
xì zhǔ rèn
  • dean;chair;chairpersons;faculty director;head/chairman of a department
  1. 他出国已经取得系主任的同意。

    He has obtained the consent of the dean for going abroad .

  2. 系主任对本系的管理非常严格。

    The Dean ruled his department with a rod of iron .

  3. 系主任已约定晚上与我谈话。

    The Dean has arranged with me about a talk in the evening .

  4. 王先生是中国建筑研究院建筑系主任。

    Wang serves as head of the Architecture Department at the China Academy of Ar ( CAA ) .

  5. 外语系主任是谁?

    Who is the dean of the Foreign Languages Department ?

  6. 学生们很喜欢这位新系主任。

    The students much like the new dean .

  7. 我的儿子是印第安那市曼西尔波州立大学的学生,大学一年级的时候,他的名字就被列在了系主任的表扬名单上。

    My son , who made the dean 's list in his freshman student .

  8. 本文作者为莫斯科国立大学(MoscowStateUniversity)国际关系社会学系主任

    The writer is chairman of the department of the sociology of international relations at Moscow State University

  9. 当了十年的系主任,John,was,department,head,for,ten,years,好像已经一个世纪那么长了,至于这门课呢,现在由我来主要负责这门课。

    John felt like a century , and in course six , I 'm the current department head in course six .

  10. RichardBrandenburg是研究生项目的副系主任。

    Richard Brandenburg is the dean for graduate programs .

  11. St.George'sSchool学校助理系主任PatriciaMoss表示,不仅仅学生报告推迟上课时间的效果更好。

    Patricia Moss , an assistant dean at St. George 's School , says students were not the only ones reporting better results .

  12. 卡内基梅隆大学(CarnegieMellonUniversity)心理学系主任麦克尔•史西尔(MichaelScheier)说,如果患者对他们的未来比较乐观的话,他们的配偶更容易安然处之。

    Michael Scheier , head of the psychology department at Carnegie Mellon University , says spouses of ill patients fare much better if their husbands or wives are optimistic about their future . '

  13. 不管怎么样,我从系主任那里得到一笔额外的钱。Raj可以来为我工作。

    Anyway , I got some extra money from the head of the department , and Raj can come work for me .

  14. MichaelMarmot任健康问题社会决定因素委员会主席,并且是伦敦大学学院社会和卫生国际研究所主任兼流行病学和公共卫生系主任。

    Michael Marmot , chaired the CSDH and is Director of the International Institute for Society and Health and Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London .

  15. FrancesBaum是弗林德斯大学公共卫生系主任和教授以及南澳大利亚社区卫生研究处的创始主任。

    Frances Baum is Head of Department and Professor of Public Health at Flinders University and Foundation Director of the South Australian Community Health Research Unit .

  16. 他指出,MichaelGeisen作为科学系主任的头两年时,他所任教的学校在参加州级科学考试时,成绩迅速提高。

    He noted that in Michael Geisen 's first two years as head of the science department , scores on a state science test rose sharply at his school .

  17. 将进一步联系学院院长、系主任和商学院的资深学者,以期获得IACMR会员的持续增长。

    Reaching out to deans , department chairs , and senior scholars of business schools to obtain support for expanding IACMR memberships .

  18. 凯斯西储大学魏德海管理学院(CaseWesternReserveUniversity'sWeatherheadSchoolofManagement)银行与金融系主任阿努拉格??古普塔(AnuragGupta)说,与企业一样,商学院“必须与时俱进,顺应市场”。

    Like companies , business schools ' have to change with the times and go where the market is , ' says Anurag Gupta , chair of the banking and finance department at Case Western Reserve University 's Weatherhead School of Management .

  19. 有点像迟早会成真的噩梦,英国剑桥大学地球科学系主任、地震学家詹姆斯•杰克逊(JamesJackson)说,从物理学和地质学的角度来说,发生的事情完全在我们的预料之中。

    It was sort of a nightmare waiting to happen , said seismologist James Jackson , head of the earth sciences department at the University of Cambridge in England . Physically and geologically what happened is exactly what we thought would happen .

