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  1. 第四部分,主要讲述权近两次出使明朝路线、原因及所取得的外交成就。

    The fourth part is about the routes , causes and achievements of his twice diplomatic missions to Ming Dynasty .

  2. 第一部分为引言,简要概括权近研究的现状、背景及研究目的等等。

    The first part is an introduction , which briefly recounts the status quo , background and purpose of the research .

  3. 今晚,在黛布拉·桑普森参军超过200年之后,在妇女拥有投票权的近100年后,你们已经创造了历史。

    And tonight , more than 200 years after Debra Sampson fought , and nearly 100 years after women got the vote , you people have made history .

  4. 同时结合人格权在近现代的发展以及各国立法的保护,从法理的角度分析论证,提出我国应以人格权单独成编的方式来构建完整的、以权利为轴心的民法典体系。

    At the same time , it combines the development of personal right in modern times and protection of every state-run law and puts forward out country should build a intact code systems of the people which focuses on right in the way of personal right been arranged alone .

  5. 第二部分分析了证据失权制度近十年的实施效果,重点对该制度的现状进行了反思,主要问题表现在制度本身不合理、缺乏司法运行环境和缺乏配套设施三方面。

    The second part analyzes the evidence of loss of the right system for nearly a decade of implementation results , the status of the focus of the system reflect the main problem in the system itself is unreasonable , the lack of judicial runtime environment and lack of infrastructure .

  6. 现代意义上的著作权法已有近300年的历史。

    Copyright law in modern sense has lasted about three hundred years .

  7. 司法权虽然是近现代社会的许多国家都相继接受的政治话语之一,但是,它在各国的含义并不完全相同。

    Although judicial power is an accepted political expression by one country after another in modern society , it represents some differences in different countries .

  8. 笔者立足于加强对生命权主体及其近亲属的保护,提出了相应的立法建议。

    I 'm based on strengthening the protection of the subject of life right and their close relative , I have put forward to the corresponding legislative suggestion .

  9. 虽然公路收费权转让实践已有近10年的经历,但在理论体系尚不成熟,实践的随意性很大,也出现了一些副效应。

    Transfer of road tolling equity las existed in China for 10 years , but the theory system is still not ripe .

  10. 三权分立理论是近现代各国立宪的主要指导理论之一,它也是行政立法产生、发展最重要的障碍之一,但是,当公共政策有坚实的理由要求该规则让路,它就必须让路。

    The separation of powers is one various countries ' constitutionalism instruction theory , and it also are one barrier which the administrative legislation produces .

  11. 根据史密斯提出的方案,苏格兰将有权征收本地区近40%的税(目前这个比例低于10%)并控制大约一半的公共支出。

    Under the Smith deal , Scotland would raise almost 40 per cent of its own taxes ( up from less than 10 per cent ) and control about half of the spending in the country .

  12. 建模过程考虑了诸如机队混杂、跑道使用优先权、最后进近路线长度、空管有关间隔规定和飞行规则等多种因素的影响。

    In modelling process , this paper considers the effects of the factors , including the mixture rate of airplanes , the priority of runway in use , the way of final approach and air traffic rules , etc.

  13. 信用权乃至个人信用权是近几年进入我国民法界视野的问题。

    Credit right and individual credit right are the issues which enter the vision of Civil law circle of China in recent years .