
  • Quality Inspector;QC;IQC
  1. 如果某数量为质检员丢弃,应当相应地更换其所需的数目,即5个新的口罩换5个坏件。

    If a certain number of pieces are rejected by QC , it shall be replaced accordingly to its required number , i.e.5 new masks for5 defectives .

  2. 我老老实实地听取了建议,五分钟之后重新归队。我们这支队伍包括货币经纪人、会计、质检员以及一名公关经理,全部都是在伦敦城里工作的人士。

    I meekly agree to change and , five minutes later , rejoin the group , a cosmopolitan mix of money brokers , accountants , a QC and a public relations executive , all of whom work in the City of London .

  3. 之后,K厂区又发生了一起类似冲突,多名质检员遭到殴打。

    After this , another similar incident occurred in area K , once again leading to quality control inspectors getting beat up .

  4. 据工人透露,在K厂区,工人和质检员发生了一起冲突,导致CA质检室遭到破坏,多人受伤,另有多人住院治疗。

    According to workers , there was a fight between workers and quality control inspectors in area k that led to the damage in inspection room Ca , the injury of some people , and the hospitalization of others .

  5. 精品国际(QPI)正在寻找在福州的合格的质检员。

    Quality Products International Limited – QPI Ltd-QPI is currently looking for qualified Quality Control inspectors in Fuzhou .

  6. 卡米拉·泰勒是电视产品线的质检员。

    Kaamilah Taylor is a quality controller on the TV production line .

  7. 我们有质保部,有五个质检员。

    We have a quality department with five inspectors .

  8. 我们的质检员是位大学毕业生。

    Our quality inspector is a college graduate .

  9. 我曾在一家中美合资公司当了5年的质检员。

    I once worked as a QC Inspector in the Sino-American company for5 years .

  10. 公告栏上贴满了招聘广告:熨衣工,质检员,出纳员。

    The board was plastered with ads : ironing , quality control , cashier .

  11. 两个月前一名姓杨的质检员发现了这种物质。

    It was found out two months ago by a woman quality inspector surnamed Yang .

  12. 我的爸爸是质检员,我的妈妈是操作工,他们都很敬业。

    My daddy is the quality testing , my mother is the operator , they very are all professional .

  13. 但质检员向工厂管理层报告这些问题时,管理人员却无视矛盾的严重性。

    When inspectors reported these issues to factory management , the management simply ignored and turned their back on the issue .

  14. 质检员在室内工作,并且为技能及其娴熟的员工,保证每日质检流程及相关文档符合最高标准。

    Quality inspectors are in-house and are regarded as extremely skilled staff insuring that the daily assurance process and documentation is completed to the highest standard .

  15. 从材料的选购、加工、包装、运输等方面,层层把好关,最后到工地经质检员和库管员验收入库。

    From material choose and buy , producing , packing , transportation , etc , should be watched well , finally go into warehouse after inspectors and warehouse keeper check .

  16. 全面推行建设监理制后,某些地方中小企业对工程施工自检体制有放松倾向,无论管理人员配备,还是自检制度不完善,依赖监理,有的把监理当成质检员。

    After carrying out supervisory system universally , some enterprises ignores the self-checking for engineering construction , which results in the lack of quality manager and the imperfection of self-checking system .

  17. 在施工中在项目领导小组的领导下和相关部门及各作业队质检员组成本工程三级质量管理的模式,专职负责本工程的质量管理工作。

    Those engineers shall form a mode of three-level quality management with relevant departments and quality inspectors in all operation teams under the lead of project leading group in construction to be responsible for full-time quality management work in this project .