
  • 网络system integration;EAI
  1. 基于SOA架构的电子政务系统整合技术研究与应用

    Research and Application on SOA-based E-Government System Integration Technology

  2. 基于SOA的物流园区业务系统整合平台研究与设计

    Study and Design of Logistics Park Business System Integration Platform Based on SOA

  3. 河北钢铁集团ERP系统整合的开发及应用

    Development and Application of ERP System Integration for Hebei Iron & Steel Group

  4. 基于Intranet的ERP和CRM系统整合机制

    Mechanism of CRM and ERP Integration Based on Intranet

  5. 企业应用系统整合中的CAS单点登录技术

    CAS Single Sign-On Technology for Integration of Enterprise 's Application System

  6. 将一个Java应用程序和一个本地操作系统整合起来是比较麻烦的,主要是因为Swing的组件是人工绘制的。

    Integrating Java applications with a native operating system can be tricky , mainly because Swing paints its own components manually .

  7. 基于EAI的高校图书馆信息系统整合

    Integrating Information System in University Library Based on EAI Technology

  8. 基于EAI技术的异构财务系统整合

    The Group Financial System Integration Based on EAI Technology

  9. 他们也将他们的WebSphereCommerce部署与各种外部系统整合,一般情况下,这些措施都实现了分钟级的报价和存货信息更新。

    They are also integrating their WebSphere Commerce deployments with a variety of external systems , typically those providing up-to-the-minute pricing and inventory information .

  10. 关于网络化AFC系统整合方案的研究

    Study on Integration Solution for AFC Systems in Network

  11. 论述了制造企业ERP与电子商务系统整合的内容与主流技术,给出了一个基于WEBService技术的制造企业ERP与电子商务系统整合的技术方案及实现策略。

    On the basis of analysis and comparation of technological solution , the paper gives a solution of integration of ERP and E-commerce based on Web Service in the manufacturing enterprise .

  12. 结果:PACS顺利构建并与HIS系统整合,实现了医学影像信息的数字化传输和共享。结论:PACS+HIS提高了科室及整个医院的运转效率及水平。

    Results : PACS building and integration with the HIS may increase digital transportation and sharing of imaging infomations .

  13. 针对面向服务的MSS架构模型,提出了移动管理支撑系统整合方案。

    A MSS conformity scheme of China Mobile is proposed according to service-oriented MSS framework model .

  14. 系统整合了当今流行的轻量级J2EE开源软件作为技术架构,表示层采用Struts框架,业务层采用Spring框架,而持久层采用了Hibernate框架。

    System architecture employs popular open-source lightweight J2EE technical , presentation layer using Struts framework , business layer using Spring framework , and persistence layer using Hibernate framework .

  15. 基于Ovation的3200m~3高炉集散控制系统整合设计与应用研究

    Ovation of 3200m ~ 3 Blast Furnace Based on Distributed Control System Design and Application Integration

  16. HRPS数字化医院信息管理系统整合的研究

    Research on Integration Information Management System for Digital Hospital of HRPS

  17. 第五章论述了商务网站CRM的发展趋势,分析了CRM与ERP的整合并提出了商务网站CRM的决策支持系统整合模型;

    Chapter 5 discusses the develop tendency of CRM in Commerce Website , analyses the integration of CRM and ERP , then put forward the intelligent and integrated model of decision support system .

  18. 本文以山东电力集团公司全员绩效管理为研究对象,从系统整合理论和嵌入性理论出发,在分析电网企业特性和绩效管理问题基础上,提出了基于ERP系统的全员绩效量化管理模式。

    From the system integration theory and embedability theory aspects , it analysis the features of power grid enterprises and performance management problem , and put forward all-staff performance quantitative management model based on ERP .

  19. VSC系统整合牵引力控制系统(TRC),在光滑路面上行驶时,有助于限制后轮打滑。

    The VSC system integrates traction control ( TRC ) to help limit rear wheel spin on slippery road surfaces .

  20. 他拥有20年以上的进行沟通、系统整合、系统设计和应用程序设计的经验,并且已经设计并实现了各种SOA计划,目前他正在开发一个围绕SOA的软件适用产品。

    With more than 20 years experience dealing with communications , systems integration , systems design , and applications design , he has designed and implemented various SOA initiatives and is currently developing a software appliance offering around SOA .

  21. 研究了如何依托先进的电子地图,把所有网点及其周边的相关信息进行可视化处理,并把GIS和传统的管理信息系统整合起来,实现对网点可视化的管理。

    This paper studies how to use advanced electronic map to represent the related information of sites directly and visually on the map , and how to connect the GIS ( Geographical Information System ) and traditional management information system to realize the visual management .

  22. 其次,本文以学习型期权理论、SCP理论和系统整合理论为基础,演绎了基于学习型期权的财务战略风险监控的影响因素模型。

    Secondly , this paper based on the learning option theory , SCP theory and system theory , builds the factors model of the financial strategic risk monitoring based on the learnig option .

  23. 新疆电信为了更好地完成各项业务目标和计划,完成向以产品为主线,以市场为导向,以客户为中心、以效益为目标的现代化企业转变,形成集团化运作,提出了BOSS系统整合项目。

    In order to better accomplish the business objectives and plans to complete the main line to the product , market-oriented , customer-focused , efficient modern enterprises to change the target to form a group operation , Xinjiang telecommunication company made the BOSS system integration project .

  24. 中国商飞面临的挑战,将是把数百种部件和系统整合到一种飞机上,然后使其获得中国民航总局(CAAC)和美国联邦航空局(FAA)的安全认证。

    The challenge for Comac will be to integrate the thousands of components and systems in an aircraft certified as safe by both the Civil Aviation Administration of China and the US Federal Aviation Administration .

  25. 结论:食管酸灌注时产生的fMRI参数改变为揭示NERD患者中枢神经系统整合、处理食管感觉传入信息功能异常提供了依据。

    Conclusions : The pattern of fMRI activated by esophageal acid perfusion in NERD-H patients provides the evidence for revealing the functional abnormalities of integration of central nerves system and process of esophageal perception of afferent signals in these patients .

  26. 论文设计的瘦客户机系统整合方案及卫星设备USB-Expander,提高了瘦客户机应用的灵活性,对瘦客户机&服务器架构的进一步发展有着探索与创新的意义。

    The design and analyse of the Thin-Client port innovation project is expect to contribute significantly to the development of Thin-Client architecture .

  27. 介绍目前图书馆信息资源整合建设的发展现状,重点探讨基于OPAC系统整合、基于信息资源管理的导航整合和基于统一检索平台整合等模式及相关元数据技术的应用。

    This paper makes a thorough research on the development of information resources integration in libraries at present , and then discusses the popular integrating modes , including the integration of OPAC , the navigation of information management and unified search platforms , and the application of metadata .

  28. 益阳地区烟草配送系统整合方案

    The integration program of tobacco dispatch system in Yiyang region

  29. 中国生态环境建设工程的系统整合

    Systematic Combination of Construction Engineering of Ecological Environment in China

  30. 本文对系统整合中的耦合程度和功能合并问题进行了简要论述。

    The questions of couple degree and function unity are discussed briefly .