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  • 网络the beginning of the ming dynasty;ming dynasty
  1. 浅谈明初山西移民之背景

    Background of the Immigration in Shanxi at the Beginning of the Ming Dynasty

  2. 明初政治文化的使命就是儒学精神的重建,这也是三国故事二度创作的契机。

    The main task for politics and culture at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty was to reconstruct the Confucian spirit , and it was a chance by which the novel of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms was created for the second time .

  3. 博山出土的元末明初的玻璃基本为K2OCaOSiO2系玻璃,并采用了Cu,Fe等微量元素作为着色剂。

    While all the glasses unearthed from Boshan primarily belong to K_ ( 2 ) OCaOSiO_ ( 2 ) system , with the Cu and Fe ions as the main coloring elements .

  4. 论明初高丽王朝与明朝的关系

    Relationship between Korean and Ming Dynasty in the Early Ming Dynasty

  5. 明初南京城规划

    The City Planning of Nanjing in Early Period of Ming Dynasty

  6. 明初闽中文学研究

    The Study of Early-Ming 's Literature in the Middle of Fujian Province

  7. 才保证了明初仁宣之治的出现。

    To ensure the " Ren Xuan cure " appear .

  8. 明初,朱元璋废除了行逾千年的宰相制度。

    In the beginning of Ming Dynasty , Zhu Yuanzhang abolished premier system .

  9. 明初山西移民保定的历史原因及其影响

    Historical Reasons and Influence of Shanxi Emigrants to Baoding in the Early Ming Dynasty

  10. 元末明初杂剧的市民精神与文化转型

    Public Spirit and Cultural Transformation of Zaju in Late Yuan and Early Ming Dynasty

  11. 明初西安城市格局的演进及其规划手法探析

    Preliminary Analysis of Planning Methods of Xi'an Urban Pattern in the Beginning of Ming Dynasty

  12. 相对于其他地区,明初吴中文学对明朝翰林院文学创作的影响甚微。

    Comparatively , Wuzhong School made little influence on Hanlin Academy in early Ming Dynasty .

  13. 该思想成为明初立法和司法的指导思想。

    The thought became the guiding ideology in judicature and legislation in early Ming Dynasty .

  14. 灰泥状坟墓曾在中国非常流行,特别是元末明初曾经大肆盛行。

    Mortar-cased tombs were popular in China , particularly from the late Yuan to early Ming dynasties .

  15. 经过元末战火的洗礼,明初的民间教育还处于恢复期。

    After the war of late Yuan , folk education in early Ming still was in recovery .

  16. 明初的言官与理学有着密切联系。

    In the early stage of the Ming Dynasty , the supervisor was closely related with Neo-Confucianism .

  17. 同时把重点放在对明初章回小说的韵文框架的研究上。

    Meanwhile places the key point to the beginning of Ming dynasty traditional novel verse frame research .

  18. 宋末至明初江南农业变化的特点和历史地位&十三、十四世纪江南农业变化探讨之四

    Characteristic features and historical positions of agricultural changes in Jiangnan from the late Song to the early Ming

  19. 元末到明初的地方社会,是一个乡豪权力支配的社会。

    Local society was under the control of local bullies during the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties .

  20. 高启是明初最著名的诗人,其字号、籍贯和家族成员是研究其生平的基础资料。

    His name , birth place and family members are the basic resources to study his whole life .

  21. 论明初监察制度的若干特色浅论朱元璋的监察思想

    Features of the supervisory system in the early Ming dynasty A Brief Discussion of Supervisory Thought of Zhu Yuanzhang

  22. 明初时期的岭南地方文化及社会的研究目前还比较欠缺,对岭南本土的历史人物的研究也不深入。

    At present , there is little study on the culture and society of south china in early Ming Dynasty .

  23. 元末明初南方两个文学群体成员的交往及其差异

    The Intercourse and Difference among the Members of Two Southern Literary Groups In the Joint Period of Yuan and Ming

  24. 元末明初吴中文学研究综述

    Summary of the Study on Literature of Wuzhong District at the Intersection of the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty

  25. 明初平定建昌卫月鲁帖木儿叛乱浅析从张格尔叛乱看清朝边疆防御之得失

    Gains and Losses of the Frontier Defense of the Qing Dynasty Viewing from the Zhang ' ge ' er Rebellion

  26. 舞美设计充分尊重明初皇家粮仓建筑原貌,现场全部明式家具陈设。

    Take the original form of the Imperial Granary in the early Ming Dynasty into full consideration for stage design .

  27. 倪瓒生平、交游研究&元末明初社会个案考察

    Studies on Ni Zan 's Life and Friends , Case about History of Social Culture during Late Yuan and Early Ming

  28. 台阁体的诗文创作在明初盛行一时,席卷文坛,一枝独秀。

    The " Taige ti " poem and prose creation was very popular and outshine others in the Early Ming Dynasty .

  29. 明初以来沧州移民宗族形态的演进与社会变迁从豪强宗族到文化士族&东汉马氏研究

    The Clan Pattern 's Evolving and Social Changes in the Immigration Society of Cangzhou since the Beginning of the Ming Dynasty

  30. 试论明初政府对留居内地的蒙古遗民的政策政府职能视角下的内蒙古教育投资研究

    Policies of Early Ming Dynasty on Mongolian Immigrants ; Analysis on the Education Investment in Inner Mongolia from Perspective of Government Function