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  • 网络Mingshan;BUKIT PANORAMA;Ming-Shan Lu;kanew
  1. 湖南阳明山岩体的La-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年及成因研究

    Single-zircon La-ICP-MS U-Pb Dating of the Yangmingshan Granitic Pluton in Hunan , South China and Its Petrogenetic Study

  2. 湖南阳明山岩体主要由二云母二长花岗岩和电气石白云母花岗岩构成,两类花岗岩的锆石La-ICP-MS定年结果分别为218.0±10.0Ma和218.9±3.4Ma,属印支晚期花岗岩。

    The Yangmingshan granitic pluton is mainly composed of two-mica monzonitic granites and tourmaline-muscovite granites . Single-Zircon La-ICP-MS U-Pb dating indicates that it was formed during the late Indosinian , as two zircon ages of 218.0 ± 10.0 Ma and 218.9 ± 3.4 Ma are obtained .

  3. 梅州明山煤矸石山植被恢复的研究

    Vegetation Restoration on Coal Waste Piles of Mingshan Mountain , Meizhou

  4. 化探在明山金矿的找矿效果

    Results of geochemical prospecting in Mingshan gold deposit , guangxi

  5. 广西明山微细粒型金矿床地质特征及找矿标志

    Geological characteristics and indicaters of Mingshan Microfine-grained disseminated type gold deposit , Guangxi

  6. 我极力推荐阳明山国家公园。

    I 'd strongly recommend Yangmingshan National park .

  7. 我们去阳明山郊游。

    We will picnic in mountain of Yangming .

  8. 漂流旅游解说系统规划初探&以阳明山漂流为例

    An Initial Discussion about Drift Tourist Interpretation System & A Case Study of Yangming Mountain Drift

  9. 你是想你可以在明山摆脱我逃之夭夭,对吗?

    You 're thinking you can get away from me in shady hill , aren 't you ?

  10. 经过分析,本文支持阳明山植物区系隶属于泛北极区的华东植物省。

    After floristic analysis , this paper agree that Yangmingshan flora belongs to East-China Province , Holarctic Kingdom .

  11. 江南奇山度假胜地大明山

    Magical resorts DaMing Mountain

  12. 阳明山的温泉,有助于身心的放松,是受人欢迎的一大旅游特色。

    One popular feature of Yangmingshan is the hot springs there that provide a great place for relaxation .

  13. 珠茶产地主要集中在以平水为中心的会稽山、四明山和天台山区。

    The producing areas of gunpowder tea have become one of the four key tea-producing areas in the Republican Period .

  14. 而阳明山上的温泉以硫磺泉为主;硫磺泉可使增加白血球,并可软化皮肤角质。

    Hot Springs ingredients classification can be divided into carbonate springs , will increase white blood cell , and softening skin keratinocytes .

  15. 他称,富士康还在台北阳明山以及中国其他地区寻找修建疗养度假村的地点。

    Foxconn is also looking for sites to build resorts on Yangmingshan in Taipei and other parts of China , said Wu .

  16. 桂西北明山金矿床表生带矿石中氨基酸的分布特征研究

    A study on the distribution characteristics of amino acids in ores from the supergene zones of Mingshan gold deposit , Northwestern Guangxi Province

  17. 这些结果表明山姜属植物花柱卷曲运动是感性运动,它运动的方向与外界的刺激方向无关,只相对于花药位置做向上/向下卷曲。

    These results indicated that the style curvature of Alpinia was nastic movement , because they just curved upward or downward relative to the position of anther .

  18. 对浙江省杭州市郊东明山森林公园3种不同生境的鸟类进行了调查。

    In the Park AVIFAUNA OF CHENGDU CITY AND ITS SUBURBS , SICHUAN , CHINA A survey of birds was conducted in Mount Dongming , Zhejiang Province .

  19. 阳明山国家公园紧临台北都会区,是台北市的后花园,拥有温泉、大小油坑的硫磺喷气孔、地热与火山口湖等火山地貌。

    Taipei 's backyard , Yangmingshan is a lush green mountain area generously endowed with hot springs , fumaroles and other signs of the local volcanic geology .

  20. 通过野外实地考察,采用样方法,调查了广东梅州明山煤矿废弃地的植被和植物区系。

    Using field investigation and quadrat method , a study was conducted on the vegetation and flora of the coalmine wasteland in Mingshan Mountain , Meizhou , Guangdong .

  21. 本文在实地调研、案例采集和查阅相关文献资料的基础上,对四明山古村落内部巷弄空间构成模式做了一定的归纳分析和概括总结。

    On the basis of field research , case collection and relevant documents , this paper analyses and summarize the constitution pattern of the alley space of Siming Mountain Villages .

  22. 结果表明:阳明山植物区系包括314个热带属、344个温带属(包含中国特有的19个属),温带属略多于热带属类型,说明阳明山处于温带至热带的过渡地带。

    Data show that there are 314 tropical genera genus and 344 temperate genera present . We concluded that Yangming Mountain lies in a transitional zone between the temperate zone and the tropical zone .

  23. 4通过体外和体内药理学试验,结果表明山茱萸多糖具有体外抗氧化活性,并能提高小鼠的免疫活性,降低糖尿病大鼠的血糖。

    Through the in-vitro and in-vivo pharmacological experiment , the result indicate that Fructus Corni polysaccharide has in-vitro antioxygen activity , and can increase small mouse immune activity , depress the blood suger of the diabetes mice .

  24. 以阳明山漂流旅游为例,阐述了漂流旅游解说系统的规划原则、规划方法及具体的规划内容,为正在建设中的阳明山漂流旅游提供借鉴。

    This paper takes Yangming Mountain as an example , expounds the basic principle , modes and content of the planning of tourist interpretation system and provides the suggestion for the drift tourism of Yanking Mountain in construction .

  25. 目的观察山茱萸总甙对大鼠角膜移植模型细胞免疫功能影响,并通过观察外周血淋巴细胞活化状态以期进一步阐明山茱萸总甙的免疫抑制机制。

    AIM : To investigate the influence of the cornus officinalis glycosides ( COG ) on immunological function of corneal transplantation model of rats , and to clarify the immunosuppressive mechanism of COG through observing the activation of lymphocytes in blood .

  26. 在仪征泵站罐区的2口深井阳极地床中,采用金属氧化物作为阳极材料,取得了较好的效果。经过分析,本文支持阳明山植物区系隶属于泛北极区的华东植物省。

    In two deep well anode ground beds at tank zone of Yizheng Pump Station , metal oxide is used as an anode material and obtains good results . After floristic analysis , this paper agree that Yangmingshan flora belongs to East-China Province , Holarctic Kingdom .