
quán lì jié ɡòu
  • power structure
  1. 第三部分是对我国大学权力结构的考察。

    The third part studies the power structure of our university .

  2. 乡镇权力结构与功能分析

    The power structure at the township level and its functional analysis

  3. 欠发达农村地区的村治权力结构分析

    On the Framework of the Rural-ruling Powers in the Less-developed Region

  4. 第四部分:大学权力结构及其调整。

    Part III : types power of university and its portfolio .

  5. 资本主义的权力结构与制度变迁

    On the changes of Power Structure and System of The Capitalism

  6. 传统与超越:高校权力结构的解构与重建

    Tradition and Transcendence : Deconstruction and Reconstruction of University 's Power

  7. 第三部分主要对我国大学的权力结构进行了分析。

    The third part analyzes mainly the power structure in Chinese university .

  8. 欧佩克在世界权力结构中的地位变迁

    Vicissitudes of OPEC 's Status in the World Power Structure

  9. 中国农村权力结构研究

    Research on the present power structure of village in China

  10. 第二部分,乡村社会政治权力结构变迁的原因。

    Part two : Reasons of village social political rights structure changes .

  11. 权力结构决定了市场结构。

    The market structure is decided by the power structure .

  12. 乡村社区权力结构与乡村发展

    The Power Structure of the Rural Community and Rural Development

  13. 大学内部权力结构及其调整

    The Structure of Power in the University and Its Adjustment

  14. 部落联盟模式与希腊罗马早期社会权力结构

    Pattern of Confederacy of Tribes and Early Greco Roman Societies

  15. 三元权力结构中的地方政府机构改革

    Local government reform accompanied by the 3-part structure of authorities

  16. 乡绅与乡村权力结构的演变&20世纪三、四十年代闽中乡村权力的重构

    On the Evolution of Power Structure in the Villages of Central Fujian

  17. 更深层次看,是一个分权的、控制权较为明晰的组织模式被逐渐使用,最终导致一个均衡权力结构模型&联邦分权式事业部制的产生。

    It creates ultimately a structure model of equilibrium of right-multidivisional structure .

  18. 不同社会团体互相角逐力图改变现存的权力结构。

    And various social groups struggle to shift the existing power dynamics .

  19. 国有企业中层管理者的作用与企业权力结构

    The Role of Middle-level Cadres and the Power Structure in State-owned Enterprises

  20. 其四是社会权力结构的演变导致政府与社会关系的变化。

    Thirdly , it lies in the change of social power structure .

  21. 阶级、主导种姓与印度乡村的权力结构

    Class , dominant caste and power structure in Indian village

  22. 现代大学制度下二元权力结构的优化研究

    Study on the Optimization of Dual Authority under the Modern University System

  23. 认为作为科研组织,在其内部管理权力结构中,学术权力占据重要位置。

    Academic power plays the essential role in management of scientific research organization .

  24. 论教育制度的逻辑结构与权力结构

    The Logic Structure and Power Structure of Education System

  25. 城市新型社区中的权力结构分析

    The Analysis of Authority Structure of the New Pattern Community in the City

  26. 会议桌上的权力结构发生了微妙的变化。

    There was a subtle shift in the power structure at the table .

  27. 大学基层学术组织的学术权力结构研究

    Research on the Academic Power Structure in Grass-roots Academic Units of a University

  28. 人民公社的权力结构和乡村秩序

    On the Power Structure of People ' Commune and Social Order in Countryside

  29. 二元政治权力结构的权力分配与特征分析

    An Analysis of the Power Assignment and Characteristics of Dual Political Power Structure

  30. 经理是我国公司权力结构中的重要机构之一,完善的经理制度对于完善我国的公司治理结构具有重要的意义。

    Manager an important organization one of the company power structure in China .