
  • 网络adherent of ming dynasty
  1. 明遗民与清初满汉文化的整合

    Ming loyalists and the integrated Manchu-Han culture of the early Qing

  2. 论明遗民对清政权的接受和认可&以陈恭尹交游的转变过程为例

    On the Ming Dynasty Adherents ' Acceptance of the Qing Regime

  3. 归庄&明遗民诗学理论的杰出代表

    Gui Zhuang & the Outstanding Representative of Poetry Theory of Ming Diehards

  4. 贞节修行是明遗民的生活态度;

    The cultivation of virtues reflects their life attitude ;

  5. 论明遗民之典范及警世意义

    On the Models of Adherents of Ming Dynasty

  6. 文化贡献是明遗民的本业;

    Culture Culture cultural contribution is their purpose ;

  7. 明遗民的身份认同及其符号世界

    Self - identification and the Symbol World of the Adherents to the Old Ming Dynasty

  8. 真诗的探寻:清初明遗民诗论

    Search for " Genuine Poetry ": On the Poetics of the Ming Loyalists in Early Qing Dynasty

  9. 明遗民是一个复杂的群体,应当区别并辨析明遗民内在的差异。

    The Adherents of Ming Dynasty were a complex group of people , so differences within them should be distinguished .

  10. 在经历了天崩地解的明清易代的清初,深刻影响和制约当时社会秩序重建的一个重要因素,就是作为明朝孤臣孽子的明遗民。

    In the dynastic change of Ming and Qing dynasties in the early Qing , it was Ming loyalists that affected and restricted the profound social reconstruction .

  11. 在清初社会秩序的重建过程中,明遗民是一个举足轻重的政治异己力量。

    In the reconstruction process of social order at the beginning stage of Qing dynasty , the descendants of the Ming Dynasty are political dissident force of consequence .

  12. 为了凸现明遗民论题的现实意义,还可以申论明遗民的警世意义:士之为士,规范自尊;

    In order to show the realistic significance of the theme of adherents of Ming Dynasty , the following warning significances for the present should be made clear : official should regulate themselves ;

  13. 从悠闲的背影里,可依稀看到明遗民的退隐生活,幽静中带着些许遗憾。

    Their leisure backs reveal faint traces of the secluded life of the remaining subjects of the Ming Dynasty , and the tranquility of the landscape is tinged with some sense of lamentation .

  14. 相较于宋遗民,明遗民为今天的我们在特定的历史时期对民族精神的深思与坚持提供了更理性的典范。

    Compared to the adherents of Song Dynasty , those of Ming Dynasty provide us with a more rational model of pondering over and adhering to the national spirits under a certain historical stage .

  15. 政治方面来说,帝王好尚对于馆臣的编撰影响颇大:明遗民作为清朝特别是初中期的敏感话题,其诗歌成就被有意遮蔽。

    Above all , from the political perspective , imperial preferences impact the compiling of Catalogue . And Ming loyalist is a sensitive topic in early Qing Dynasty , their poem Was intentionally obscured .

  16. 明遗民,是指活跃在明清之际,不与新朝合作,通过各种方式表达缅怀旧明思绪的士大夫群体。

    Ming Dynasty is active in the Ming and Qing Dynasties , not with the new country through a variety of ways to express thoughts cherish the memory of the old Ming scholar-officials group .

  17. 忠诚于(有时是狂热的忠诚)理想或者真理观。节与忠:明遗民对明清之际江南女性殉节的书写

    Devoted ( sometimes fanatically ) to a cause or concept of truth . Chastity and Loyalty : Description of Chastity-pursuing Death of Women in the South Region of the Yangtze River during the Ming-Qing Interregnum by the Adherents of Ming Dynasty

  18. 从归庄的交游看明季士人遗民的生存选择

    See the Choice of Life Style of the Literati in the End of Ming Dynasty from the Communication and Travel of Gui Zhuang

  19. 宋、明两朝遗民的文学创作也历来是文学史研究上不可忽视的对象。尤其是他们在诗歌史上的贡献,后人评价甚高。

    In literature history , the literature produced by the adherents of Song and Ming Dynasty can never be neglected , especially their contribution to the history of poetry , which is sung highly by posterity .