的理论完善

    On the Theoretical Perfection of the Public Notary 's Assistant System of China

  8. 完善公证员助理制度的几点思考

    Reflection on Perfecting the Assistant Notary System

  9. 市司法行政机关指导、监督市公证员协会的工作。

    The municipal judicial administrative organ guides and supervises the work of the notarial association .

  10. 哦,公证员什么时候来?

    When can the surveyor come ?

  11. 认证培训可能会是公证员认证,微软认证,管理认证等等。

    Certification programs could be Notary public classes , Microsoft programming , project management , and more .

  12. 一份由公证员,加注认证在国际上使用的主要文件副本一份。

    A set of copies of the primary documents certified by Notary and Apostille for international use .

  13. 许多年以后,我成了一名公证员,为很多人出具了很多公证书。

    Many years later , I become a notary , and have written many notarial papers for many people .

  14. 公证员必须经国家考试合格,符合国家有关规定,取得执业资格。

    The notary shall have passed the national examination and obtained the practicing qualification according to relevant national provisions .

  15. 当你们双方看过并同意最终的协议版本后,那就到了见公证员的时候了。

    When you 've both reviewed and approved your finalized agreement , it 's time to see the notary public .

  16. 公证员和至少两名官员都必须在法律过程中转移财产。

    A notary and at least two officials are required to be present during the legal process to transfer the property .

  17. 市公证员协会协助市司法行政机关,对公证员进行年检注册和惩戒。

    The notarial association shall assist the municipal judicial administrative organ to implement annual examination , registration and punishment over the notary .

  18. 公证员是公证权的主体,事实判断和价值判断是公证员不能回避的挑战。

    The notary is the owner of the notarial power , and judgment on fact and value is unavoidable challenge for the notary .

  19. 公证员在进行事实认定的过程中,往往需要确定一个特定的标准,以此为依据对事实进行审查。

    During the process of fact-finding , a notary needs to determine a specific criterion , which shall be the basis for examining facts .

  20. 各级司法行政机关、公证员协会和公证处要继续加强对公证人员的教育、培训。

    The administrative organs of justice , notaries'associations and notary offices at all levels shall continue to intensify the education and training of notaries .

  21. 另外,张媛容是宣誓官与公证员,多年来为经济有困难的国人提供免费的法律咨询服务。

    Jeannette is a Commissioner for Oaths and a Notary Public , and has been providing pro-bono legal advice to Singaporeans facing hardships for many years .

  22. “从那时起所有法律从业人员,包括公证员,都没有被允许主持外国人与缅甸妇女的婚姻,”觉晖说。

    " Since then all legal practitioners , including notaries , have not been allowed to officiate marriages between foreigners and Burmese women ," Kyaw Hoe said .

  23. 市公证员协会是依法登记成立的协助市司法行政机关对公证行业进行管理的社会团体。

    The notarial association is a social organization that is registered and established according to law and assists the municipal judicial administrative organ to administrate the notarial trade .

  24. 无论专家、专业人士还是专业人员都不能准确反映会计师、律师、医师、建筑师、公证员等及其所在机构的本质特征,其本质特征是执业者,持有执业证书、从事执业活动。

    Both experts and professionals cannot accurately reflect the essential characteristics of accountants , lawyers , doctors , architects , notaries and their institutions , they are all practitioners .

  25. 自愿、合法合理、尊重当事人诉权、公证员直接参与是公证调解的四项原则。

    Free will , lawfulness and reasonableness , respect for the right of suit of the parties and direct participation of the notary public are the four principles of notarial mediation .

  26. 对于公证员以知情人身份参与的公证事实认定,公证员审查的重点在于如何确认事实当事人的身份、如何客观地记录整个待证事实发生的经过,最后对事实作出正确的认定。

    In the fact-finding a notary participates in as a person in the know , he / she focuses on how to identify related parties and how to describe the process of issue for notarization and finally makes correct identification .

  27. 法定证据制度是人类在一定时期的集体智慧的结晶,而公证员的个案内心确信又是法定证据制度无法完成的具体问题具体分析的重要保证。

    The system of legal evidence is the essence of collective wise of human in certain period , and the inner conviction of a notary is the important guarantee for analyzing the issue that can not be solved under the system of legal evidence .

  28. 另外,公证机构和公证员承担的责任形式有三种:民事责任、行政责任和刑事责任。

    And , notary public office and notary should bear civil liabilities administrative Liabilities and criminal Liabilities for erroneous notarization .

  29. 以诋毁其他公证机构、公证员或者支付回扣、佣金等不正当手段争揽公证业务的;

    Canvassing notarial business by bespattering other notarial offices or notaries , or by paying kickbacks or commissions , or by any other unfair competition methods ;

  30. 公证处、公证员应当加入市公证员协会,并依照市公证员协会章程的规定缴纳会费。

    The notary office and notary shall join in the municipal notarial association and pay membership fees according to the constitution of the municipal notarial association .