  20. 我们的商业模式已经全球化,这意味着我们的学生必须能够胜任,该校会计系主任理查德•迪特里希(RichardDietrich)教授表示。

    We have become global in the way we do business , which means our students have to be qualified , says Richard Dietrich , professor and chairman of the school 's department of accounting .

  21. 当拉吉夫(Rajiv)冲着系主任扔酿番茄,让她从自行车上摔下来的时候,他们并不在场,也没有像你一样喝醉。

    They weren 't there with you , or as drunk as you , when Rajiv threw the stuffed tomato and knocked the dean off her bike .

  22. 答:“雪花在形成过程中对周围环境非常敏感,特别是温度和湿度,”加州理工学院物理系主任肯尼思·G·利布雷希特(KennethG.Libbrecht)说。他开设了一个网站,专门解释雪晶。

    A. " The growth of a snowflake is sensitive to its immediate environment , especially the temperature and humidity , " said Kenneth G. Libbrecht , chairman of the physics department at the California Institute of Technology , who maintains a website explaining snow crystals .

  23. 美国南加州大学音乐史学系主任B·西姆斯博士(B·Simms)1986年出版了一本书《20世纪的音乐&风格与结构》。

    Doctor Bryan R. Simms , currently associate professor and chairman of the department of music history at the University of Southern California , published his work Music of the twentieth Century : Style and Structure in 1986 , and Tonality in Transition is the chapter 1 of it .

  24. 讽刺的是,当陈家乐担任香港科技大学金融系主任的时候,他帮助建立了该校最著名的联合课程之一&与纽约大学斯特恩商学院(NYUStern)合作教学的环球金融学硕士课程。

    The irony is that when Prof Chan was head of the finance department at HKUST he was instrumental in establishing one of its highest-profile joint programmes & the master of science in global finance , taught jointly with NYU Stern .

  25. 讽刺的是,当陈家乐担任香港科技大学金融系主任的时候,他帮助建立了该校最著名的联合课程之一——与纽约大学斯特恩商学院(NYUStern)合作教学的环球金融学硕士课程。

    The irony is that when Prof Chan was head of the finance department at HKUST he was instrumental in establishing one of its highest-profile joint programmes - the master of science in global finance , taught jointly with NYU Stern .

  26. 但是,在1938年,哈佛大学卫生系主任ArlieBock博士怀疑,研究病人只是故事的一半。

    But in1938 , Dr Arlie Bock , the director of the then Department of Hygiene at Harvard University , wondered whether studying sick people was only half of the story .

  27. “这对中国来说是一个新问题,中国在这个问题上,在外交政策方面正在两条战线上作战,”香港浸会大学政治及国际关系学系主任高敬文(jeanpierrecabestan)表示。

    " This is a new problem for China , which is now fighting on two fronts in its foreign policy on this issue , " said Jean-Pierre Cabestan , head of government and international studies at Hong Kong Baptist University .

  28. “东日本地震是一个范围超广的复合灾害,”日本关西大学安全科学系主任YoshiakiKawata在会议上说。

    " The East Japan earthquake was a super-extensive compound disaster ," Yoshiaki Kawata , dean of the faculty of safety science at Kansai University , Japan , told the conference .

  29. 斯坦福大学的工程系主任弗雷德里克·特曼(FrederickTerman)在学校拥有的土地上开辟了一座占地700英亩的工业园区,提供给可以将学生们的创意商业化的私人企业。

    In a move that would help transform the area into the cradle of the tech revolution , Stanford University 's dean of engineering , Frederick Terman , created a seven-hundred-acre industrial park on university land for private companies that could commercialize the ideas of his students .

  30. 但是开普敦大学医学系主任BonganiMayosi说:“我们必须捍卫我们的利益&科研的未来太重要的,不能留给政府包办”。

    But Bongani Mayosi , the University of Cape Town 's chair of medicine , says : " We must fight our corner & the future of research is too important to leave in the hands of government alone " .