
míng què
  • clearness;definite;explicit;unequivocal;clarity;clear-cut;categorical;clear and definite;pinpoint
明确 [míng què]
  • (1) [categorical;definite;clear-cut]∶清晰明白

  • 法院的判决是明确的和不可改变的

  • (2) [explicit]∶指概念表达得很明了清楚,使读者或听者不用思索便懂

  • 全文主旨明确

  • [pinpoint] 使清晰、明白而肯定不移

  • 明确了公民在法律程序上的权利

明确[míng què]
  1. 但ERP系统的实施充满了挑战和风险,在实施ERP系统时,明确ERP的实施基础和条件至关重要。

    But it is full of challenge and venture to carry out it , while putting ERP system into practice , putting of clear and definite ERP into practice foundation is with the term to the pass importance .

  2. 目前,现代医学对于UC病因及发病机制尚未完全明确,可能与遗传、免疫、感染、环境及精神等多种因素密切有关。

    For the time being , the pathogenesis , not clear and definite , is believed to relate to heredity , immunity , infection , environment and psychiatric factors by modern medicine closely .

  3. 参加问卷调查的所有人中有四分之一没有表示明确意见。

    A quarter of all the people surveyed were don 't-knows .

  4. 他明确表示他对协议的事一无所知。

    He stated categorically that he knew nothing about the deal .

  5. 我明确告诉过你不要靠近水边!

    I specifically told you not to go near the water !

  6. 合同明确规定谁可以操作机器。

    The contract clearly specifies who can operate the machinery .

  7. 教学大纲明确规定了哪些是必读的书。

    The syllabus prescribes precisely which books should be studied .

  8. 我们想找一个有明确目标的人。

    We are looking for somebody with a clear sense of direction .

  9. 我们的想法开始形成了一个明确的计划。

    Our ideas began to crystallize into a definite plan .

  10. 我们需要明确今后的任务。

    We need to define the task ahead very clearly .

  11. 从一开始我就明确地说我不赞成。

    I made it clear right from the outset that I disapproved .

  12. 租约明确规定,一切损坏必须赔偿。

    The lease plainly states that all damage must be paid for .

  13. 警察的职权必须明确界定。

    The powers of the police must be clearly defined .

  14. 她对她明年的计划不怎么明确。

    She 's a little vague about her plans for next year .

  15. 他竭力支支吾吾不给予明确的回答。

    He tried desperately to wriggle out of giving a clear answer .

  16. 对于应该采取什么正确步骤,还是有些不明确。

    There is some confusion about what the correct procedure should be .

  17. 已经明确禁止她动我的文件。

    She was expressly forbidden to touch my papers .

  18. 你必须理解我处的位置不明确。

    You must understand the ambiguity of my position .

  19. 她明确表示自己以前从未见过他。

    She swore she 'd never seen him before .

  20. 他明确表示要我们离开。

    He made it plain that we should leave .

  21. 考试规则明确规定考试时不得使用计算器。

    The regulations specify that calculators may not be used in the examination .

  22. 这或暗示或明确地强调了金钱至上这一观念。

    It reinforces , implicitly or explicitly , the idea that money is all-important .

  23. 他对这个主意略感兴趣,但还不愿意作出明确决定。

    He nibbled at the idea , but would not make a definite decision .

  24. 她明确指出了他的错误所在,既委婉又体贴。

    She pointed out with tact and sensitivity exactly where he had gone wrong .

  25. 他明确表示反对。

    He made it clear that he objected .

  26. 她明确表示了自己的立场。

    She has made her position very clear .

  27. 在工作和闲暇之间很难划出明确的界限。

    It was hard to draw clear lines of demarcation between work and leisure .

  28. 他阐述观点明确,值得赞赏。

    He made his points with admirable clarity .

  29. 证人的描述太不明确,没有任何实际价值。

    The witness 's descriptions were too imprecise to be of any real value .

  30. 她有非常明确的艺术观。

    She has very pronounced views on art .