
zhì pǔ
  • rustic;plain;simplicity;unaffected;simple and unadorned;unpretentious;unaffected,be simple and unadorned
质朴 [zhì piáo]
  • (1) [unpretentious;plain;unaffected,be simple and unadorned]∶朴素

  • 一个质朴的家庭医生,没有专家那种话语不多的高傲态度

  • (2) [rustic]∶淳朴

  • 要是教育没有干预她质朴的天性有多好

质朴[zhì pǔ]
  1. 作者以亲切质朴的笔触,记述了他学习绘画、留学法国、任职敦煌艺术研究所的人生历程;

    In this book the author presents a simple and unadorned account of his life when he learned to paint , studied fine arts in France , and worked in Dunhuang Art Institute ;

  2. 乡村小说的创作则展现了作家对乡村文明精神的初识、反思与回味,传达出一种质朴的情怀。

    Comparatively , the creation of country novels not only shows the initial knowledge , the introspection and the pondering toward the spirit of country civilization , but also transmits a simple and unadorned feeling of the writer .

  3. 这件作品的质朴风格与高迪的形成了有趣的对比。

    This work is in austere counterpoint to that of Gaudi .

  4. 她的画作带有质朴、空灵的韵味。

    Her paintings have a naive , dreamlike quality .

  5. 装修厨房的时候,肯尼思选择的是一种亲切质朴的田园风格。

    When he came to decorate the kitchen , Kenneth opted for a friendly rustic look

  6. 她风格简约而质朴。

    Her style is pared-down and simple

  7. 当地人赋有忠厚质朴的性格。

    The local people are by nature honest and kind .

  8. 伟大的作曲家总是以质朴使其作品生色。

    Great composers adorn their works with simplicity .

  9. “安慰节目”指的是内容主题简单质朴,让人舒服或能给人慰藉的电视节目。

    Comfort TV refers to television programs with unsophisticated or homespun themes that comfort or provide solace1 .

  10. “建筑短视”用来指过于着重与众不同和吸引眼球的特色,而不是实际问题或质朴美学的建筑设计。

    Architectural myopia refers to building design that emphasizes distinctive1 , attention-getting features over practical concerns or simple aesthetics2 .

  11. 我也对网上众人追捧的餐厅SariOrganikWarungBodagMaliah兴趣浓厚,据说这家有机餐厅位于稻田中的一处质朴之地。

    And I was intrigued by online raves about the Sari Organik Warung Bodag Maliah , depicted as an organic restaurant in a pristine location amid rice fields .

  12. Kaur的诗通常不长,甚至也就短短几行,语言简单质朴,鲜有标点。

    Jeffrey Brown : Kaur 's poems are typically short , even just a few lines , with simple , unadorned language and spare punctuation .

  13. 社区也在振兴之中,包括飞速改善的Monastiraki与仍然质朴的Kerameikos-Metaxourgeio社区,后者将在2015年举办两年一度的ReMap艺术节,由此获得文化领域的飞跃。

    Neighborhoods have also seen a resurgence , including the quickly gentrifying Monastiraki and the still gritty Kerameikos-Metaxourgeio ; the latter will get a cultural lift in 2015 from the biannual ReMap art event .

  14. CommedesGarçons推出的HommePlus在裁剪与分层上大胆创新,它的夹克偶尔给人以质朴感,但通常呈现丝片状,以及在衣服下摆处增加装饰布料以及加层带扣而显得变化多端。

    No joke . Comme des Gar ç ons Homme Plus gave a bravura performance of tailoring and layering , its jackets occasionally pristine but usually sliced and altered by added panels in the tail or by extra layers buckled on .

  15. 农场隐匿在一条泥泞的小路上,很容易被游客错过。不过,在那条主要的单车道小路上有一块质朴的手绘指示牌,写着“FincaElPinarRobaina”。

    Tucked away on a narrow dirt road , the farm is easy for tourists to miss but for a modest hand-painted sign " Finca El Pinar Robaina " posted off the main one-lane drag .

  16. 花园风格是下一季第四个也是最后一个流行趋势,华伦天奴(Valentino)的V681S和MuiMui的VMU07M采用质朴的绿色和充满活力的粉红色框架,唤起人们对春日树叶的美好回忆。

    In the fourth and final look for the upcoming season , earthy greens and vibrant pinks , demonstrated by Valentino ( V681S ) and Mui Mui ( VMU07M ), are evocative of spring foliage .

  17. 关陇作家的文章表现出简洁直率,平实质朴的风格。

    Prose writers Guan long show simple straightforward , simple-to-earth style .

  18. 他喜欢去看望他的祖父母,因为他们质朴善良。

    He enjoyed visiting his grand-parents because they were just folks .

  19. 他有着中国农民的质朴纯真的性格。

    He had the simplicity and naturalness of the Chinese peasant .

  20. 我想到珍妮,想到她的质朴以及随意自然的魅力。

    I think of jenny , her simplicity and careless grace .

  21. 狄肯质朴的脸上露出了开心的笑容。

    There was a big smile on Dickon 's honest face .

  22. 马丁习惯了质朴的生活。

    Martin became accustomed to a life of great austerity .

  23. 这房间的风格说明了他对美与质朴的憧憬。

    The room 's style exemplifies his ideal of beauty and plainness .

  24. 这种夏服款式,简单质朴。

    This kind of summer clothing is simple and unaffected in style .

  25. 我们以特有的真诚和质朴赢得顾客的信任。

    With our sincerity and simple we win the trust of customers .

  26. 我们不否认人世间质朴的团结。

    We do not repudiate the natural unity of mankind under Providence .

  27. 对民间幽默的爱好;质朴的政论文。

    A penchant for cornpone humor ; cornpone political prose .

  28. 但是,在这个质朴的野人的眼中,那些陈年老套已是用不上了。

    but in this simple savage those old rules would not apply .

  29. 古罗马这些粗犷质朴的古迹散布在她的周围。

    The rugged relics of the Roman past lay scattered about her .

  30. 他那质朴的外表和轻柔的谈吐表明了他卑微的出身。

    His somewhat geekish appearance and soft-spoken manner bespeak his humble roots .