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  • Ming History
  1. 史学传统与晚明史研究

    Tradition of Historiography and the Research on the Late Ming History

  2. 康熙十八年至康熙二十四年,毛奇龄参与《明史》修纂,他在史馆草拟弘治、正德朝纪、传及诸杂传二百余篇。

    Kangxi's18 years to kangxi's24 years of Qing Dynasty , Mao Qiling participated in the work of compiling The Ming History .

  3. 举朝惮其风采。(《明史》)

    All the other court officials were awestruck by his strict rectitude .

  4. 《明史》翻译词语札记

    Notes on word translation of The History of the Ming Dynasty

  5. 略论三百年明史的经验教训

    The Three-Hundred Years Reign of the Ming Dynasty : Experiences and Lessons

  6. 康熙帝与《明史》

    Emperor Kang Xi and Ming Shi ( History of the Ming Dynasty )

  7. 王世贞明史研究之成就与特点

    On Wang Shizhen 's Studies of Ming Dynasty

  8. 《明史·选举志》编纂考述

    ELECTION A Textual Research and Description of the Compilation on Ming-dynasty History · Electoral History

  9. 清修《明史》包含相当丰富的欧洲内容。

    The Ming History written during the Qing Dynasty includes very rich information about Europe .

  10. 康熙命人编纂了许多书,其中有《康熙字典》和《明史》。

    He commissioned many books , including The Kangxi Dictionary and A History of The Ming Dynasty .

  11. 特别考证了《明史·历志》的编撰过程,指出它极有可能最终出自梅成之手。

    The authors find the final edition of Mind Shi Li Zhi might be done by Met Juecheng .

  12. 本文就个人翻译《明史》时遇到的一些较为棘手的问题提出来进行讨论。

    This paper raises knotty problems concerning the translation of the History of Ming Into the vernacular Chinese .

  13. 从《明史·列女传》析明代妇女的贞节观念

    Analyses Women 's Chastity idea of Ming Dynasty through Biographies of Chaste Female in the History of Ming Dynasty

  14. 由于种种原因,目前的明史学界对于明代竹木抽分的研究基本处于停滞状态。

    For a variety of reasons , the Ming dynasty at present for the collection of academic study of bamboo-wood taxed basic stagnant .

  15. 主要依据《明史》文献材料,从晚明宫帷朝政纷争环境来考察魏学曾的仕途际遇;

    Based on history of the Ming Dynasty , the author studies the official career and experiences of Wei Xuezeng of Jingyang county .

  16. 同时康熙帝重视史籍的收集,运用行政手段,帮助收集《明史》所需史料。

    In the meantime , Emperor Kang Xi emphasized the collection of historical literature and documentation and employed administrative means in so doing .

  17. 从目前明史学者对于明代役的研究成果来看,明代的役法结构和前代相比呈现出较大的非延续性。

    From the research findings by historians of Ming Dynasty , the legal servant system presents a greater uncontinuity than those in previous dynasties .

  18. 明代九边是为今学术界研究明史问题上的一个热门话题,也是历史地理学者所研究的一项重点区域。

    The Ming Dynasty Nine is a hot topic in this academic research history , the history and geography scholars study a priority area .

  19. 从对明史的研究看张学良西安事变后的心态

    Zhang Xue-liang 's State of Mind after the Xian Incident as can be Seen from his Study of the History of the Ming dynasty

  20. 《明史》历称精善,这与其编撰过程中一直受到康熙帝的关心、指导有很大关系。

    Ming Shi has long been regarded as elaborately written , the process of which was under the care and guidance of Emperor Kang Xi .

  21. 《明史》纂修的时间历程甚长,在清顺治朝与康熙朝初期,官方的纂修成绩很小。

    The compiling of The Ming History in the reign of Shunzhi and the early reign of Kangxi took along time and achieved so little .

  22. 后者以陈请纂修《明史》勿信野史讹传为开端,以强烈要求更正官修《明史》中的讹误记录为最终目标。

    The latter originated from their appealing Mingshi not to adapt the wrong records and asked strongly to correct the false record in Mingshi edited officially .

  23. 朝鲜王朝编修了四十多部中国史书,其中以明史所占比重最大,其次则是宋史。

    More than 40 Chinese history books had been compiled during Choson dynasty , the most important of which are those about Song and Ming history .

  24. 这些我将在论文的第四部分库本《明史》和殿本《明史》之比较中,进行详细的例证说明。

    I will explain the illustration of comparison between Dian edition of Ming History and the library of this Ming History in the fourth part of the paper .

  25. 本文对《明书》具体缺略情况和回避情形进行了考述、分析,希望能为明史研究者更好地利用《明书》提供参考。

    The author examines the precise details of these omissions and taboos and analyses them in the hope that those studying Ming history can make better use of Mingshu .

  26. 迷失的本性&从《明史·列女传》中的妇女守节现象析明代妇女的贞节观念

    Natural Instinct lost & Analyses Women 's Chastity idea of Ming Dynasty through the Phenomenon of Chaste Women Recorded in the History of Ming Dynasty , Biographies of Chaste Female

  27. 《杨嗣昌集》的整理,可为明史、政治、军事、文学等多学科研究提供难得的第一手资料。

    The sorting-out of Collected Works of Yang Sichang provides valuable firsthand materials for researches in such fields as the history , politics , military and literature of Ming Dynasty .

  28. 明代选举制度研究的一部力作&评郭培贵教授的《明史·选举志考论》

    A Masterpiece about the Research in Electoral System of the Ming Dynasty : Comment on Professor Guo Pei-gui s the Election system of Ming Dynasty History Textual Research and Commentary ;

  29. 笔者仅就馆藏流传极少的几种稀见明代志书,作些披露与研究,其原始史料价值、文献版本价值,以望对明史研究、明代方志的整理、开发与研究等有所裨益。

    The author announces his study on their values of original historical materials and document editions to benefit the study of Ming history and the publication and research of Ming local records .

  30. 明代内阁的地位与作用是明史研究中的重大课题,一向为学术界所关注。

    The status and the function of cabinet minister in Ming Dynasty , an important subject for the study of Ming Dynasty , have been a great concern of the academic world .