
gēn dǐ
  • foundation;basis;background
根底 [gēn dǐ]
  • (1) [foundation;basis]∶事物赖以建立的基础;事物得以成立或受到支持的根据

  • 墙上芦苇,头重脚轻根底浅

  • 他的英文根底不错

  • (2) [background]∶底细

  • 你了解这人的根底吗?

  • 追问根底

根底[gēn dǐ]
  1. 他的英文根底很好。

    He has a solid foundation in english .

  2. 学问没有根底,趣味也很难滋生。

    Interest will never develop where no solid foundation has been laid for learning .

  3. 他们决心一定要把这事的根底追出来。

    They were determined to get to the bottom of the matter .

  4. 你了解他的根底吗?

    Do you know his background ?

  5. 方法对94例以原发性慢性肾小球肾炎为根底疾病的ESRF患者和108例健康正常人进行载脂蛋白E(ApoE)基因多态性研究。

    Methods ApoE genetic polymorphism was analyzed in 94 patients with ESRF ( those patients had chronic glomerulonephritis ), and 108 normal control .

  6. 减少根底和大块率提高爆破质量

    Improvement of blasting performance through reducing residual root and clump ratio

  7. 他不得不追问事情的根底。

    He had to inquire into the cause of the matter .

  8. 再此根底上感冒,肾脏轻易受损。

    Again , the basis of kidney damage easily cold .

  9. 汤姆的全部信心直到根底都动摇了。

    Tom 's whole structure of faith was shaken to its foundations .

  10. 申请人都须有良好的电脑科学根底。

    All applicants must be well grounded in computer science .

  11. 我的科学根底要我多作细心的概括。

    My scientific background has taught me to make more cautious generalizations .

  12. 这班的文法根底很好。

    The class is well grounded in grammar .

  13. 这个原则已经成了他生活的根底。

    This principle has been woven into the warp and woof of his life .

  14. 学问要有根底,根底要打得平正坚实,以后永远受用。

    Laying a solid foundation for learning will be of great lifelong benefit to you .

  15. 真实、牢靠的管帐信息是市场有用运转的根底。

    True , reliable and effective operation of accounting information is the foundation of the market .

  16. 公主觉得我是后面来的人而不知根底么?

    Does the princess feel that I am a backward comer but don 't know basis ?

  17. 对接头进行疲劳计算,得出螺纹根底是一个高的应力集中源。

    According to the result of fatigue count , it was one high stress raiser for thread root .

  18. 我们希望从文化的根底处研究中国水彩的当代性问题。

    We hoped that studies the Chinese water color from the cultural foundation place the present age question .

  19. 露天台阶深孔爆破根底和大块的成因及解决措施

    The Cause and Solving Measure of Produced Root Bottom and Big Ore Block in Expose Step Deep Hole Blasting

  20. 文章经过在对成都市漂泊儿童的调研的根底上,对此停止了剖析讨论。

    The article in Chengdu of street children on the basis of the research , carried out this analysis .

  21. 该书体现了作者丰富的艺术实践、深厚的理论根底和严密的逻辑思维。

    The book embodies its author 's enriched experience in aesthetic practice , profound theoretical knowledge and meticulous logical thinking .

  22. 显然,单纯的经济主义、实证主义和功利主义都难以触动生存危机的根底。

    Evidently , pure economism , positivism and utilitarianism are all hard to touch the bottom of the crisis of existence .

  23. 其根本目的是,索取灵敏和创新的研讨生能够处理古代工程的新题目的一个打好根底本迷信业的时机。

    Its basic aim is the preparation of flexible and innovative graduates who can address the novel problems of modern engineering .

  24. 于古音、古训考究淹通是黄生的学术根底之所在。

    Huang 's academic foundation is reflected in the investigation of the ancient sounds and old sayings to achieve profound mastery .

  25. 欣赏、信任、了解、宽容是婚姻的根底,更是维系婚姻的肉体纽带和链条。

    Appreciation , understanding , trust , tolerance is the basis of marriage , marriage is a spiritual link and chain .

  26. 黄生训诂成就的取得,与其所运用的训诂方法和治学精神及其学术根底密切相关。

    Huang 's exegetical achievements are directly bound up with his exegetical methods , his scholarly spirit and his academic foundation .

  27. 我计划在这里只给出这些力的数学概念,未考虑它们的物理原因和根底。

    I here design only to give a mathematical notion of these forces , without considering their physical causes and seats .

  28. 文化经典,是在文化起源和发展过程中形成的具有根底作用的最重要的文本。

    The cultural classics are the basic and the most important text in the process of origin and development of the culture .

  29. 就是告诫我们不要做那嘴尖皮厚腹中空的山间竹笋和头重脚轻根底浅的墙上芦苇。

    Is telling us not to do that sharp-tongued thick-skinned belly of an empty mountain bamboo shoots and top-heavy wall of bedrock shallow reed .

  30. 在20世纪中国知识者中,鲁迅是最早敏锐地把握到了现代西方哲学根底的人。

    In the 20th century China knowledge persons , Lu Xun is arrive modern western philosophy people of foundation to hold sharp early most .