
  • 网络Series Report
  1. 中国十大文化名酒成功案例系列报道之四&文化名酒的口感与工艺特色

    Series Report IV : on Taste & Technical Characteristics of Chinese Top Ten Famous Liquors with Cultural Backgrounds in China

  2. 社会性别偏见的传播&以某晚报“建立和谐母子关系”系列报道为例

    Spread of gender bias & from the series report by an Evening Newpaper on " building harmonious relationship between mother and child "

  3. 《纽约时报》(TheTimes)本周开始就毕业生疲于偿还助学贷款所造成的各种影响而发表系列报道。

    This week , the New York Times began its series on the implications of graduates struggling to pay off student loans .

  4. 该报告发表在《公共科学图书馆·医学》(PLoSMedicine)期刊关于移民和健康的分为六部分的系列报道中。

    The report appeared in a six-part series on migration and health in the Public Library of Science journal PLoS Medicine .

  5. 欢迎收看我们精品周系列报道之CNN特派员莫妮塔·拉吉波专访豪雅表总裁。

    It 's part of our Luxury Week series . Monita Rajpal sat down with the company 's boss .

  6. 从1971年1月起,每周发行的专业类报纸《电子新闻》(ElectronicNews)的专栏作家唐·赫夫勒(DonHoefler),开始了一组系列报道,标题为“美国硅谷”。

    a columnist for the weekly trade paper Electronic News , began a series in January 1971 entitled " Silicon Valley USA. "

  7. 在20世纪50年代早期,她对纽约哈勒姆黑人区时尚的一系列报道,很奇怪地被当时最著名的英国杂志PicturePost率先刊载。

    In the early 1950s , her reportage series on fashion in Harlem , New York , was published first , curiously , by the prominent English magazine of the day , Picture Post .

  8. 在彭博社(Bloomberg)近期的一系列报道中,梅根o麦克阿德声称,提高员工薪酬的好处并没有想象的那么多。

    In a recent series for Bloomberg , Megan McArdle argued that the benefits of paying workers more are less than you may think .

  9. 环境管理标准系列报道(二)环境管理标准化的发展及美国的态度

    The Development of Environment Management Standardization and the Attitude Of USA

  10. 节约型社会与防水系列报道之九水乳型沥青防水涂料及其在防水工程中的应用前景

    Emulsified asphalt waterproofing coating and its application prospect in waterproofing project

  11. 中国青年报专题系列报道研究

    A Study in the Thematic Series Reports of China Youth Daily

  12. 今天,我和托尼格斯将播讲完我们关于梦的系列报道。

    Today , Tony Riggs and I complete our report about dreams .

  13. 云南宾川县亚麻生产技术系列报道之四云南冬亚麻二次化学除草技术研究

    Weeding of Winter Flax in Yunnan Province by Chemical Herbicides

  14. 腹腔内肺隔离症:病例系列报道和文献回顾

    Intraabdominal pulmonary sequestration . A case series and review of the literature

  15. 回肠结肠淋巴瘤:16例系列报道

    Ileocolonic lymphomas : A series of 16 cases

  16. 今天,我和哈里·罗继续为大家播讲关于梦的系列报道。

    Today , Harry Monroe and I continue our series of reports about dreams .

  17. 本文是“全球基金管理行业销售现状”系列报道之一

    This is part of a series on distribution in the global fund management industry

  18. 我非常愿意就教育和就业做一系列报道。

    I 'd like to do a series of reports on education and jobs .

  19. 这一系列报道公布后,国会便对这种飞机的安全性展开了调查。

    Congress launched an investigation of the safety of this plane after the series appeared .

  20. 纺织服装批发市场系列报道不败的上海滩传奇&上海轻纺市场掠影

    Legend of Shanghai textile & garment market

  21. 食品安全信用体系建设系列报道之肉类行业

    Food Safety Credit System Construction Series Report-Meat

  22. 硅石加工系列报道之三&硅石制备晶体硅

    The Preparation of Crystal Silicon From Silica

  23. 那一系列报道开启了她的事业。

    That series launched her career .

  24. 但没有具体伤亡情况的系列报道。

    No series damages were reported .

  25. 因此,我们推出新的系列报道和最新资讯。

    So , we will present new reports in our series with the most current information .

  26. 我和凯·兰特将播讲完关于太阳系行星的系列报道。

    Kay Gallant and I complete a series of reports about the planets of our solar system .

  27. 硅石加工系列报道之五水玻璃的化学加工

    Chemical Processing of Water Glass

  28. 这一系列报道似乎证实了一个所有人都知道的概念:风险和回报紧密相关。

    This running commentary seems to confirm what everyone knows : risk and reward are closely related .

  29. 本文系苏铁白化苗研究系列报道之二。

    This paper is the second part of a serial reports on albino seedling of cycas revoluta .

  30. 我们的美国高等教育系列报道节目已经进入了第二十周。

    We come to the twentieth week of our series on higher education in the United States .