
  • 网络root;root note;fundamental tone
  1. 史蒂夫和娜奥米用音乐代码行、节拍、音程说话,从根音开始,以新的调子结束曲子。

    Steve and Naomi spoke in musical code lines , beats , intervals , moving from the root to end a song in a new key .

  2. 同理,加小三度的根音,其上加一个纯五度。

    This is the same as a root with a minor third and a perfect fifth added above it .

  3. 通常演奏者在根音上把它看作与标调一样。

    Often the key will be considered by the players as if played in standard tuning .

  4. 大三和弦是包含加大三度的根音在内的三音和弦,其上加一个小三度。

    The major triad pattern is a pattern of three notes consisting of a root or fundamental with a major third added above it , and a minor third added above that .