
xíng tǐ
  • body;shape(of a persons body);shape;physique;form of structure;form and structure
形体 [xíng tǐ]
  • (1) [shape(of a persons body);physique;form of structure]∶身体形状

  • 生物学家们塑造了形体完整的中国猿人模型

  • 形体态度。--清. 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》

  • (2) [form and structure]∶物体的形状及其结构

  • 中、英文的形体远远不同

形体[xíng tǐ]
  1. 应用于AUTOCAD三维几何造型中的形体分析法

    Shape Analysis Applied to Three-Dimensional Model in Auto CAD

  2. 从XML文件中提取几何形体,并确定其位置关系,形成了工程图形数据仓库。

    An engineering graphic data warehouse is generated contained geometric shape data and related positional data , which are extracted from XML file .

  3. 物质形体有三种:气体、液体、固体。

    All matter has one of three forms : gas , liquid , or solid .

  4. 随后基因材料把思想形态转录到肉体性,即形体。

    The genetic material then transcribes the thought-form into physicality , as form .

  5. 犀牛的形体像牛,头呈三角形。

    The body of the rhinoceros likes a cattle and the head likes a triangle .

  6. 是灵魂在造物间旅行,投身到不同的形体中去学习、成长和进化

    It is soul that travels between creations incarnating into various forms to learn grow and evolve .

  7. 后羿抬头一看,惊讶地发现月亮上竟然出现一个和他老婆相似的形体。

    Yi looked up and was amazed to see a figure which looked like his wife appear in the moon .

  8. 书里蕴藏着全部过去时代的精魂,古昔发出的朗朗之声,而旧时的形体和物质恰如梦境一般,早已荡然无存。

    In books lies the soul of the whole Past Time ; the articulate audible voice of the Past , when the body and material substance of it has altogether vanished like a dream .

  9. 十五年中,这古园的形体被不能理解它的人肆意雕琢,幸好有些东西是任谁也不能改变它的。

    In fifteen years , people who didn 't understand this old park had wantonly altered some of its design and structure . Fortunately , there were some things that no one could change about it .

  10. 锉刀柄部六方锥形体辊锻模具型面的3D共轭造型

    Construction of Cavity Surface of Roll Forging Die for Pressing Tapered Hexahedron Parts Using 3D Conjugating Approach

  11. 本实验使用V形剖面板模拟二维楔形体。

    The 2D wedge was simulated by a V shaped plate in the experiment .

  12. 根据浓缩风能型风力发电机的形体结构,设计了由风向标、PLC可编程控制器、小型直流继电器、直流减速电动机、蜗轮蜗杆减速机等组成的闭环控制系统。

    Was designed according to the feature of structure of the concentrated wind energy turbine .

  13. 弓形体脑病的MRI表现

    MRI Appearances of Toxoplasmosis Encephalopathy

  14. 2D角色动画变形方法可以对由多个封闭区域组成的形体进行变形。

    2D Character Animation Blending can deal with shapes composed of several closed regions .

  15. 从NURBS的有理基函数形式出发,对复杂形体的设计方法进行了讨论。

    This article discusses the designing method of complex shapes with NURBS .

  16. 4提出了陶瓷摇臂的设计原则、参数化CAD建模方法和基于有限元分析的形体结构优化设计方法。

    Research continued on advancing the design principles of ceramic rocker arm together with its parametric CAD modeling and FEA-based shape optimization methods .

  17. 在237例不良孕育史妇女血清中检出弓形体IgM阳性45例,检出率为19%。

    45 cases of the IgM of toxoplasmosis was masculine , the masculine rate were 19 percent .

  18. 但有时却忽略了V、H、W三面投影所图示的空间形体,存在不确定的特殊情况。

    However , in some special cases , the uncertainty of the space configuration illustrated in V ? H ? W three-plane projection drawing is neglected .

  19. 使用Java线程技术控制三维形体的运动,准确地模拟了锻压机在锻压过程中各个部件的运动。

    Using Java thread technology to control 3D shape movements , accurately simulates the movement of the various components when the forging machine in the process of forging .

  20. 投加PAC前,好氧活性污泥比较分散疏松,每个絮体形体较小。

    Before dosing PAC , aerobic activated sludge scattered loose , and floc shape was smaller .

  21. 分析研究了金属Al在1000℃左右温度下的存在状态以及在Al2O3上浸润性等问题,讨论了Al-Al2O3两相粉末成形体的烧结性能及助烧剂、烧结气氛对材料烧结性能的影响。

    The problems of the existent state of Al at 1000 ℃ and the wettability of Al arid Al2O3 surface eto , were studied .

  22. 目的探讨用荧光定量PCR检测不明原因流产组织及血清中巨细胞病毒(CMV)和弓形体(TOX)感染。

    Objective : Detect the infection of CMV and TOX in tissue , serum of unexplained abortion by FQ-PCR .

  23. 分析表明:肾精气虚、痰瘀阻络为VD发病的基础,痰瘀蕴积、生风化火、酿生毒邪、浊毒伤络、败坏脑髓形体为VD发生发展的关键。

    Further analysis showed that Kidney Deficiency , Phlegm Obstruction and Blood Stasis in the collateral were the pathological basis .

  24. 本文着重研究Sweeping体的数学原理,合法Sweeping形体的定义法则,合法性的检验原理及离散化过程。

    The mathematical principle for sweeping solids , the valid sweeping solid defining rules , the principle of validity check and the discretization procedure are discussed .

  25. 基于VRML虚拟现实技术是一项具有广泛应用前景的计算机网络技术,VRML提供了面向对象的方法来描述三维形体,是对三维形体可视化的极好工具。

    Virtual Reality based on VRML is computer network technology that has extensive application prospect . VRML is the technology and tool of showing 3-dimension object .

  26. 利用一组平行于主轴的平面截取3D耳朵模型获得截面轮廓曲线,从而将3D形体匹配转化为2D截面曲线匹配问题。

    Utilize a group of planes which are parallel to principle axis to cut 3D ear model to get slice curves . Thus the problem of 3D shape matching turns to be the one of 2D slice curves matching .

  27. 借鉴CSG构造实体几何法表示势能场的连接,表现复杂形体的隐式曲面,实现隐式曲面的多边形化显示。

    Then the implicit surface is displayed after polygonization . The joint method is similar to CSG ( Constructive Solid Geometry ) .

  28. 实验中所使用的模型是一个与理论计算分层流体中Rankine卵形体生成的内波使用Rankine卵形体几何形状相似的。

    The model used in the experiments is a Rankine ovoid which is similar to that used in theoretical study in geometrical shape .

  29. 采用形体的Brep法读取平面曲梁三维实体图的数据面,利用坐标轴变换,创建CAD平面图。

    The CAD plane drawing of the bend sheet-beam was created through coordinate transform after reading the data face of its solid drawing adopted the frame Brep-law .

  30. ◆第三章提出了基于二维形体渐变的加权Copy-and-Paste操作。

    A weighted 2D Copy-and-Paste operation is presented in Chapter 3 , which is based on multiple 2D shapes blending .