
  1. PCR系统制备地高辛标记的探针检测脊髓灰质炎病毒核酸

    Detection of Poliovirus by Digoxigenin - labeled cDNA Probe Prepared by PCR Technique

  2. 光辅助超高真空CVD系统制备SiGe异质结双极晶体管研究

    Study on Fabrication of SiGe / Si-HBT by Photo-assisted UHV-CVD

  3. 采用X射线荧光光谱仪测定钛矿,研究了利用混合熔剂系统制样方法,测定精度及制样精度。

    With X ray fluorescence spectrograph to determine titanium mineral , the method to make specimen with mixed flux system , determination precision and specimen-making precision are researched .

  4. 将其中的三只兔取血,采用ATS系统制备洗涤红细胞。

    Three of those rabbits were killed , blood were made into washing RBC with ATS system .

  5. 采用气溶胶溶剂萃取系统制备聚乳酸(PLA)微细颗粒。

    Poly lactic acid ( PLA ) microparticles were prepared by a supercritical fluid method , called the aerosol solvent extraction system method .

  6. 热泵式VRV空调系统制热运行能耗及其影响因素分析

    Analysis of heating energy consumption of the VRV air conditioning system and its influencing factors

  7. 用射频溅射系统制备了c-BN薄膜,并且用离子注入的方法在c-BN薄膜中注入Be,制备了p-c-BN/p-Si薄膜同型异质结,并研究了异质结的电学性质。

    P-c-BN / p-Si thin film heterojunctions have been fabricated .

  8. 基于离子阱和腔QED系统制备纠缠态和实现相位门

    The Generation of Entanglement State and the Implementation of Phase Gate Base on Trapped Ion and Caity QED System

  9. 计算结果表明:该系统制热系数COP高达11,远远超过了空调系统的COP,具有显著的节能效果。

    The calculation result shows that the COP coefficient is up to 11 , more than the COP of general air-conditioning system , the energy-saving effect is remarkable .

  10. 其中利用价格低、操作简单的磁控溅射系统制备高性能的CIGS吸收层就是其中的一个关键环节。

    How to take advantage of inexpensive magnetron sputtering system to prepare high-performance CIGS absorbing layer is become one key point .

  11. 在不同温度条件下,利用低压金属有机源化学气相沉积(LP-MOCVD)系统制备ZnO薄膜,对在氧源离化和非离化两种状态下生长的ZnO薄膜材料进行了相关的研究比较。

    ZnO thin films were deposited with low-pressure MOCVD at different substrate temperatures . The effects of oxygen source ionization on the growth and properties of MOCVD ZnO material were investigated .

  12. 利用射频磁控溅射系统制备了调制周期为30nm的具有不同调制比例的ZrN/W2N纳米多层膜。

    ZrN / W2N nano-multilayers with different thicknesses and a fixed bi-layer period of 30 nm were grown by magnetron sputtering .

  13. 简述了几种Al2O3薄膜的制备方法,使用中频孪生靶非平衡磁控溅射系统制备了掺铒Al2O3薄膜,并对其进行检测,结果表明该方法制备的薄膜适于制作光纤放大器。

    This article introduces some methods for preparing Al_2O_3 films . The Er-doped Al_2O_3 films were prepared by mid-frequency unbalance dual magnetron sputtering and their properties were measured . The results indicated that the films suit to be used as optical amplifier materials .

  14. 利用计算机三维凝胶叠层系统制备出小梁结构具有一定取向性的仿生BCP支架,并对BCP支架进行评测;

    Porous biomimetic biphasic calcium phosphate ( BCP ) ceramic scaffolds with oriented trabecular structure were fabricated with three-dimensional ( 3D ) gel-lamination technique according to the two-dimensional images of dog 's trabecular specimen .

  15. 通过现场VRV机组实际运行测试,着重研究了VRV热泵空调系统制热运行的实际工况及影响因素。

    By way of the spot testing for the unit actual operating condition , the emphases of this paper are the actual heating work condition and effecting factors of the VRV heat pump air condition system .

  16. 本文利用双放电腔微波-ECR等离子体增强非平衡磁控溅射系统制备了SiCN薄膜,并系统地研究了薄膜的结构和性能。

    In this paper , we prepare the SiCN thin films by twined charge chamber microwave ECR plasma enhanced unbalanced magnetron sputtering system , and study the bonds structure and properties of the film .

  17. 用过滤式电弧沉积系统制备类金刚石薄膜

    Fabrication of diamond like films using filtered vacuum arc deposition system

  18. 利用准分子激光微加工系统制备光子晶体线路

    Fabrication of Photonic Crystal Microcircuits by Excimer Laser Micromachining System

  19. 使用一种新的循环系统制备了单分散三氧化二铁超顺磁性纳米颗粒。

    Monodispersed iron oxide superparamagnetic nanoparticles were prepared using a novel circulating system .

  20. 目的利用杆状病毒表达载体系统制备重组乙型肝炎病毒核心蛋白。

    Objective To produce recombinant HBcAg in insect cells by Baculovirus expression vector system .

  21. 叶酸聚合物胶束给药系统制备及其评价

    Preparation and Evaluation of Folate-conjugated Polymer Micelles

  22. 应用重组噬菌体抗体系统制备了重组单链抗体。

    A single-chain antibody against human colorectal carcinoma was synthesized using the Recombinant Phage Anti-body System .

  23. Cu/Zr-Si-N/Si金属化系统制备及退火气氛对其热稳定性的影响

    Preparation and Effect of Annealing Ambient on Thermal Stability of Cu / ZrSiN / Si Structure

  24. 利用原核表达系统制备肾癌相关抗原G250/MN/CAⅨ

    Fusion expression of human renal cell carcinoma-associated antigen G250 / MN / CA ⅸ in prokaryotic expression system

  25. 该文对采用密封反应系统制备HgBa2Ca2Cu3O(8+δ)超导材料的烧结工艺进行了探讨。

    The synthesis techniqe of the HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8 + δ with a sealed reaction system has been discussed in this paper .

  26. 全自动细胞处理系统制备冰冻红细胞的关键控制点及效果评价

    Evaluation of the key control point in preparing process and preparing effect for preparing frozen red blood cells with ACP 215

  27. 对氚钛膜中释放的杂质气体组分的研究结果表明,用玻璃真空系统制备的氚化钛样品被油污染比较严重。

    Analysis of impurity release from titanium tritide film shows that samples , prepared in a glass vacuum system would be polluted by oil .

  28. 利用溶气原油制备系统制备得到理想的实验室溶气原油,为其流变性研究提供了基础油样。

    By the system we can obtain the ideal live crude oil , and provide the fundamental crude oil sample for rheological property research .

  29. 结论:该凝胶微球载药系统制备工艺简单,载药量大,可以负载具有生物活性的药物。

    CON-CLUSION : The preparation technics of gel microspheres drug-loading system is simple and the loading dosage is high , which can be used as a bioactive drugs carrier .

  30. 结论可用人工毛细管培养系统制备出1周内性能较好的培养猪肝细胞中空纤维型生物反应器。

    Conclusion The hollow fiber bioreactor for culturing pig hepatocytes can . be prepared by artificial capillary cell culture system , which provides a certain liver-specific function in 1 week .