
  1. 同系列构成同系列的有机化合物的关系。

    The relation of the organic compounds forming a homologous series .

  2. 作为一种解释词语特征的言语行为,词典形容词释义的元语言必有其所应遵循的一系列构成性规则。

    As an action of paraphrasing characteristics of words , there are several component rules which should be observed .

  3. 由此从侵权和违约责任的一系列构成要件:主观上的过错,违约或违法行为,损害后果,行为和损害后果之间具有的因果关系进行了研究和分析。

    Then studies and analyzes from their constitutive element : subjective fault , illegal or breach conduct , damage result , causality .

  4. 这三个系列构成了诗人一个完整意义上的生命象征,成为生命的蕴涵及其承载。

    These three series form a symbol of life in a complete sense of the poet and become the connotation and carrier of life .

  5. 营业是由一系列构成要素组成的特殊性财产,包含有动产、不动产,有形资产和无形资产,所以它可以作为客体进行转让。

    Business is formed by a series of elements of the special nature of the property , includes property , real estate , tangible and intangible assets , as the object so it can be transferred .

  6. 随着工业界对XML技术的支持,XML以及由XML衍生出的系列技术构成了一套完整的采用XML技术进行数据传输的标准。

    With the support of the industry vendors , XML and the series of technologies based on XML constructed a set of standards on exchanging data .

  7. MCS-51系列单片机构成温度检测系统。

    Temperature monitor system is composed of MCS-51 series single chip machines .

  8. 全部系统基于西门子S7系列PLC构成,并采用PROFIBUS电缆组成总线型网络。

    The whole system is based on Siemens S7 series PLC , and communications through PROFIBUS network .

  9. 它由一系列规则构成,lex将这些规则翻译为词汇分析器。

    It consists of a series of rules that lex translates into the lexical analyzer .

  10. 针对目前油田的实际情况,利用MCS-51系列单片机构成了油田采油泵站自动监测系统,该系统由监测总站监测分站组成。

    This paper presents a auto-monitoring system for oil extraction pumping station in oil field aiming at the actual situation .

  11. 本文提出了用DYL系列器件构成的直接用十进制进行运算的十值电路;

    A ten-valued circuit of decimal arithmetical unit using DYL devices is presented .

  12. 介绍了用PIC系列单片机构成的智能无功补偿控制器,该控制器具有高性能、低价位、高可靠性、配置灵活的特点。

    Introduce the intelligent reactive compensating controller based on PIC single computer , It has lower cost , flexible arrange , higher reliability and performance .

  13. 本文介绍了一种由MCS-51系列单片机构成的数据采集系统以及用于电焊机动特性的测试软件。

    A data acquisition system with the MCS-51 single-chip microcomputer control and a software for dynamic behavior detection of arc welding power source is described in this paper .

  14. 介绍用MCS-96系列单片机构成的在线误码仪中固化的控制程序。

    The control program firmed in ROM of on line bit error monitor , an instrument based on MCS 96 class microcontroller , is introduced in this paper .

  15. 本文介绍了使用上位机和西门子S7-200系列PLC构成分布式MPI网络来实现中央空调系统中的监控功能,并着重分析了该系统的构成及功能特性。

    The article introduces the mechanism of distributed MPI net , which consists of upper PC and Siemens S7-200 series PLC , to monitor the central air condition system , and analyzes the above system concerning its structure as well as functional characteristics .

  16. 阐述了一种用FX2N系列PLC构成的分布式控制系统,详细分析了系统的通信协议,并给出了通信程序的实现方法。

    This paper intends to expound a distributed control system used the serial FX 2N , composed by PLC , analyze in details the communication protocol of the system , and give the fulfillment way of the communication program .

  17. 行政审批是由申请、审查、决定一系列行为构成的统一体;

    AEA is a unity composed of application , examination and decision ;

  18. 氨基酸多元素系列肥料构成及其科学施肥模式

    The formation of multi-element amino-acid based fertilizer and its scientific fertilization mode

  19. 一个字符串是由一系列字母构成。

    A string is just a sequence of characters .

  20. 社会是由一系列要素构成的系统。

    Society is a system comprised of many elements .

  21. 温暖房间的使热水或水蒸气循环的由一系列管子构成的装置。

    A series of pipes for circulating steam or hot water to heat rooms or buildings .

  22. 作为一项权利,劳动权是一个权利系统,是由一系列权利构成的。

    As a right , the right to work is a power system that is constituted by a series of rights .

  23. 在此基础上,建立企业纳税筹划系统要素三维结构分析模型等模型系列,构成企业纳税系统筹划分析的基础。

    From here it establishes a three dimension analytical model for business taxation planning and form the foundation for comprehensive business taxation planning .

  24. 《建立世界贸易组织的协定》及其附件中所包含的一系列协定构成了多边贸易体制的规则体系。

    The series of agreements covered in 《 Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization 》 and its appendix constitute a rule system of multilateral trade mechanism .

  25. 从区域协调发展法律制度的基本原理和框架体系出发,该法律制度的立法应该是由一部基础法律统率下的一系列立法构成。

    Considering the basic rule and its structure , the author believes the legislation of regional coordinated law should be guided by a series of legislation under the basic law .

  26. 审批机构应在接到申请书之日起一个月内予以批复。(5)行政审批是由申请、审查、决定一系列行为构成的统一体;

    The examining and approving agency shall give a written reply within one month of receiving the application . ( 5 ) AEA is a unity composed of application , examination and decision ;

  27. 自然资源权属是法律关于自然资源归谁所有、使用以及由此产生的法律后果由谁承担的一系列规定构成的规范系统。

    The attribution of titles to natural resources is a system of standardizing about the ownership and right to the use of natural resources , and the legal consequence that produce from this .

  28. 然而,从合资公司中方合作者提交的官方文件中,可以搜集到利润率水平数据,而收入预估则基于基金公司产品系列的构成。

    However , profitability levels can be gleaned from the official filings of the Chinese joint venture partners , while revenue estimates are based on the composition of the firm 's product range .

  29. 视觉设计过程基本上由一系列决定构成,这些决定最后产生了一个策略,然后再由此定义出一个视觉系统,这个视觉系统通过提升细节和清晰的程度来最大化地满足这个策略。

    The visual design process is essentially composed of a series of decisions that establish a strategy , then define a visual system in increasing degrees of detail and clarity to optimally satisfy that strategy .

  30. 在关联理论里,斯波伯和威尔逊第一次提出了认知语境这一概念,该概念是关联理论的核心,因为关联是一个依赖语境的概念,理解话语所使用的一系列前提构成了语境。

    In relevance theory , the notion of cognitive context is the core , because relevance is context-dependent , the relevance of utterance is regarded as the relationship between proposition and a series of contexts .