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  1. 掺杂稀土的xSrO·yAl2O3系长余辉发光材料的制备及其光学性能

    Preparation of different Al_2O_3 / SrO phosphors doped rear earth ions and their properties

  2. 系长丝巾,衣服要过臀部。

    Wear long scarves , dresses that button from neckline to hem .

  3. 铝酸锶系长余辉发光粉的制备及其光学性能

    Preparation and optical properties of strontium aluminate system long-persistence phosphor

  4. 金属镀层两层膜系长周期光纤光栅谐振特性研究

    Resonant Characteristics of Long-Period Fiber Grating Coated with Double-Layer Films Including Metal Film

  5. 镀含弱吸收膜两层膜系长周期光纤光栅谐振特性及其优化

    Resonant Characteristics and Optimization of Long Period Fiber Grating Coated with Weak Absorption Double-layer Films

  6. 该制备方法有望在其他铝酸盐和硅酸盐系长余辉发光材料的制备中得到应用。

    The method is hopeful to be used in synthesizing other alkali-earth aluminate and silicate and other luminescent materials .

  7. 在新产品过程开发初期策划,量具选用策划阶段,由品质管理课系长负责选用适用的测量仪器。

    During the initial planning stage of new product development , the head of quality control department should select proper measuring equipments .

  8. 玉米自交系脖长与F1代株高的相关性研究

    The Relationship between Neck Length of Self lines and Height of F_1 Plants in Maize

  9. 非1B/1R和1B/1R类型小麦K型雄性不育系穗长和小穗数性状的遗传分析

    Genetic Analysis on Spike Length and Spikelet Number of Non 1B / 1R and 1B / 1R K Type Wheat Male Sterile Lines

  10. IIR数字滤波器系数字长优化&线性伪波尔不等式系统算法

    Coefficient Words Length Optimization of IIR Digital Filters & Linear Pseudo-Boolean inequality system method

  11. 玻璃纸系由长形纤维分子组成。

    Cellophane is made of long , fibrous molecules .

  12. 光明配套系与长×成商品肉猪育肥对比试验

    Comparison Experiment of Making Commodity Pig Fat with Guangming Special Chang × Cheng

  13. 玻璃纤维是由许许多多精细的玻璃丝组成。玻璃纸系由长形纤维分子组成。

    Glass fiber is a mass of very fine strands of glass . Cellophane is made of long , fibrous molecules .

  14. 可育系花丝长;花药饱满,呈鲜黄色,开裂后花粉散出布满整个花药。

    Filaments of fertile plants are longer ; anthers are plump and yellow , and entire anther cover with pollen after anthers crack .

  15. 优质粳稻品系的长/宽在2.01~2.30间比较适宜,粒重高,长/宽可提高至2.50;

    Length / width ratio vary from 2.0 to 2.3 was suitable , if grain weight was larger , the ratio may rise to 2.5 ;

  16. 研究结果表明:不同无性系叶长、叶宽、叶片厚度、叶面积、单叶质量和叶片含胶率的差异均达到了极显著水平;

    The results show that there are significant differences among the length , width , thickness of leaves , leaf areas , single leaf weight and gutta-percha content in single leaf of different clones ;

  17. 波数字滤波器是七十年代提出的一种新型数字滤波器结构,因具有低灵敏度的性质,可用较少的系数字长加以实现而显示其优越性。

    The wave digital filter was proposed in the 1970s as a new type of the digital filter structures which demonstrates the advantage of the low sensitivity property to the filter coefficient error due to a finite wordlength .

  18. Ni3(Tix,V(1-x))合金系中的长周期结构

    Long period structures in ni_3 ( ti_x , v_ ( 1-x )) alloys

  19. 五龙鹅蛋用系及快长系体重与血清中GPT、LDH活力相关性研究

    Correlation Between Body Weight and Activity of GPT & LDH on Wu-long Goose Fast-growth Lines and Egg-Production Lines

  20. 多数亚改系的穗长和行粒数的GCA值较高。

    Many subtropical improved lines had higher GCA in ear length and grain number per row of subtropical improved lines .

  21. 它还受到多期构造变形,平卧褶皱,韧性剪切带和推覆构造均有广泛发育。绿岩中伴生的花岗质岩石,主要为TTG岩系的奥长花岗岩英云闪长岩花岗闪岩系列。

    They underwent polyphase structural deformation , giving rise to well developed recumbent folds , ductile shear zones and nappe structures .

  22. 对9周龄蛋用系及快长系五龙鹅血清中GPT及LDH活力进行测定,比较两组鹅间两种酶活力高低,分析酶活力与相应周龄体重的表型相关。

    The activity of serum GPT and LDH was carried out on Wu-long Goose at 9 weeks of age , Fast-growth lines and Egg - production lines respectively . The phenotypic correlation between the activity and body weight was determined among them .

  23. 粳稻光敏型核不育系对日长敏感性的鉴定分析水稻光温敏核不育系的生化特性研究

    Studies on Biochemistry Characteristics of Rice Photo-Thermo Sensitive Genic Male Sterile ( PTGMS ) Lines

  24. 发牙率系谷物籽实长出正常幼苗能力的一个尺度。

    Germination is a measure of the capacity of a grain kernel of producing a normal seedling .

  25. 鄂尔多斯盆地上三迭系延长统长(6-8)为一套低渗油层,厚度大,分布广,但产油量很低。

    With low permeability but thick and widespread distribution , the pay sands in the upper Triassic Yanchang Series 6-8 in Ordos basin merit attention .

  26. 在袜子的底部装入一些岩石,增加重量,然后末端系一条长绳子。

    Put a few rocks in the bottom of a sock to weigh it down ; then tie a long piece of rope to the end .

  27. 结果表明:五龙鹅蛋用系与快长系的蛋品质和体尺各项指标差异不显著(P>0.05);

    The results suggested that the result of egg character of egg-production-lines and fast-growth-lines were in insignificance of difference ( P > 0.05 ), so did the body size ( P > 0.05 );

  28. 化合物1和2系首次从长叶水麻中分离得到,1为该植物抗肿瘤活性成分的首例报道。

    Conclusion Compounds 1 and 2 were isolated from D. longifolia for the first time , and 1 provides the first example of antitumor constituents of the same plant , which possesses cell cycle inhibitory activity .

  29. 结果表明:1、意大利蜜蜂四品系成年工蜂吻长及右翅前翅面积上均存在显著差异(P<0.05),其中澳意工蜂吻最长((?)

    The results showed as follows : 1 There existed significant differences ( P0.05 ) among adult workers of 4 lines in tongue length and right forewing area .

  30. 花岗岩类为TTG岩系及石英二长岩-花岗岩组合。

    The granitoids are of TTG rock series and adamellite granite assemblage .