
  • radical treatment
  1. 肿瘤的综合治疗,以往过分注重疾病本身,强调彻底杀灭肿瘤的根治性疗法,必然会导致过度治疗。

    Due to pay more attention to the disease and kill carcinoma cell thoroughly , the combined therapy of cancer used to over kill .

  2. 背景经潜在的根治性疗法后,筛选出那些肝癌患者会有最高风险的复发是非常困难的。

    Background It is a challenge to identify patients who , after undergoing potentially curative treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma , are at greatest risk for recurrence .

  3. 医生可以治疗猫过敏的症状,但迄今为止还没有根治这种过敏的疗法。

    Doctors can treat the symptoms of cat allergies , but so far no cure is available .