
  • 网络Swan;La Cygne;Cerne
  1. 而在其他船中HMAS天鹅号和医疗船曼南德拉号严重损伤的。

    The ship HMAS Swan and the hospital ship Manundra were among the other ships that were severely damaged .

  2. 天鹅号两栖地效翼船的研究与设计

    Design of Amphibious Wing-in-ground Effect Craft

  3. 1907年,塞尔弗里奇与亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔一起工作,试飞了巨型的四面体风筝小天鹅1号(CygnetI)。他还驾驶过一架名为红翅的实验飞机,成为了为军队设计螺旋桨的公认的专家。

    In 1907 , Selfridge worked with Alexander Graham Bell and test-piloted a huge , tetrahedral kite called the Cygnet I. He also flew an experimental airplane , Red Wing , and became an acknowledged expert in propeller design for the Army .

  4. 地址:美利坚合众国密执安州底特律天鹅大街第421号

    Address : 421 Swan Boulevard , Detroit , Michigan , the United States of America