
xì xīn
  • be concerned/worried about
系心 [xì xīn]
  • [cherish;entertain,harbour;intention] 心向,心有所寄托

  • 系心怀王。--《史记.屈原贾生列传》

  1. 玉米自交系心叶期对亚洲玉米螟抗性遗传规律的研究初报

    Preliminary studies on the inheritance of inbred lines resistant to Asian corn borer in whorl stage of Maize

  2. 冠心病患者常见病脉为弦脉类,可能系心功能损伤,动脉顺应性降低,总外周阻力增高形成的;

    Most of the CHD patients reveal string pulse , mainly due to damage of heart function , lowering of arterial compliance and increase of total peripheral resistance .

  3. 低心排综合征系心内直视手术的严重并发症,为术后患者死亡的主要原因。

    The low output syndrome ( LOS ), which is a serious complication after the open heart surgery , has been a main cause of death during the postoperative period ;

  4. 通过对宇宙中有形运动物质绕系心公转而且自转这种普遍现象的研究,发现在宇宙中除已知的4种力外,还存在着第五种无形的旋转力;

    Through the most fundamental study on the motion phenomenon that the tangible motion substance revolving around the system center also revolves around its own axis in the universe , author found that the fifth intangible whirling force existed except for the known four forces in the universe ;

  5. Ti6Al4V/DLC系人工心瓣功能梯度材料的热应力计算

    Thermal stress model for functional gradient material of ti6al4v / dlc artificial heart valve

  6. 地心坐标系与站心坐标系中的速度转换及误差传播

    Velocity transformation and error propagation between geocentric coordinate system and site-centric coordinate system

  7. 左旋心、孤立左位心常系最复杂心内畸形。

    Levoversion and isolated levocardia were the most complex anomalies of the heart .

  8. 等我揽住你或者俾我住系你个心度。

    Let me embrace you or let me live in your heart to eternty .

  9. 箴6:21要常系在你心上,挂在你项上。

    Pro6:21 Bind them continually upon thine heart , and tie them about thy neck .

  10. 随着空间测量技术的普及和精度的进一步提高,传统大地测量工作发生了质的变化,促使大地坐标系由参心坐标系向地心坐标系转化。

    Traditional geodetic survey has changed greatly with popularization of spacial survey technology and further improvement of precision . Geodetic coordinate system has transformed from reference ellipsoid centric coordinate system ( RECCS ) to geocentric coordinate system because of the change .

  11. 儿童“身”系自然,“心”向自由;

    Born in the nature , children are desirous of freedom .

  12. 线的一头不是系在我的心上。

    One end of that string was not fast to my heart .

  13. 质点系相对动矩心的动量矩定理

    Angular Momentum Theorem of the Particle System to the Moving Moment Center

  14. 三水盆地古近系(土布)心组黑色页岩中黄铁矿的形成及其控制因素

    Pyrite Formation and Its Controls in Black Shales of the Buxin Formation ( Lower Eocene ) from the Sanshui Basin , Guangdong

  15. 结果体育系学生和普通系学生心力数据间有非常显著的差异,而心率数据间没有明著的差异。

    Result It was found that there was a very significant difference between the two sets of cardiac contractility data of the PE and general department students and there was no obvious difference between the two sets of heart rate data .

  16. 本文根据川东地区二迭系和石炭系破碎地层取心试验所遇到的复杂情况,以及试验取得的主要效果,提出了该区在选用取心工具和制订取心工艺措施方面的几点意见。

    On the basis of complicated situation appearing at coring test in slacking strata of Permian and Carboniferous in the eastern region of Sichuan Basin and the principal results , obtained in these tests , some suggestions about selecting coring tools and adopting coring technology are presented in this paper .

  17. 采用简捷的方法推导质点系相对于任意动点的动量矩定理,并由此引出质点系相对于质心的动量矩定理和质点系相对于速度瞬心的动量矩定理。

    There from it is used to obtain the principles of the angular of momentum of the system of particles with respect to its cenier of mass and instantaneous center of velocity .