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  1. 我请弟子浩刻上以日月合成,意谓著智慧与慈悲合一,的明字。

    I asked disciple Hao to carve the word Ming , which consists of Sun and Moon as signifying the union of Wisdom and Compassion , onto it .

  2. 齐、燕两国都通行带有明字的大刀,同时对周边国家的铸币文字也有影响,但是它们并不是相同的。

    Qi , Yan both with the passage " that " the word machetes , while neighboring countries also affect Mint text , but they are not the same .

  3. 其中蓝色配“明”字,红色配“心”字,黄色配“见”字,橙色配“性”字。

    With a blue ticket ," Bright ", the red ticket ," heart ", a yellow ticket ," see "," sex " a orange ticket .

  4. 这一时期,科举制度的考试种类颇多,包括秀才、明经、进士、俊士、明法、明字、明算等五十余种。

    During this period , the imperial examination system had many species , including scholar , Ming Jing , Jin Shi , Jun Shi , Ming Fa , Ming Zi , Ming Suan and other 50 kinds of operators .