
quán lì běn wèi
  • Right standard;standard of right
  1. 土地立法应该致力于建立现代的土地法律体系和贯彻权利本位的立法精神;

    The goals of land legislation are to establish modern legal system and absorb the spirits of standard of right .

  2. 法治的明显特征是权利本位,权利是法治社会的基本细胞。

    The obvious characteristic by rule of law is the standard of right , which is the fundamental cell of the society of the rule by law .

  3. 对权利本位说的法哲学思考

    Law 's Philosophical Ideas About The Theory Of Right Standard

  4. 论权利本位原则在公司理财中的运用

    On the use of right standard principle in corporate financing

  5. 公民法律角色比较&权利本位与义务本位

    The Comparison of Citizen Law Roles & Right Standards and Duty Standards

  6. 权利本位应成为法律的立场;

    The law should take rights as its standard .

  7. 在现代社会,权利本位是贯穿整个系统的精义。

    In modern society the right-oriented doctrine is the soul of the system .

  8. 民法私主体权利本位论

    Theory of Private Subject Right Standard of Civil Law

  9. 权利本位理论也有助于教师职业地位的整体提升。

    Right-oriented theory is also helpful to the improvement of teachers ' professional status .

  10. 本文以民法私主体权利本位观作导引,析辨民事实定法,并结合司法实践,论析社会顾虑与本位原则。

    Modern civil law should take the private subject 's rights as the standard .

  11. 资本主义社会是权利本位制;

    In capitalist society , right is basic ;

  12. 专利制度的历史就是专利限制的历史,是权利本位、义务本位向社会本位演化的历史。

    The history of patent limitation is of the history of patent legal system .

  13. 论义务本位和权利本位的尊严观

    On Dignity from Duty-led and Rights-led Perspectives

  14. 权利本位的理论逻辑&与童之伟教授商榷

    The Theoretic logic of Rights standard

  15. 现代法律的权利本位探析

    Analysis on Modern Legal Rights Standard

  16. 社会本位是对权利本位的继承和发展,二者并非对立的两极。

    The social standard is inheritance and development of right standard , not the two opposing extremes .

  17. 民法权利本位的性格也使得意定担保物权充分发展。

    The civil law characterized by standard of right permits the full development of voluntary security interests .

  18. 教师权利本位会导致利己主义,金钱崇拜,有碍教师职业道德的建设。

    Teachers ' right-oriented will probably lead to egoism and mammonism which hinders teachers ' professional ethics construction .

  19. 权利本位法和义务本位法互为条件,辩证统一。

    Right st and ard law and duty st and ard law are mutually conditioned in dialectical unity .

  20. 从道德本位到权利本位的转换&梁启超《新民说》审视

    Transformation from Moral Standard to Authority Standard ── A Survey on Liang Qichao 's The Doctrine of New Nation

  21. 权利本位范式的形成及其广泛运用。权利研究必将随着中国社会主义建设而深入展开和完善。

    The research on rights is to be further promoted and perfected with the construction of Socialism in China .

  22. 而我国法学理论界经过多年的论辩,权利本位论被越来越多的人所接受,成为主流观点,产生了深远的影响。

    Right-centrism is accepted by more and more people and has even been the mainstream in the theoretical field .

  23. 沉默权与我国传统诉讼价值观念的冲突,实质上是权利本位与义务本位的冲突。

    Conflict between right to silence and traditional thought of action is actually that between standard of compentency and obligation .

  24. 完善环境行政奖励制度首先要更新观念,要摒弃官本位的思想,树立权利本位观。

    In sum , the idea of perfecting the administrative incentive system of environment of our country is put forward .

  25. 我国股东质询权制度的构建应当体现权利本位的价值趋向和品格。

    The construction of the shareholders ' inquiry right system should embody the value trend and characteristics of power standard .

  26. 社会治理的权利本位原则,为公司理财中坚持权利本位原则提供了政治前提。

    The right standard principle in society management offers political prerequisite for insisting on using right standard principle on corporate financing .

  27. 用权利本位范式去重新看待公法和私法,应该恢复其应有的理论地位。

    Regards the public law and the civil law with the right standard model , should regain its proper theory status .

  28. 民法本位历经义务本位到权利本位之嬗变,古代民法为义务本位,近现代民法为权利本位。

    The ancient civil law is duty-oriented , and the modern civil law and contemporary civil law are characterized as right-oriented .

  29. 民本经济,导源于中国传统的民本思想、“企业本位论”、“权利本位论”和“公民本位论”。

    People standard economy stems from traditional Chinese standard thinking , enterprise standard theories , rights standard theories and citizen standard theories .

  30. 并且,和谐社会的制度构建还需要有相应的价值理念支撑,它体现为社会公正、以人为本、法治和权利本位。

    And also the system requires relative values to support it , social fairness , human orientation , rule of law and rights-center ;