
  • 网络natural
  1. 她集丽、幽、妙、奥、旷于一景,会人、文、山、水、木于一图,宛如一座巨大的历史与艺术的天然博物馆。

    Mixing beauty , calm , wonder , mystery and grandeur in one scene , and putting human , cultural stuff , mountain , water and wood in one picture , it looks like a great natural museum of history and art .

  2. 自然保护区是进行科学研究、宣传教育、参观游览、国际合作交流的天然博物馆和讲坛,具有巨大的景观价值和教育科研价值。

    It is also an natural museum and a speech place for science research , drumbeating education , visiting and international intercommunion , which has a huge value of landscape and education .

  3. 黄山的石使黄山成了一座天然雕塑博物馆。

    Huangshan rocks make the mountain a natural museum of sculptures .

  4. 这个巨大的溶洞群因其独特性、样性和完整性,而被喻为中国最具代表性的“喀斯特天然洞穴博物馆”。

    The large water-eroded cave is named Chinese representative ofkarst natural cave museumdue to its individuality , variety and completeness .

  5. 大牛:都说西安是一座天然的历史博物馆,这句话说得一点儿也不假。

    It is surely true to say that the whole city of Xi'an is a history museum .

  6. 四周群山、峡谷间,隐匿丰富的地质遗迹,地质专家们承认这是一个“天然的地质博物馆”。

    Abundant geological vestige resources are hidden in mountains and canyons here , hence the name " Natural Geology Museum " by professional geologists .

  7. 中国西南地区是一个天然的民族博物馆,民族众多且风貌各异,是一个多元文化长期并存的立体文化生态区,同时也是文化交融比较集中的地区。

    The area of Southwest China is a natural ethnic museum with a diversity of ethnic groups , a tridimensional cultural ecological area with multiple cultures , and also an assembly of cultural exchanges .

  8. 他签约是因为那个地方的天然美景以及克拉克博物馆收藏的杰作。

    He signed on because of the natural beauty of the site and what he called the masterpieces in the Clark 's collection .