
  • 网络Roots;root vegetable
  1. 研究人员将结果发表在《美国医学会期刊》上,他们发现,不管是从蔬果摄取的总量来看,或是从叶菜类或根菜类等特定蔬菜的摄取来看,都与乳癌的罹患率无关。

    The researchers , publishing in the Journal of the American Medical association , found no difference in breast cancer rates based on total consumption of fruits and vegetables or on intake of specific vegetable groups , such as leafy greens or roots .

  2. 根菜类食品脱水干缩现象量化研究

    Quantification study on the shrinkage of root vegetable in dehydration

  3. 扯根菜(PenthorumchinensePursh)是一种对人类、大鼠等高等脊椎动物具有保肝作用的中草药,但在鱼类是否存在同样的药理作用,还尚无报道。

    Penthorum chinense Pursh was proved has the hepatoprotective effect for human , rat and other vertebrates . However , weather it has the same pharmacological effects in fish , has not been reported .

  4. 目的:研究扯根菜的水溶性化学成分。

    Objective : To study the chemical constituents of Penthorum chinense .

  5. 根菜类蔬菜肉质根形成生理研究进展

    Advance of physiology of tap root formation of root vegetables

  6. 根菜类营养丰富,含有丰富的纤维质。

    Root vegetables have plenty of nutrients and dietary fiber .

  7. 根菜也保存在盐水后,他们被蒸。

    Root vegetables were also preserved in brine after they had been parboiled .

  8. 该中心的进程木薯,根菜,分为基本食品。

    The centers process cassava , a root vegetable , into basic food products .

  9. 扯根菜黄化苗转绿过程中4种生理指标的动态变化

    Dynamic Change of 4 Physiological Indexes in Yellowing Seedlings of Penthorum chinense during Green-turning Process

  10. 模式二:白菜或根菜类蔬菜为前茬,复种西芹;

    Model 2 : cabbage or root vegetables were cultured for fore crop , multiple cropping celery ;

  11. 扯根菜浸膏对TGF-β1肝星状细胞胞内信号转导通路的影响

    Effects of Penthorum chinense Pursh extractum on TGF - β 1 activated signal transduction within hepatic stellate cells

  12. 研究提出果菜、叶菜、根菜作物无公害蔬菜氮磷钾诊断施肥技术。

    NPK fertilization and diagnosis techniques for non-polluted fruit , leaf and root vegetable species were presented in the first time .

  13. 价格水平:茄果类、食用菌、豆类以及小体积瓜类蔬菜价格较高,叶菜及常见根菜,价格水平较低。

    Price level : Solanaceous fruits , mushrooms , legumes and small-size melons has higher price level while leafy and common root vegetables has lower price level .

  14. 还有其它要收获的,但大多以菜园为中心,晚熟的甜玉米,西红柿,还有根菜。

    There 's still harvesting to be done , but much of it now centers on the Kitchen , the late sweet corn , the tomatoes , the root vegetables .

  15. 方法:通过观察小鼠翻正反射消失情况以及分析血液中乙醇含量,研究扯根菜不同剂量组对小鼠的醉酒时间、耐受时间及对血中乙醇的消除情况。

    To investigate Penthorum Chinese Pursh for dispelling effects of alcohol in mice , the disappearing status of righting reflex was recorded and the concentration of ethanol in blood was measured .

  16. 茄果类蔬菜钾的保留因子大于90%,经焯后叶菜、根菜类低于60%,其它蔬菜在60%~90%之间。

    Potassium RF in cucurbitaceous vegetables were more than 90 % ; less than 60 % in root and leafy vegetables for boiling ; and 60 % - 90 % for other cooked vegetables .

  17. 蔬菜受不同程度硝酸盐污染,以根菜类污染最严重,其次是白菜类和绿叶菜类,轻中度污染的是葱蒜类、甘蓝类和豆类蔬菜;

    The root vegetables were the worst , and the cabbage and green leaf vegetables were worse than other vegetables , and the onion garlic , kale and Legume vegetables were polluted by nitrate .

  18. 结果:根菜类、鲜豆类、薯类、茄果类蔬菜炒后钙保留因子多在80%以上,叶菜炒后在60%~80%之间;

    Results : Calcium RF in root vegetables and legumes were mostly more than 80 % for frying , 60 % - 80 % in leafy vegetables , and less for boiling than other cooking methods .

  19. 一般来讲,叶菜类和根菜类蔬菜积累的硝酸盐高于茄果类蔬菜.本文通过田间试验,探讨了氮素化肥不同施量对6种绿叶菜及根茎菜体内硝酸盐积累量的影响。

    Generally , the content of nitrate in leafy and root vegetables is higher than that in eggplants . This paper deals with the effect of application of N fertilizer on the accumulation of nitrate in 6 green and root vegetables in vivo .

  20. 波动形态:蔬菜价格的波动形态,年际差异大,区域差异小;茄果类、叶菜类以及根菜类蔬菜品种内波动形态相似,瓜菜、葱蒜类、薯芋类蔬菜内部差异较大。

    Fluctuation form : The difference of fluctuations form is small in different years but large in different regions . The solanaceous fruits , leafy and root vegetables prices fluctuate similarly in inner-variety while melon , scallion and tuber taro vegetables prices perform larger differences in inner-variety . 3 .

  21. 豆腐柴根提取物对角叉菜致大鼠足跖肿胀的影响

    Effect of Premna Microphylla Turcz Root Extration on the Swelling of the Paw in Rats with Carrageenan

  22. 我也点了海鲈,再加了一份梨/甜菜根沙拉作为开胃菜。

    I , too , choose sea bass , with a pear and beetroot salad as a starter .