
  • 网络public policy;public order and fine custom
  1. 不仅关系当事人之间的权利义务,更会波及社会之公序良俗。

    It not only is related to rights of obligations of the parties , but also is involved with public policy .

  2. 本部分分析了规制格式条款效力的三大法律原则,即公序良俗原则、禁止权利滥用原则、诚实信用原则。

    In this part , three main principles are discussed . They are the principle of public policy , the principle of no abuse of right and that of being honest and trustworthy .

  3. 自然人享有姓名权,有权依法决定、使用、变更或者许可他人使用自己的姓名,但是不得违背公序良俗。

    A natural person enjoys the right to name and is entitled to determine , use , change , or allow others to use his name in accordance with law , provided that public order and good morals are not offended .

  4. 第一部分:公序良俗原则的传统理论。

    It has two parts : Part I : Traditional theories .

  5. 公序良俗原则的适用体系

    Concrete Application System of the Principleof Public Order and Good Custom

  6. 论公序良俗原则在民事审判中的适用

    The Application of Public Order and Good Custom in the Civil Justice

  7. 婚姻的效力与公序良俗&从两起婚姻实例谈起

    The Legality of Marriage , Public Order and Good Customs

  8. 论公序良俗的判断标准

    On the Criterion to Judge Public Order and Good Custom

  9. 从立法分析,公序良俗原则之适用有其立法根据。

    From the legislation , this rule has legislative basis .

  10. 第二是公序良俗原则。

    The second one is the principle of public order and good morals .

  11. 论公序良俗原则&从立邦漆龙图广告谈起

    The Principle of Public Order and Good Custom & On Nippon Dragon Advertisement

  12. 公序良俗是公共秩序和善良风俗的合称。

    Good Order & Custom is combined by public order and good custom .

  13. 基于不道德的约定或违反公序良俗的契约无效。

    A contract founded on a disgraceful consideration or against good morals is null .

  14. 第三者之权利与公序良俗

    The Rights of Third Party and Good Morals

  15. 关于公序良俗的法理分析

    Public Order and Good Custom A Legal Analysis of Public Order and Fine Custom

  16. 从法理学意义分析,公序良俗原则有其适用的价值;

    From the jurisprudence , public order and good custom is worth of apply .

  17. 公序良俗原则法律适用的判断标准探析

    On the Concrete Application Criterion of the Principle of Public Order and Good Custom

  18. 违反公序良俗,理应承担不利的法律后果。

    Being against Public order and Good custom ought to bear the unfavorable legal consequences .

  19. 二是对践踏道德底线、违背公序良俗的行为,要及时发现,及时制止。

    Secondly , we need to discover and promply stop those morality-trampling and regulation-violating behaviors .

  20. 对司法实务中适用公序良俗原则的探讨

    Analysis of Proper Application of the Principle of Public Order and Good Social Customs to Adjudication

  21. 论公序良俗

    On the Common Just Customs

  22. 把握公序良俗的法概念,应该采用一般性定义与类型化考察相结合的方式。

    The law concept of Good Order & Custom should be held by common definition and testing analogy .

  23. 公私法接轨视角下公序良俗原则研究

    Research in the Principle of Public Policy and Good Customs under the Joint of Public and Private Law

  24. 然而,恰恰最为复杂和最为迫切的问题正是公序良俗原则的适用问题。

    However , Public orders and Borus mores of the principle is the most complex and most pressing problems .

  25. 目前,我国确立公序良俗原则的社会经济条件和文化条件已经成熟。

    At present . China established the principle of public order and good socio-economic and cultural conditions are ripe .

  26. 法官在判断公序良俗的过程中,应当尽量抛弃其主观好恶等个人因素。

    In judging the public order and good custom , the judge should abandon his / her own biases .

  27. 公序良俗及违反程度是判断合同效力的实质标准。

    Breaching of Public Order and Good Customs is the substantive standard on judging the effectiveness of de facto contract .

  28. 公序良俗原则在大陆法系民法体系中居于重要地位。

    Public orders and Borus mores is an important principle of the civil law in the continental genealogy of law .

  29. 公序良俗原则是调整民事关系的基本原则,人身关系和财产关系都受其约束。

    The principle of public order and good customs is the basic principle modifying both personal relationship and property relationship .

  30. 而公序良俗是民法中的一项基本原则,集中体现了民法的立法精神。

    The public order and good isa basic principle in civil law , civil law embodies the spirit of the legislation .