
  • 网络conflict of law;the conflict of laws
  1. 澳大利亚州际法律冲突问题初探

    Research on the Inter - state Conflict of Laws in Australia

  2. 经济全球化过程中的法律冲突与对策

    The Conflict of Laws in the Course of Economic Globalization and Countermeasures

  3. 内地与香港婚姻法律冲突问题研究&来自properlaw的审视

    Study on the Conflict of Marriage Law between the Mainland and Hongkong & From the Point of View of Proper Law

  4. 论强制性体育仲裁中的法律冲突

    The Conflict with Law When Applying Compulsory Arbitration in Sports Dispute

  5. 论海峡两岸区际海事法律冲突

    On the Inter-regional Conflict of Maritime Law across the Taiwan Strait

  6. 涉外产品责任的法律冲突与法律适用

    The Legal Conflicts and Legal Application of Responsibility of Foreign Products

  7. 论国际海上货物运输的法律冲突

    Legal conflict in the field of carriage of goods by sea

  8. 民初法律冲突中的孀妇改嫁&以大理院解释例为素材的考察

    The Widow Remarry of Legal Conflicts in Early Republic of China

  9. 论国际刑事法律冲突的表现与解决办法

    The Expression of Conflicts Among International Criminal Laws and its Countermeasures

  10. 津巴布韦人际法律冲突的解决

    The Resolution of Inter - personal Conflict of Law in Zimbabwe

  11. 国际银行破产法律冲突的若干问题研究

    Topic : Research on The Conflict of Law of International Bank Insolvency

  12. 海峡两岸民商事法律冲突问题研究

    Research on the Conflict of Civil and Commercial Laws between the Cross-Strait

  13. 国际产品责任法律冲突及成因探源

    A Probe into International Product Liability Law Conflict and Causes

  14. 商标权与企业名称权的法律冲突以及解决方案

    Conflicts and Settlement of Law between Trademark Authority and Trade Name Authority

  15. 论国际私法中法律冲突的性质

    On the Nature of the Conflicts of Laws in Private International Law

  16. 第二部分对文化财产国际争议法律冲突解决的现行机制进行了分析研究。

    Studies on current mechanisms to solve the law conflicts .

  17. 完善我国法律冲突解决机制

    To Consummate Our Country 's Resolving Mechanism to legal conflict

  18. 建造中船舶抵押权的法律冲突及其解决

    Analyzing the law conflicts of mortgage on ship under construction and its resolution

  19. 区际法律冲突是一个国家内部具有独特法律制度的不同地区之间的法律冲突。

    Interregional conflict of laws lies among various law regions within a country .

  20. 这份谅解备忘录也不是有意与国家或国际法律冲突。

    This MOU is not intended to conflict with national or international law .

  21. 增值税确认、计量的法律冲突分析

    Affirmance and measure of the Value - added tax to law conflict assay

  22. 国际刑事法律冲突是因各主权国家对国际性犯罪适用刑法而产生的冲突,其种类和表现形式纷繁多样,但解决办法概而言之可归纳为三个方面。

    The tyre and expression of conflicts among international criminal lows are various .

  23. 论知识产权的法律冲突与法律适用

    On legal conflict and application of intellectual property right

  24. 我国交通行政执法中的法律冲突及对策研究

    Law Conflicts in the Field of Law-enforcement in Our Traffic Administration & Its Countermeasures

  25. 为此,我国法律冲突已是一个亟待解决的问题。

    It is urgently to solve the problem of our country 's legal conflict .

  26. 浅析商标与域名的法律冲突

    On Legal Conflict between Trademark and Domain Name

  27. 版权的法律冲突及法律适用

    Study on the Conflict of Laws and Its Application of Law Arising from Copyright

  28. 以上这些差异最终导致了国际货物多式联运合同的法律冲突问题。

    Such difference leads to the conflict of laws in international multimodal transport contract .

  29. 中国区际法律冲突解决路径探析(下)

    Research on the Path of Settlement for Interregional Conflict of Laws in China ;

  30. 这从制度增大了法律冲突出现的机率。

    This has increased the probability appearing in the conflict of laws from system .