
  • 网络material essence
  1. 波齿传动的内齿轮齿形精加工装置及其加工误差分析

    A analysis on finishing equipments and machining errors of the teeth of the annular gears in WAVESHAPE-TOOTH gear transmission

  2. 齿形零件精冲成形三维有限元模拟与工艺优化

    3D FEM Modeling of Gear Wheel Fine-blanking Forming and the Process Optimization

  3. 新构形齿轮精加工刀具半径对切齿干涉的影响

    Influence of new Gear Finishing Hob ′ s Radius upon Gear Cutting Interference

  4. 本文结合工艺实践探讨了直廊环面蜗杆切刀的设计和刃磨以及蜗杆齿形的精切工艺。

    In this article , combining with technological Practice , the design and the sharpening of the cutter for hourglass worm with straight profile , and the finishing cutting technology of worm profile are discussed .

  5. 淬硬精密丝杠的牙形精度取决于精磨。

    The accuracy of the tooth forms of the quenched precision lead-screws is decided by the precise grinding .

  6. 强调了板形是衡量高精板带的重要指标,也是铝板带生产时最重要的质量问题之一;

    Flatness of aluminum plates is an important index to judge the accuracy and is also the main quality problems in production .

  7. 对平行分度凸轮廓形常用的加工方式进行了分析,数控铣削凸轮廓形具有:加工效率高、刀具形状保持性好、加工精度高等优点,是一种理想的凸轮廓形的精加工方式。

    Processing methods of parallel indexing cam profile have been analyzed . Manufacturing cam profile with CNC milling center has many advantages , such as high efficiency , high precision and so on .