
zhì liànɡ jǔ zhèn
  • mass matrix
  1. 本文讨论质量矩阵M与刚度矩阵K的谱条件数的估计。

    Spectra for ocean swell In this paper , we discuss the estimates for the condition numbers of the mass matrix M and the stiffness matrix K.

  2. 在动力学计算中,采用协调质量矩阵、Rayleigh阻尼矩阵建立结构运动方程,用Wilson-θ法求解了运动方程。

    In the dynamic calculation , the harmony mass matrix and the Rayleigh damp matrix are adopted to form the dynamic formula , and Wilson_ # method is applied to solve the dynamic equation .

  3. 夸克质量矩阵与CP对称性破坏

    Quark Mass Matrices and CP Violation

  4. 在WS模型中对夸克质量矩阵的限制条件

    Restrictive Conditions to the Quark Mass Matrices in the W-S Model

  5. 本文以结构动力微分方程和三次B样条函数为基础,按一致质量矩阵,推导出样条无单元法分析弹性薄板动力问题的具体计算格式,并编制了相应的计算程序。

    In this paper , the Element-free Spline Method is used for the vibration analysis of the bending thin plate with various boundaries , and the corresponding computing formulas were developed , in which the consistent mass matrix was adopted .

  6. 本文给出一类夸克质量矩阵与CP破坏参量的精确解析关系.有关结果适用于唯象研究不同质量矩阵模型及其CP破坏效应的细微差别。

    We explore the exact analytical relations between a variety of quark mass matrices and CP violation Our results can be applied to the phenomenological studies of different ansatz of mass matrices and their CP-violating effects .

  7. 在假定分析质量矩阵与刚度矩阵是精确的情况下,通过求解一个约束最优化问题,得到了满足特征方程的加权Frobenius范数意义下的最优对称修正矩阵。

    By solving a constrained optimization problem , the optimal corrected damping matrix satisfying the required eigenvalue equation is found under a sense of the weighted Frobenius norm .

  8. 分析其质量矩阵,刚度矩阵和阻尼矩阵,对输电塔线体系进行时域的风振分析,迭代计算出体系的位移曲线,并对得到的结果与ANSYS分析出的结果进行比较。

    Analyze the mass matrix , stiffness matrix and damping matrix of transmission line tower system . Analyze wind-induced vibration of transmission tower line system in time domain . Then calculate the displacement curve of system , and compared the results with the results of ANSYS analysis .

  9. 对风机叶片和周围空气选用相同的三维等参单元进行离散,应用Galerkin法计算气体内任意点压强,气体通过质量矩阵直接与结构耦合,推导出风机叶片与周围气体耦合微分方程模型。

    The iso-parametric element is used to discretize the fan blades and its the surrounding air . The random intensity of pressure of the surrounding air is solved by the Galerkin method . The gas coupled with the structure directly by the gas mass matrix .

  10. 本文根据Reissner夹层板理论,采用四结点和八结点等参元,建立了考虑夹心阻尼时夹层板复单元刚度矩阵和考虑转动惯量时对角质量矩阵。

    On the basic of Reissner sandwich plate theory , this paper sets up the considering complex stiffness matrix for the damping of core material and diagonal mass matrix of sandwich plate by means of the 4-node and 8-node isoparametric elements .

  11. 着重论述了有限元法在动力稳定问题中的应用,并采用Lagrangian方程推导出单元矩阵的表达式(单元刚度矩阵、单元质量矩阵和单元几何刚度矩阵)。

    Floquet 's theory is introduced . The application of finite element method ( FEM ) to dynamic stability analysis is described emphatically . The Lagrangian equations is used to derive the necessary element matrices ( element stiffness matrix , element mass matrix and element geometric stiffness matrix ) .

  12. 一种由我们提出的,不常用的数值积分方案,即切比雪夫点积分方案(CPQ),被用来生成单元质量矩阵和刚度矩阵。

    An untraditional numerical integration scheme , i.e. , Chebyshev points quadrature ( CPQ ), is suggested by us to form the elemental mass matrix and stiffness matrix .

  13. 本文根据Hoff型夹层板弯曲理论,采用有限单元法导出了夹层板单元的刚度矩阵、质量矩阵、一致的载荷矢量和温度载荷矢量;

    This paper worked out according to Hoff type bending theory of sandwich plate , using the finite element method , the stiffness matrix , the mass matrix , the corresponding load vector and temperature load vector of sandwich plate elements .

  14. 为了消除边界反射,将ClaytonEngquist旁轴波动方程吸收边界条件引入频率域,并对有限元刚度矩阵和质量矩阵进行压缩存储,利用广义共轭梯度法求解有限元方程获得正演解。

    In order to eliminate boundary reflection , the absorbing boundary conditions of Clayton Engquist paraxial wave equation are introduced to frequency domain . The stiffness matrix and mass matrix of finite element are compressed for storing . The forward solutions are obtained by using conjugate gradient algorithm .

  15. 不同质量矩阵对桥梁自振特性的影响分析

    Influence of different quality matrix on natural vibration characteristic of bridges

  16. 薄板单元新的质量矩阵及其应用

    The New Mass Matrixes of Thin Plate of Element With Applications

  17. 具有附加质量矩阵的广义特征值问题的近似解法

    Simplified method for generalized eigenvalue problem with additional mass matrix

  18. 用对角质量矩阵时有限单元特征值问题的准确度

    Accuracy of finite element eigenproblem by using diagonal mass matrix

  19. 两种质量矩阵在梁模态分析中差异的比较

    Analysis of differences between two types of mass matrixes in beam modal analysis

  20. 文中还导出单元的一致质量矩阵,可资比较。

    For Comparison , the consistent mass matrix of circular-beam is also derived .

  21. 用振动测量数据最优修正质量矩阵

    Optimal correction of mass matrix using modal test data

  22. 质量矩阵和阻尼矩阵的处理;

    Processing the quality matrix and damping matrix ;

  23. 采用特定的数值积分公式,将其质量矩阵变为对角阵,从而有效地简化了质量矩阵的计算过程。

    The matrix is simplified to a diagonalmatrix and the numerical process is reduced .

  24. 夸克的质量矩阵与混合角

    The Mass Matrices and Mixing Angles of Quarks

  25. 厚板条的质量矩阵计入转动惯量。

    The rotational inertia is counted in the mass matrix used in the analysis .

  26. 给出了曲梁单元一致质量矩阵的形成方法,并对静力凝聚法进行了改进而提出了广义静力凝聚方法。

    Method of forming the consistent mass matrix for curved beam elements is given .

  27. 圆弧曲梁单元的质量矩阵和刚度矩阵

    The Mass and Stiffness Matrices of Circular-Beam Elements

  28. 全耦合梁单元的一致质量矩阵

    Consistent Mass Matrix for Complete Coupled Beam Elements

  29. 对变速介质模型得到了单元质量矩阵和刚度矩阵表达式。

    Expressions of mass matrices and stiffness matrices for medium with variable velocities are presented .

  30. 结构动力学特性修改的矩阵摄动方法与反问题&Ⅰ:质量矩阵摄动

    Matrix perturbation methods and inverse problem on the structure dynamics part ⅰ: mass matrix modification